attacks by wild animals to humans from
zoologists now speak of a serious problem: the attacks by wild animals are often so aggressive and dangerous as never. Bears, elephants, tigers, lions, Wolves, sharks, crocodiles and above all - many animals do not react more appropriately. Man underestimated stress, intelligence and memory of the creatures.
Source: ~ / cat-killer-from-Krefeld.jpg
There is absolutely nothing that could bring the two children to sleep ever again in a house. Especially not in the house of her parents in a village in Bushmanland, Namibia. Tonight, they will remain on the tree, and tomorrow night, the day and every night as the rest of their lives. The Mother scolds, begs, threatens, begs. It does not help. Not after what happened. Not after that night when the elephants came out of the woods - and have taken the father. The children hear the rumble, still see the dark colossus, who appears suddenly in the doorway. The father wants him to scare. This is the moment when the elephant accesses with him in the forest and kill him. Tell such parent and child is the English newspaper the Daily Telegraph.
elephants were not always so. But in recent years has changed in their relationship to man something fundamental. Not only among them - the attacks by wild animals are so often so aggressive and dangerous than ever. The kind-hearted pachyderm, the Jumbo is, the cute bear called Winnie and now to the white teddy bear by her first name Knut - long it seemed that the most dangerous representative of zoology were about to move to paradise, where no creature of the other, the smallest hair curls. The humanized children's toy animal and share perspectives zoologists now receive some shocking findings of the wild.
"The incidents of clash humans and animals take to the last ten years," said Gay Bradshaw, the California scientist. The researcher is primarily with the rise in violence apart between elephants and humans. She has one of the earlier editions of "Nature" the article "Elephant Breakdown," published in German: the collapse of the elephants. "Respond to the animals are not humanely," she says, "Elephants are vegetarians, they have no reason to kill people." Bradshaw's theory that man has destroyed by hunting, killing and the robbery of the habitat of the social structure of elephants, now takes revenge the ". The animals have understood that they have only one enemy - man"
Not only elephants react more aggressively to people: Authorities in the U.S. Canada and much more concerned attacks by mountain lions, foxes, wolves register to humans. Romania and Colombia have more attacks by bears. From Sierra Leone and Uganda are reports of chimpanzees, people seriously injured and killed - despite the fact that our closest biological relatives' almost never attack people, "as writes New Scientist. And the Los Angeles Times reports that the world twice since 2000 have been so many fatal shark attacks in the last 50 years of the 20th Century. A similar trend observed in the Australian Scoresby Shepherd. The biologist pointed out that areas are known for three or four shark attacks in ten years, have now hit at least once a year.
course, the zoologists know that this is, statistically speaking, is about individual cases - for which there are different reasons in each case. In science, there is no category, kill all the animals, people, are summarized. In zoological classification system connects the polar bears do with the crocodile, the elephant do with the Tigers, the reticulated python anything with the white shark. Yet scientists accept the abuses become so serious that they have introduced their own statistical category: HAC - Human-Animal Conflict.
Die meisten Berichte über tödliche Übergriffe aus der Tierwelt beginnen so: Das Soundso frisst keine Menschen. Wenn es trotzdem einen frisst, dann aus Versehen. Ein unglücklicher Zufall, der dem Grizzly auf dem Weg zur Mülltonne den verschlafenen Camper in die Quere schickt, der den Surfer in den Augen des Hais wie eine Robbe aussehen lässt oder den gebückten Bauern wie ein hilfloses Huftier in den Augen des Tigers.
Tiere wissen genau, mit wem sie es zu tun haben
Der renommierte Ethnologe Marc Bekoff, University of Colorado, behauptet das nicht. „Über Jahrhunderte haben wir geglaubt, Tiere sind nicht viel mehr als gefühlsarme, unreflektierende and instinct-driven machine, "says Bekoff," this view is stupid, dangerous, and so we make ourselves too easily. The longer we are dealing with animals, no matter what species they belong, the more astonished we are there. They act emotionally and have a good memory, be it observed by conspecifics, predators, prey, injury or just stress about. "
Bekoff for 30 years coyotes, foxes, crows and elephants. Man as the crown of evolution, as top of the food chain - this picture is a leftover from Bekoff Darwin's time, which has long been obsolete.
"If our brains over millions of years of time produced a rich, emotional feeling life, then why not the animals? "According Bekoff scientists should not discuss more about whether animals have feelings, but on how and what they feel. Show the Results of laboratory researchers: From Neurobiology her emotions which are similar to the people. They arise in the same brain areas, and often they are associated with nearly identical hormones. "
that many animals are in the disciplines of intelligence, memory and emotional feelings can Vorturner something is nothing new for zoologists. British neurologists have found that sheep as an excellent have memory for faces. To save them to have a lamb at least 50 faces of other species - and find them in the herd, even if they lived apart for years. John Webster, professor of agriculture at the University of Bristol, found that the animals have in their lives four or five best friends - as well as enemies, which react against them angry and resistant. Behavior that every farmer knows well from his cows or horses.
behavior is misinterpreted
However, many researchers such as Paul McDonald, who warn that our near and distant relatives zoological allzu sehr zu vermenschlichen: „Wir neigen sehr schnell dazu, tierische Verhaltensmuster völlig falsch zu interpretieren. Ein starker Antrieb vieler Kreaturen ist die Rangordnung. Missachtet ein Mensch diese, reagieren viele Tiere aggressiv.“
Auch an den menschenfressenden Räubern im Tierreich gibt es wenig zu romantisieren. In seinem Buch „Das Lächeln des Tigers“ fasst der Wissenschaftsjournalist David Quammen die großen Raubtiere wie Tiger, Löwe, Hai und Krokodil als Alpha- und Gipfelräuber zusammen. Alpha, weil diese Kreaturen groß und gefräßig sind – und wir Menschen eben schon lange vergessen haben, dass wir im letzten Millennium kaum mehr waren als „eine andere and readily available varieties of meat. " Summit, because the large predators are still at the top of the food pyramid. Just because they are on the top, they need a huge area to collect prey - and they are sensitive to loss of space.
most successful currently secures the crocodile's waters - and also calls for the most casualties, which researched the BBC journalist Steve Leonard. In particular, the Australian saltwater crocodile excels in the statistics. Trade bans rescued the reptile, which it was tremendous to 1973 to the leather. In Australia there was virtually exterminated by hunting.
has now recovered the stock, there are so many animals as long no more. These help breeding programs: in Australian crocodile farms, the eggs are incubated artificially and released today a part of the young animals then in the wilderness. The species is still protected as strictly - although her more and more tourists come in the throat. "Some people may say, ah, crocodiles, but are not so bad. But they are bad, "writes Quammen. To this end he quotes Job: "Can you pull the crocodile on the hook? It begs for mercy you great? Judge it tender words to you "is the answer: no.
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