giant growth, or gigantism Hypersomie usually referred to a distinct, proportioned tallness of the people, the ICD-10 into a constitutional gigantism ( E34.4) and pituitary gigantism (E22.0 split) is. The latter is characterized by an increased production of somatotropin (growth hormone) during the Growth phase due.
riesenwüchsig people are considered in the top percentile of body size. This Perzentilangaben refer to the statistical size distribution curve of people the same age, sex and ethnic origin. Gigantism also occurs with useful and ornamental plants and is due to polyploidy.
the sole gigantism of Körperendteile (extremities) is called acromegaly, the opposite of Hypersomie, a too low growth, with Nanosomie (dwarfism), microsomia (dwarfism) or (general) Hyposomie (stunting).
list of the greatest people
The list contains the greatest people person, a size of 240 centimeters or more had or currently have. The above-average size can have genetic characteristics, brain surgery or other triggers as the cause. Medically we speak from a size of 230 centimeters from gigantism. In another list are known, the size of the press and literature is part of 240 centimeters or more specified, but this is not clearly established. be on the individual person, besides the size the country and the survival data given and made further remarks. There
Among the individuals in the literature partially different information. This may be because that person is larger for commercial reasons make such as when it occurs in the circus or in shows, or is in the fact that some of these people are still growing and so older measurements are out of date. In advancing age, a person, or the curvature of the spine caused by compression of the vertebrae, even smaller. were of the large number of false measurements only the persons included in the list whose size is relatively reliably documented. This can especially by measurements done in medical facilities or by the Guinness Book of Records, for which the person several times a day is measured and an average is formed. There are most people only have access when their size is established beyond doubt.
* Size (cm): Name the size in centimeters. It may have been standing, measured if necessary, taking into account a possible curvature of the spine. Whichever is the largest calculated measures in a lifetime.
* Names: Names the name the person. Italics are called other names or nicknames.
* Country: Name the country of origin of the person. It is presented the national flag and called the three-letter ISO-3166-1 code. *
life data: Name of birth and death year.
* Note: Includes comments on the person. These may belong to the life or the source material to size. *
persons whose details are highlighted in gray, were documented and medically reliable measure.
size (cm) | Name | country | life data | Note |
272 [1] | Robert Wadlow The Alton Giant | | 1918-1940 | biggest man in the history of medicine, whose body size is clearly documented. [2] He was measured 18 days before his death at the Faculty of Washington University in St. Louis . At his death he weighed 199 kg, on his 21st Birthday 223 kg. At ten, he was tall as 200 centimeters und 100 Kilogramm schwer. Sein enormes Wachstum wurde durch ein Hypophysenadenom ausgelöst, das große Mengen an Wachstumshormonen ausschüttete. |
264 [3] | John F. Carroll The Buffalo Giant | | 1932–1969 | Sein enormes Wachstum begann mit dem 16. Lebensjahr und konnte 1959 durch Behandlungen in einem Krankenhaus gestoppt werden. Messungen im Stehen ergaben 1959 244 Zentimeter. Er litt an schwerer Wirbelsäulenverkrümmung. Die Gesamtgröße bezieht be adopted on a spine curvature. Later measurements were standing 239 centimeters. 1968 was the size of 234 centimeters. |
264 [4] | John William Rogan also Willie Bud Rogan | | 1871-1905 | Rogan was African Americans and could result of joint stiffness and bone adhesion are not the knees and hips. Measurements were performed while sitting. According to other statements, he was 259 or 269 centimeters tall. His weight was only 79 kilograms. His enormous growth began at the age of 13. |
259 [5] | Leonid Stadnyk | | 1971 - | Galt of 7 August 2007 to 17 September 2009 as the greatest living human being. [6] [7] He lived retired for years and avoided contact with the press, who wanted to publicize its size. However, since the former method was questioned - found it to average the size of only two instead of three measurements in one day statt – und er sich nicht erneut vermessen lassen wollte, ging der Rekord im Jahre 2009 an Sultan Kösen mit 247 Zentimeter. |
255 [8] | Trijntje Keever The Big Girl | | 1616–1633 | Die Tochter des Bürgermeisters ihres Heimatortes war die größte Frau in der Geschichte mit nachgewiesener Größe. Sie starb bereits mit 17 Jahren. Sie wird auch mit 260 Zentimeter Größe angegeben. |
251 [9] | Vikas Uppal Vicky | | 1986-2007 | was given as 18-year-old with 251 cm size with a weight of 195 kilograms. At this time, he was still growing. His death in 2007 was the result of a failed brain tumor surgery. By the age of five began the above-average growth. It is also indicated with 239, 242 and 268 cm size and 202 kilograms in weight. |
251 [10] | Kenyan giant | | ? | If the Guinness Book of Records of 1962 out with this size. |
249 [11] | Ajaz Ahmed | | 1976 - | was a few years ago reported with 256 cm size and 130 kilograms in weight. Ahmed got to be 236 centimeters in size to the claim, the greatest living man a few years ago. Its size never been confirmed medically accurate or the Guinness Book of Records. Biggest person was then a person with a confirmed size of 236 centimeters in size, from 2007 it was Stadnyk with 257 centimeters. Ahmed is also indicated with 231, 254 and 256 centimeters. |
249 [12] | Bernard Coyne The Cherokee Giant | | 1897-1921 | It was 1918, with a size 236 cm not eligible for military service. As in Coyne Jahre 1921 verstarb, befand er sich noch im Wachstum. Zum Zeitpunkt seines Todes war er der größte Mensch weltweit. |
249 [13] | Donald Don Köhler | | 1925–1981 | Das überdurchschnittliche Wachstum begann ab dem zehnten Lebensjahr. Seine Größe wurde, bedingt durch eine Rückgratverkrümmung, in späteren Jahren auf 238 Zentimeter reduziert. Er galt von 1969 bis zu seinem Tode 1981 als größter lebender Mensch. Er hatte eine Zwillingsschwester mit 175 Zentimeter Size. This difference is in the Guinness Book of World Records the largest in twins |
248 [14] | Zeng Jinlian | | 1964-1982 | She was the tallest woman in the history of medicine. She could not stand upright because of a spinal curvature. At 13, she was already 213 cm tall. At the age of four months, began the above-average growth. She was living from 1981 until her death in 1982, when she was 17 years old, as the largest man. |
248 [15] | Christoffel Münster | | 1632-1676 | Is in the Guinness Book of Records. Was aged 16 years 224 centimeters tall. The Gänsehirt was appointed by Duke Christian Ludwig of Hanover to his bodyguard. |
247 [16] | Sultan Kösen | | 1982 - | It weighs about 155 kilograms. In 2006 he applied for Recognition as the greatest living man in the Guinness Book of Records. At this time it was bigger with the officially measured 242 centimeters six inches than the previously recognized as the largest man Bao Xishun. In February 2009 he was the Guinness Book of World Records and is officially measured since the publication of the book in 2010 as the greatest living human being. [17] |
247 [18] | Väinö Myllyrinne | | 1909-1963 | At 21, he was 222 centimeters tall, begann später nochmals zu wachsen. Die anerkannte Größe war 247 Zentimeter, in den 30er Jahren war er angeblich sogar 251 Zentimeter groß. Er galt von 1940 bis zu seinem Tod 1963 als größter Mensch der Welt. |
246 [19] | Patrick Cotter O'Brien Bristol Giant , Irish Giant | | 1760–1806 | Die Größenangabe wurde 1975 aufgrund erneuter Knochenmessungen korrigiert. Cotter war zu seiner Zeit der größte Mensch und wurde erst fast 100 Jahre surpassed later by John William Rogan. |
246 [20] | Julius Koch Le Geant Constantin | | 1872-1902 | His legs had to be amputated because of gangrene. The size specification is from the period just before the amputation. He played in 1902 in the short film, The Giant Constantin with. Its skeleton is on display at the Museum of Natural History in Mons. |
246 [21] | Zhao Liang | | 1982?– | Seine Größe wurde von einem Krankenhaus, indem er wegen einer alten Sportverletzung vorstellig geworden war, bestätigt. Sein Gewicht beträgt etwa 155 Kilogramm. Er überlegt noch, ob er seine Größe im Guinness-Buch der Rekorde publizieren lassen möchte. |
246 [22] | Gabriel Estêvão Monjane | | 1944–1990 | Mit 16 Jahren war er 226 Zentimeter und mit 21 Jahren 239 Zentimeter groß. 1987 wurde er offiziell mit 246 Zentimeter gemessen. Er schloss sich einem portugiesischen Zirkus an, wo er nicht mehr anthropomorphisch untersucht wurde. Der Zirkus pries ihn als 265 Zentimeter großen Riesen an. Von 1988 bis zu seinem Tod 1990 stand er als größter lebender Mensch im Guinness-Buch der Rekorde. |
245 [23] | Suleiman Ali Nashnush | | 1943–1991 | Ehemaliger größter Basketballspieler. Er wurde 1960 in Rom erfolgreich operiert, um sein Wachstum zu stoppen. Von 1990 bis zu seinem Tod 1991 stand er als größter living person in the Guinness Book of Records. |
244 [24] | The long Anton | | to 1618-1648 | The long Anton was a soldier in the time of Thirty Years' War in the bodyguard of the commander Protestant Christian von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel . Its skeleton is found today in the Museum anatomicum in Marburg. |
244 [25] | Aurangzeb Khan | | 1962 - | Its size has not been officially confirmed. Khan rose in 2000 entitled to the greatest living human being what he would be at a size of more than 238 centimeters been. Largest man was, however, someone with 236 cm size. It is also indicated by 229 centimeters size. |
244 [26] | Mounir Fourar | | 1972 - | He was as he was about 20 years old, measured in a hospital with 244 cm size, but is also known as 234 centimeters. Fourar rose in 2003 publicly claim to be the greatest living person in the world, which would have applied at a size of more than 238 centimeters also. As the largest man was then someone recognized, however, with 236 centimeters size. |
243 [10] | Musutaman | | 1962-1996 | He is the Guinness Book of Records with this size out. |
242 [27] | Zhang Juncai | | 1966 - | Its size was confirmed in a television broadcast in May 2006. He was here (large 236 cm) together with the previously recognized as the greatest living man, Bao Xishun, is measured. At 16 he was 180 centimeters tall with 20 already 210 centimeters. In 1998, he was measured at 237 centimeters size. At 18, he stood in the Beijing basketball selection. [28] He is considered greatest living man in Asia. |
242 [29] | Suparwono The Giant of Lampung | | 1985 - | |
241 [30] | Felipe Birriel El Gigante de Carolina | | 1916-1994 | Birriel was 77 years, the oldest man, who was over 240 centimeters tall. started from his 16th birthday it to grow strong. |
241 [31] | Alexander Sizonenko | | 1959 - | War to 1986, one of the best Russian basketball player with twelve internationals. Its size in 1998 standing, because jolted vertebrae measured at 230 centimeters and 240 centimeters horizontally. Already in the first grade he was a head taller than all the other children. There are also sizes of 240 and 239 centimeters. |
241 [32] | Tibetan giant | | ? -1943 | War candidate in 1941 as a bodyguard for the Dalai Lama . |
240 [10] | Sa'id Muhammad Ghazi | | 1909-1941 | If the Guinness Book of Records made with this size. |
240 [10] | Abdul Houl | | 1872–1892 | Wird vom Guinness-Buch der Rekorde mit dieser Größe geführt. |
240 [33] | Mexikanischer Riese | | ?–1899 | Wird vom Guinness-Buch der Rekorde mit dieser Größe geführt. |
240 [34] | Walter Straub | | 1925–1986 | size, according to press release dated 24 February 1960. |
240 [35] | Barth shaving giant | | ? | In Umbettungsarbeiten in a cemetery was the ophthalmologist Joseph Barth 1783 the bones of a Turkish soldier. The bones were close to a size of about 235-244 centimeters. |
240 [36] | Huang Chiu Chang | | 1968 - | appeared together on a television program with Zhang Juncai (242 centimeters) and Kang Jianhua (223 centimeters) on. He was for a time as the greatest living man in Asia. |
Source: C3% B6% C3% 9Ften_Personen
See also: http://de.wikipedia .org / wiki / Giant
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