I came back from a walk with the dog and was on his way from the street up to my house down. At a certain point are stopped Hemul and snorkeled with his nose in the rain and the snow melt still wet field beside the road. Gently, he finally reached his teeth into the mud and pulled out something. "A dead Ratz," I thought at first, but when the alleged Hemul the rat on the grassy strip down next to the field had Ratz was found to be the fish.

this, I must say that is close, right next to my house, a fish pond. But that is a good 50 meters from where the fish is removed, the locality is also about 10 m higher than the pond. So what, I thought, does not create even a flying fish which it is in Bavaria but not always.
The most obvious theory that it was the fish in the wild, headless (!) Escape from an otter jumped out of the pond, only to die here, I also rejected after a moment's thought, for Otter's is not here.
What remains? There remains the consideration that have emerged due to rain and snow melt, the rivers overflow their banks and have formed small ponds in the meadows. After the end of the flood experience, are always some fish back in the meadows, which have not got it in time that the spontaneous pond is closed due to weather conditions again. Dogs, cats, foxes or birds of prey have any easy job and food in abundance. Possible that one of these animals has grabbed the fish and had to eat the head due to over saturation tired of fish.
But maybe has Sherlock Holmes, if he is from Niedernußdorf which is a better idea and then smoked from the Satanists-nest in Aldersbach.
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