Saturday, January 1, 2011

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Erdstall in the northeastern foothills of the Alps as a medieval man-made underground, not, walled-speed system is called. "Erdstall" a "place under the earth" means or "earth-tunnel" and has a separate building to house the pets (Viehstall) nichts gemein.


Der Volksmund nennt die Anlagen „unterirdische Gänge“ oder einfach „Geheimgänge“. Vor allem in Bayern ist die Bezeichnung „Schrazelloch“ verbreitet, da sie dem Volksglauben nach von Zwergen (Schranzen, Schrazel) gegraben wurden.


Die Gänge sind meist winkelig angeordnet, bis zu 60 cm breit und nur 1,0 bis 1,4 m hoch. In vielen Erdställen gibt es auch sogenannte Lampennischen sowie zumeist endständige kammerartige Erweiterungen und Sitznischen. Engstellen, die nur kriechend passiert werden can be described as a "slip".


was made to systematize a rough categorization of Erdstallforschern of the most common types.

* Type A

The type (A) has a longer slip through and main course with side aisles.

* Type B

The type (B) spans multiple floors connected by vertical shelters together. Even a locked with a dry wall Bauhilfsschacht is found. At the end of the corridor, there are booths or a room extension with a bench.

* Type C

The type (C) has generally horizontal shelters and at the end or middle of a tour in whose area the course allows a more upright inspection.

* Type D

The type (D) has chambers that are connected by walkways. The constrictions between are invested primarily horizontal. There

Horizontal slip

Erdställe it in England (700), Upper Austria, Lower Austria, and sporadically in Styria and Burgenland. Similar systems are known in Saxony-Anhalt, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. The geographical distribution of Erdställe depends, among others, together with geological conditions. The soil must be sufficiently strong and easy to machine. Any such conditions offers some of the Loess, Schlieren, clay, sand, stone, or the so-called Flins (weathered granite). In solid rock or loose gravel Erdställe are not available. Underground objects in a similar design but different time position, and probably other functions can be found in Britain (especially Scotland), Ireland, Spain and France, where they are referred to as the basement, Weem, Fogou or Earth House.

There are also legends of underground tunnels, the one place A to a few kilometers away Location B should connect. There Erdställe this length it is not. Existing duct systems are rarely longer than 50 meters. Kernel of truth behind such legends is often that exists in both places a Erdstall.

Erdställe in Lower Austria

* Nonndorf (Raabs an der Thaya): Very beautiful and well preserved Erdstall to walk beneath a farm. * Small
Zwettl: Erdstall to walk beneath a fortified church.
* Ruppersthal: Erdställe on several properties of the place.
* Mr. Baumgarten: Several houses have Erdstall.
* Gaweinstal: In a basement excavation randomly found Erdstall.
* Thaya: In a mansion of the deserted village Hard

Erdställe in Upper Austria

* Erdstall Ratgöbluckn in Perg

Erdställe in Baden-Württemberg

* Erdstall of Red Lake

Erdställe in Bavaria

* Erdstall of Zwiesel : Can be visited on guided tours

time position at the end of transition Erdställen are often found niches and benches.

The Erdställe were during the clearing and settlement period established in the High Middle Ages. They are about 800 to 1,000 years old. On the basis of findings can be determined when Erdställe were built and used.


A charcoal discovery from a Bauhilfsschacht Erdstalls in Bad Zell (Austria) was dated by radiocarbon dating to the period between 1030 and 1210. Since Bauhilfsschächte were created only for the establishment of a Erdstalls and were filled as soon as the Erdstall was completed, it can be assumed that the Erdstall has been built in this period.


allow Erdställen also finds in a statement as to when the courses were visited by people.

* charcoal from the village Erdstall of grains, which was dated by radiocarbon method yielded a date of 950 to 1050
* The 14C dating of samples from the Erdstall of Kühried in Bavaria showed a date of 950 to 1160th

In a Erdstall Pregarten in the district free city found itself at the end of a hallway, a wooden stool, a fireplace and ceramic. It is to be fragments of vessels with soil characters from the period around 1100 In a Erdstall in the town of St. Agatha in the district Grieskirchen were found pottery fragments of vessels of the 12th Century.

written reference

The first written mention of the trademark "Erdstall" dates from 1449 In the reign Urbar Asparn an der Zaya a subject called Methler Hündle is mentioned, has to pay for the large yoke 3 ½ acres "on the erdstelln" six penny to the rule. A subject called Tumeregker must pay for his three yoke of big box on the erdstelln "also six penny of tax.


The purpose of the Erdställe is unclear. There are two theses, which are opposite one another. The places of thesis assumes that it is symbolic to Erdställen empty graves. Such tombs are empty have been dug by medieval settlers at the new home to the souls of their ancestors to create a new, symbolic grave because they had to leave behind the old graves before the old settlement areas.

This assumption contrasts with the refuge hypothesis. According to this thesis Erdställe were designed as hiding places where vulnerable people could disappear in such attacks "as if the earth swallowed". The main arguments for and against the respective theses should be listed here.

died in 2007, local historian Anton Haschner from the market in the Indian village suspected Erdställen temporary Abode of the souls of the dead where they would "wait" until Judgement spend Court. The survivors wanted to avoid the fact that the deceased could spread fear and terror among the people. Only with the discovery of the theological idea of Purgatory end of the 11th Century belonged to the people to build on Erställe as the souls now safe "custody" at a place beyond thought.

arguments for the places of worship thesis

Erdställe Some have construction elements that are reminiscent of religious buildings, such as arches, are found in some corridors and chambers. The construction element the tour at the end of some Erdstall systems can be no practical use to write.

arguments against places of worship thesis

the foothills of the Alps, occur where the Erdställe was mainly up to the conquered in 814 by Charlemagne, and in the process, the population was completely Christianized. It's nearly inconceivable that the time of the establishment of the Erdstallanlagen in this area, more than 200 years and several generations later, the settlers were said to be still a pagan rite arrested. The pagan idea of symbolic empty graves for deceased ancestors emerge in relation to the Christian Faith does not make sense, because this assumes that the souls of the ancestors in the sky.

arguments for the sanctuaries thesis

Erdställe Many have building elements which can be explained only if an interpretation makes sense as a refuge, such as locking devices that can be operated only from the inside. Also niches, benches and air holes in Erdställen have to use even by people.

Erdställe The typical skin-tight shelters achieve effective protection against intruders. The narrow and winding passages forcing invaders to move individually and in crawling position. When Go through the constriction is an intruder in his freedom of movement is significantly restricted and can not use his hands to his defense. Thus, intruders delivered a defender helpless and can even be overwhelmed by a much weaker opponent. The narrow and easily camouflaged entrances to prove the secrecy of the system.

case of possible cases of Erdstall rapid disappearance and hiding. Erdställe, which are directly related to medieval fortifications and major part of the weir are speaking also for the refuge hypothesis. Examples of such Erdstallanlagen can be found at the mountain of Gaiselberg or Großriedenthal (Lower Austria), or the fortified church of small Zwettl (Lower Austria, the district of Waidhofen an der Thaya). From this fortified church from a 52 meter long tunnel system is accessible.

Although not from the time of its establishment, there are certainly plenty of evidence that at least Erdställe were later used again and again as a refuge for plants and are quite suitable.

Erdställe that are suitable for a short stay, has been proven empirically. Three people were in an experiment easily survive 48 hours in a Erdstall.

arguments against the sanctuaries thesis

stay in Erdställen is uncomfortable in the chambers, an adult does not usually stand upright. Restricted freedom of movement, cold and moisture are a significant burden dar.

Erdställe are only suitable for a short stay, because the essential food must be taken. In Erdstallanlagen also lacks the means to dispose of feces. This can best be buried.

sick, old and fat people or pregnant women can not pass through the narrow hiding places.

The ruling in Erdställen low temperature can be from lack of oxygen and smoke does not increase by a fire. If looters

the entrance to a Erdstall have discovered they can smoke out people fill up the Erdstall or what would have been for the Erdstall trapped in the suffocating result.


As a pioneer of Erdstallforschung is the Benedictine Father Lambert Karner (Göttweig). He studied from 1879 to 1903 numerous Erdställe and published his findings in the book "Artificial caves of old." Karner cites his work in a number of arguments against the escape theory.

The local historian Franz Xaver Kiessling dealt specifically with the Erdställen of the forest district (North Western Lower Austria).

In Bavaria, Karl Fischer Black put down 1950/60 extensively with Erdställen apart and founded in 1973, the Working Group for Erdstallforschung. From him went out through his research, publications and a wide publicity as many stimuli. He is considered the pioneer of the still active Erdstallforschung in Germany. Karl Fischer Black died in September 2001. The working group for Erdstallforschung in Roding (Bayern), published since 1975 in its annual notebook "The Erdstall" current research findings.


See also: -forschung/erdstall-gangsystem-bodendenkmal-ID1286353301517.xml


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