Es gibt Lehrer, die sich bei der Vermittlung von Inhalten Mühe geben und es gibt welche, die das nicht tun.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Make Chocolate Ciagrellos
Send me ear sand, Slurry-Man!
Es gibt ja Verrückte - sie selbst nennen sich Linguisten - welche behaupten, das Deutsche gehöre zu den indogermanischen Sprachen, das Türkische hingegen zu den Turksprachen, welche mit der indogermanischen Sprachfamilie verdammt wenig zu tun hätten.
Das Türkische ist vielmehr mit dem Deutschen so eng verwandt, daß ein Deutscher ohne die mindeste Kenntnis der türkischen Sprache einen türkischen Text recht gut verstehen kann. Du glaubst das nicht, Schlauberger?
Dann schau und hör dir das mal an:
Patty Cake Adult Star
The Mermaid Theory
Wise words of the master Barney.
also 3A% 2F% 2Fprimetime%%% 2Fhow_i_met_your_mother 2Fcommunity 2Fbarney_blog% date% 2Findex.php & = 2010 - 12-10
Wise words of the master Barney.
also 3A% 2F% 2Fprimetime%%% 2Fhow_i_met_your_mother 2Fcommunity 2Fbarney_blog% date% 2Findex.php & = 2010 - 12-10
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Can I Use Desitin On My Cat
Chinese grow a horn on his head
Huang Yuanfan is at a loss: He is growing a horn out of your head
discovered two years ago, Huang Yuanfan a small bump on his hair - now he calls his entire village to the "Goat Man". Meanwhile, the 84-year-old Chinese from Ziyuan in southern China has grown a few centimeters long horn from the back of the head - and he can not help it. For the doctors Huang is a medical mystery.
"I tried to beat it and have even filed it, but that has not changed. The horn continues to grow easily," Huang said of the British magazine "Metro".
"It would just grow back"
Even as he left it, lastly, He had little success: "The doctors say they do not know why it grows If they cut it, it would simply grow back.." So Huang makes do very pragmatic. "I try to hide the horn under a hat, but if it is longer still, it comes out on top."
In March, images of Chinese woman Zhang Ruifang had become known, grew a six-inch long horn from her forehead. The proliferation of the 101-year-old from a small village in Henan province Linlou grew within a few months.
growths of keratin
Such skin deformations will appear again and again, but very rare in this size. They are mostly made of keratin, the substance made from the hair and even fingernails. Older people in particular are affected. Occasionally these are cancer, more than half of these growths is benign.
See also: http://moreaus
Huang Yuanfan is at a loss: He is growing a horn out of your head
discovered two years ago, Huang Yuanfan a small bump on his hair - now he calls his entire village to the "Goat Man". Meanwhile, the 84-year-old Chinese from Ziyuan in southern China has grown a few centimeters long horn from the back of the head - and he can not help it. For the doctors Huang is a medical mystery.
"I tried to beat it and have even filed it, but that has not changed. The horn continues to grow easily," Huang said of the British magazine "Metro".
"It would just grow back"
Even as he left it, lastly, He had little success: "The doctors say they do not know why it grows If they cut it, it would simply grow back.." So Huang makes do very pragmatic. "I try to hide the horn under a hat, but if it is longer still, it comes out on top."
In March, images of Chinese woman Zhang Ruifang had become known, grew a six-inch long horn from her forehead. The proliferation of the 101-year-old from a small village in Henan province Linlou grew within a few months.
growths of keratin
Such skin deformations will appear again and again, but very rare in this size. They are mostly made of keratin, the substance made from the hair and even fingernails. Older people in particular are affected. Occasionally these are cancer, more than half of these growths is benign.
See also: http://moreaus
Friday, January 28, 2011
Skip Bo Game Handheld
from my neck Archive - Locked telecommunications
The Egyptian government has, so we read the closed telecommunication lines in Egypt fairly complete. We should be glad and thankful that the like in a real democracy, such as ours may not.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Wall Colour To Go With Cherry Wood Floor
from my neck Archive - Rama and the butter mountain
And, no, this is not the Sanskrit Sacred scripture of Hinduism.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Suggest The Fest Namee
from my neck Archive - BILD-Zeitung
Since it is the BILD newspaper, there are scoffers who claim that the only reliable information that might reveal that one of the BILD-Zeitung is the date. can leave
Since it is the BILD newspaper, there are scoffers who claim that the only reliable information that might reveal that one of the BILD-Zeitung is the date. can leave
That may mostly be correct, right on it but it is also not there.
Protruding Teeth Surgery Pune
from my neck Archive - No alternative
In diesem Fall aber womöglich doch.
In those ancient times when I still regularly read newspapers and magazines, I have articles, pictures, short notes, which shocked me haben, die mir interessant oder skurril oder sonstwie bemerkenswert erschienen ausgeschnitten und in Tagebüchern oder Poesiealben der eigentümlichen Art eingeklebt.
Einige dieser Ausschnitte möchte ich hier in unregelmäßigen Abständen vorstellen, manchmal kommentiert, manchmal nicht, denn etliche kommentieren sich selbst. Die Ausschnitte sind allesamt bereits ziemlich alt, Tagesaktualität ist also weder zu befürchten noch zu erhoffen.
Einige dieser Ausschnitte möchte ich hier in unregelmäßigen Abständen vorstellen, manchmal kommentiert, manchmal nicht, denn etliche kommentieren sich selbst. Die Ausschnitte sind allesamt bereits ziemlich alt, Tagesaktualität ist also weder zu befürchten noch zu erhoffen.
In diesem Fall aber womöglich doch.
Home Made Cheer Noisemakers
attacks by wild animals to humans from
zoologists now speak of a serious problem: the attacks by wild animals are often so aggressive and dangerous as never. Bears, elephants, tigers, lions, Wolves, sharks, crocodiles and above all - many animals do not react more appropriately. Man underestimated stress, intelligence and memory of the creatures.
Source: ~ / cat-killer-from-Krefeld.jpg
There is absolutely nothing that could bring the two children to sleep ever again in a house. Especially not in the house of her parents in a village in Bushmanland, Namibia. Tonight, they will remain on the tree, and tomorrow night, the day and every night as the rest of their lives. The Mother scolds, begs, threatens, begs. It does not help. Not after what happened. Not after that night when the elephants came out of the woods - and have taken the father. The children hear the rumble, still see the dark colossus, who appears suddenly in the doorway. The father wants him to scare. This is the moment when the elephant accesses with him in the forest and kill him. Tell such parent and child is the English newspaper the Daily Telegraph.
elephants were not always so. But in recent years has changed in their relationship to man something fundamental. Not only among them - the attacks by wild animals are so often so aggressive and dangerous than ever. The kind-hearted pachyderm, the Jumbo is, the cute bear called Winnie and now to the white teddy bear by her first name Knut - long it seemed that the most dangerous representative of zoology were about to move to paradise, where no creature of the other, the smallest hair curls. The humanized children's toy animal and share perspectives zoologists now receive some shocking findings of the wild.
"The incidents of clash humans and animals take to the last ten years," said Gay Bradshaw, the California scientist. The researcher is primarily with the rise in violence apart between elephants and humans. She has one of the earlier editions of "Nature" the article "Elephant Breakdown," published in German: the collapse of the elephants. "Respond to the animals are not humanely," she says, "Elephants are vegetarians, they have no reason to kill people." Bradshaw's theory that man has destroyed by hunting, killing and the robbery of the habitat of the social structure of elephants, now takes revenge the ". The animals have understood that they have only one enemy - man"
Not only elephants react more aggressively to people: Authorities in the U.S. Canada and much more concerned attacks by mountain lions, foxes, wolves register to humans. Romania and Colombia have more attacks by bears. From Sierra Leone and Uganda are reports of chimpanzees, people seriously injured and killed - despite the fact that our closest biological relatives' almost never attack people, "as writes New Scientist. And the Los Angeles Times reports that the world twice since 2000 have been so many fatal shark attacks in the last 50 years of the 20th Century. A similar trend observed in the Australian Scoresby Shepherd. The biologist pointed out that areas are known for three or four shark attacks in ten years, have now hit at least once a year.
course, the zoologists know that this is, statistically speaking, is about individual cases - for which there are different reasons in each case. In science, there is no category, kill all the animals, people, are summarized. In zoological classification system connects the polar bears do with the crocodile, the elephant do with the Tigers, the reticulated python anything with the white shark. Yet scientists accept the abuses become so serious that they have introduced their own statistical category: HAC - Human-Animal Conflict.
Die meisten Berichte über tödliche Übergriffe aus der Tierwelt beginnen so: Das Soundso frisst keine Menschen. Wenn es trotzdem einen frisst, dann aus Versehen. Ein unglücklicher Zufall, der dem Grizzly auf dem Weg zur Mülltonne den verschlafenen Camper in die Quere schickt, der den Surfer in den Augen des Hais wie eine Robbe aussehen lässt oder den gebückten Bauern wie ein hilfloses Huftier in den Augen des Tigers.
Tiere wissen genau, mit wem sie es zu tun haben
Der renommierte Ethnologe Marc Bekoff, University of Colorado, behauptet das nicht. „Über Jahrhunderte haben wir geglaubt, Tiere sind nicht viel mehr als gefühlsarme, unreflektierende and instinct-driven machine, "says Bekoff," this view is stupid, dangerous, and so we make ourselves too easily. The longer we are dealing with animals, no matter what species they belong, the more astonished we are there. They act emotionally and have a good memory, be it observed by conspecifics, predators, prey, injury or just stress about. "
Bekoff for 30 years coyotes, foxes, crows and elephants. Man as the crown of evolution, as top of the food chain - this picture is a leftover from Bekoff Darwin's time, which has long been obsolete.
"If our brains over millions of years of time produced a rich, emotional feeling life, then why not the animals? "According Bekoff scientists should not discuss more about whether animals have feelings, but on how and what they feel. Show the Results of laboratory researchers: From Neurobiology her emotions which are similar to the people. They arise in the same brain areas, and often they are associated with nearly identical hormones. "
that many animals are in the disciplines of intelligence, memory and emotional feelings can Vorturner something is nothing new for zoologists. British neurologists have found that sheep as an excellent have memory for faces. To save them to have a lamb at least 50 faces of other species - and find them in the herd, even if they lived apart for years. John Webster, professor of agriculture at the University of Bristol, found that the animals have in their lives four or five best friends - as well as enemies, which react against them angry and resistant. Behavior that every farmer knows well from his cows or horses.
behavior is misinterpreted
However, many researchers such as Paul McDonald, who warn that our near and distant relatives zoological allzu sehr zu vermenschlichen: „Wir neigen sehr schnell dazu, tierische Verhaltensmuster völlig falsch zu interpretieren. Ein starker Antrieb vieler Kreaturen ist die Rangordnung. Missachtet ein Mensch diese, reagieren viele Tiere aggressiv.“
Auch an den menschenfressenden Räubern im Tierreich gibt es wenig zu romantisieren. In seinem Buch „Das Lächeln des Tigers“ fasst der Wissenschaftsjournalist David Quammen die großen Raubtiere wie Tiger, Löwe, Hai und Krokodil als Alpha- und Gipfelräuber zusammen. Alpha, weil diese Kreaturen groß und gefräßig sind – und wir Menschen eben schon lange vergessen haben, dass wir im letzten Millennium kaum mehr waren als „eine andere and readily available varieties of meat. " Summit, because the large predators are still at the top of the food pyramid. Just because they are on the top, they need a huge area to collect prey - and they are sensitive to loss of space.
most successful currently secures the crocodile's waters - and also calls for the most casualties, which researched the BBC journalist Steve Leonard. In particular, the Australian saltwater crocodile excels in the statistics. Trade bans rescued the reptile, which it was tremendous to 1973 to the leather. In Australia there was virtually exterminated by hunting.
has now recovered the stock, there are so many animals as long no more. These help breeding programs: in Australian crocodile farms, the eggs are incubated artificially and released today a part of the young animals then in the wilderness. The species is still protected as strictly - although her more and more tourists come in the throat. "Some people may say, ah, crocodiles, but are not so bad. But they are bad, "writes Quammen. To this end he quotes Job: "Can you pull the crocodile on the hook? It begs for mercy you great? Judge it tender words to you "is the answer: no.
See also:
zoologists now speak of a serious problem: the attacks by wild animals are often so aggressive and dangerous as never. Bears, elephants, tigers, lions, Wolves, sharks, crocodiles and above all - many animals do not react more appropriately. Man underestimated stress, intelligence and memory of the creatures.
Source: ~ / cat-killer-from-Krefeld.jpg
There is absolutely nothing that could bring the two children to sleep ever again in a house. Especially not in the house of her parents in a village in Bushmanland, Namibia. Tonight, they will remain on the tree, and tomorrow night, the day and every night as the rest of their lives. The Mother scolds, begs, threatens, begs. It does not help. Not after what happened. Not after that night when the elephants came out of the woods - and have taken the father. The children hear the rumble, still see the dark colossus, who appears suddenly in the doorway. The father wants him to scare. This is the moment when the elephant accesses with him in the forest and kill him. Tell such parent and child is the English newspaper the Daily Telegraph.
elephants were not always so. But in recent years has changed in their relationship to man something fundamental. Not only among them - the attacks by wild animals are so often so aggressive and dangerous than ever. The kind-hearted pachyderm, the Jumbo is, the cute bear called Winnie and now to the white teddy bear by her first name Knut - long it seemed that the most dangerous representative of zoology were about to move to paradise, where no creature of the other, the smallest hair curls. The humanized children's toy animal and share perspectives zoologists now receive some shocking findings of the wild.
"The incidents of clash humans and animals take to the last ten years," said Gay Bradshaw, the California scientist. The researcher is primarily with the rise in violence apart between elephants and humans. She has one of the earlier editions of "Nature" the article "Elephant Breakdown," published in German: the collapse of the elephants. "Respond to the animals are not humanely," she says, "Elephants are vegetarians, they have no reason to kill people." Bradshaw's theory that man has destroyed by hunting, killing and the robbery of the habitat of the social structure of elephants, now takes revenge the ". The animals have understood that they have only one enemy - man"
Not only elephants react more aggressively to people: Authorities in the U.S. Canada and much more concerned attacks by mountain lions, foxes, wolves register to humans. Romania and Colombia have more attacks by bears. From Sierra Leone and Uganda are reports of chimpanzees, people seriously injured and killed - despite the fact that our closest biological relatives' almost never attack people, "as writes New Scientist. And the Los Angeles Times reports that the world twice since 2000 have been so many fatal shark attacks in the last 50 years of the 20th Century. A similar trend observed in the Australian Scoresby Shepherd. The biologist pointed out that areas are known for three or four shark attacks in ten years, have now hit at least once a year.
course, the zoologists know that this is, statistically speaking, is about individual cases - for which there are different reasons in each case. In science, there is no category, kill all the animals, people, are summarized. In zoological classification system connects the polar bears do with the crocodile, the elephant do with the Tigers, the reticulated python anything with the white shark. Yet scientists accept the abuses become so serious that they have introduced their own statistical category: HAC - Human-Animal Conflict.
Die meisten Berichte über tödliche Übergriffe aus der Tierwelt beginnen so: Das Soundso frisst keine Menschen. Wenn es trotzdem einen frisst, dann aus Versehen. Ein unglücklicher Zufall, der dem Grizzly auf dem Weg zur Mülltonne den verschlafenen Camper in die Quere schickt, der den Surfer in den Augen des Hais wie eine Robbe aussehen lässt oder den gebückten Bauern wie ein hilfloses Huftier in den Augen des Tigers.
Tiere wissen genau, mit wem sie es zu tun haben
Der renommierte Ethnologe Marc Bekoff, University of Colorado, behauptet das nicht. „Über Jahrhunderte haben wir geglaubt, Tiere sind nicht viel mehr als gefühlsarme, unreflektierende and instinct-driven machine, "says Bekoff," this view is stupid, dangerous, and so we make ourselves too easily. The longer we are dealing with animals, no matter what species they belong, the more astonished we are there. They act emotionally and have a good memory, be it observed by conspecifics, predators, prey, injury or just stress about. "
Bekoff for 30 years coyotes, foxes, crows and elephants. Man as the crown of evolution, as top of the food chain - this picture is a leftover from Bekoff Darwin's time, which has long been obsolete.
"If our brains over millions of years of time produced a rich, emotional feeling life, then why not the animals? "According Bekoff scientists should not discuss more about whether animals have feelings, but on how and what they feel. Show the Results of laboratory researchers: From Neurobiology her emotions which are similar to the people. They arise in the same brain areas, and often they are associated with nearly identical hormones. "
that many animals are in the disciplines of intelligence, memory and emotional feelings can Vorturner something is nothing new for zoologists. British neurologists have found that sheep as an excellent have memory for faces. To save them to have a lamb at least 50 faces of other species - and find them in the herd, even if they lived apart for years. John Webster, professor of agriculture at the University of Bristol, found that the animals have in their lives four or five best friends - as well as enemies, which react against them angry and resistant. Behavior that every farmer knows well from his cows or horses.
behavior is misinterpreted
However, many researchers such as Paul McDonald, who warn that our near and distant relatives zoological allzu sehr zu vermenschlichen: „Wir neigen sehr schnell dazu, tierische Verhaltensmuster völlig falsch zu interpretieren. Ein starker Antrieb vieler Kreaturen ist die Rangordnung. Missachtet ein Mensch diese, reagieren viele Tiere aggressiv.“
Auch an den menschenfressenden Räubern im Tierreich gibt es wenig zu romantisieren. In seinem Buch „Das Lächeln des Tigers“ fasst der Wissenschaftsjournalist David Quammen die großen Raubtiere wie Tiger, Löwe, Hai und Krokodil als Alpha- und Gipfelräuber zusammen. Alpha, weil diese Kreaturen groß und gefräßig sind – und wir Menschen eben schon lange vergessen haben, dass wir im letzten Millennium kaum mehr waren als „eine andere and readily available varieties of meat. " Summit, because the large predators are still at the top of the food pyramid. Just because they are on the top, they need a huge area to collect prey - and they are sensitive to loss of space.
most successful currently secures the crocodile's waters - and also calls for the most casualties, which researched the BBC journalist Steve Leonard. In particular, the Australian saltwater crocodile excels in the statistics. Trade bans rescued the reptile, which it was tremendous to 1973 to the leather. In Australia there was virtually exterminated by hunting.
has now recovered the stock, there are so many animals as long no more. These help breeding programs: in Australian crocodile farms, the eggs are incubated artificially and released today a part of the young animals then in the wilderness. The species is still protected as strictly - although her more and more tourists come in the throat. "Some people may say, ah, crocodiles, but are not so bad. But they are bad, "writes Quammen. To this end he quotes Job: "Can you pull the crocodile on the hook? It begs for mercy you great? Judge it tender words to you "is the answer: no.
See also:
Sunday, January 23, 2011
How Many Calories In A Fry
heroin and alcohol
Alkohol zählt, gar keine Frage, zu den Rauschdrogen. Außerhalb von Fachzirkeln wird nicht gerne darüber gesprochen, aber: Alkohol zählt entschieden zu den harten Drogen. Sein Suchtpotential ist deutlich höher als jenes von Haschisch, höher auch als das von Kokain. Selbst vor Heroin braucht sich Alkohol nicht zu verstecken.
An dieser Stelle werden manche protestierend Einspruch erheben. Das, meinen sie, gehe nun doch zu weit, Alkohol und Heroin in einem Atemzug zu nennen.
Sehr viele Leute würden schließlich irgendwann in ihrem Leben Alkohol probieren, viele tränken ihn sogar mehr oder weniger regelmäßig in more or less large quantities. Only a relatively small percentage of them would ultimately depend, or at least would get serious problems with alcohol. When heroin is the experience is just the reverse. This would almost all consumer-dependent and even the most rapidly.
really this observation is so questionable is to conclude to a higher potential for addiction to heroin. The framework for alcohol and heroin are much different for a direct comparison
* alcohol is enjoyable and trouble-consuming, you can drink it.
* Alkohol ist in Getränken enthalten, die angenehm schmecken.
* Alkohol ist leicht zu dosieren, die Stufenleiter vom ersten angenehmen Kitzel bis zum Vollrausch ist lang und reich gegliedert. Die Möglichkeit zum Aufhören vor dem Vollrausch besteht fast ständig.
* Alkohol ist legal und keineswegs grundsätzlich verpönt. Niemand wird aus der Gemeinschaft ausgestoßen, weil er Alkohol trinkt - eher im Gegenteil.
* is alcohol - in our society - everywhere. Almost everyone gets some time in their life with in-One, people with different personality structures.
It was still in the early eighties when I on a visit to Munich once saw a poster of a Munich brewery. I think it was the Paulaner brewery and it was an advertisement for Paulaner Pils. A baby lay in his cradle, proper, happy and satisfied. To the cradle stood around the parents and grandparents, looked ecstatic and happy with the cradle in the little bundle of joy. Everything was beautiful, all solid, all prosperous. An idyll. On the poster were the words: " some point he will drink his first Paulaner Pils. "
A hard-hitting threat. The poster will say: "Hey, little baby, like now clueless and are happy in your cradle and dream of breast milk. Do not deceive yourself - we get you, too, as we've got almost every "
you do not come from the beer!
total contrast to the heroin:
* heroin must be injected into the veins in order to achieve the optimum effect. An unpleasant thing. It costs overcoming, self-drill a needle into the flesh, as everyone knows diabetics, who had to learn the set of daily insulin injection.
* heroin has to offer beyond the noise benefit nothing. It attracts people to the other - for example, culinary - is wining, not.
* heroin dose to their own wishes, is difficult because it sich um winzige Mengen handelt. Die Dosierung ist überdies hochriskant, da der Wirkstoffgehalt der illegalen Ware vom Konsumenten nicht zu kontrollieren ist.
* Heroin ist illegal, Handel und Besitz sind mit strengen Strafen bedroht. Ein als Heroinkonsument enttarnter Mensch ist ganz schnell aus der normalen Gesellschaft ausgestoßen.
* Heroin zu bekommen ist schwierig, es erfordert erhebliches Beschaffungs-Know-How.
Fast alle haben in unserem Kulturkreis mehr oder weniger intensive Erfahrungen mit Alcohol, stable, unstable and highly vulnerable people. Fairly stable human cost of alcohol related turn favor and keep control of himself and the fabric. Unstable people succumb to the lure of alcohol, they are addicted to alcohol at some point.
The first use of heroin other hand, can not happen casually and naturally, as when alcohol is usually the case. The first use of heroin is a major step for the novice who requires a considerable degree of determination (where it initially is not very important whether he is aware of this desire itself). Heroin tried from the outset only the type of person der berauscht sein will. Die Hindernisse vor dem Heroin sind so hoch, daß nur zur Sucht bereits entschlossene Menschen diese Hindernisse überspringen können und wollen. Die logische Folge - Folge der Situation, nicht des Stoffes Heroin - ist, daß fast jeder, der mit Heroin anfängt, schließlich an der Nadel hängt.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Can You Keep Hotel Slippers
From my Extract archive - glasses duty
Da hat ein Autofahrer anscheinend mal nicht so gut gesehen und man hat von ihm - sinnvollerweise - verlangt, beim Autofahren eine geeignete Brille zu tragen. Inzwischen sieht er offensichtlich wieder besser; so gut, daß er die Brille nicht mehr braucht. In seinem Führerschein aber steht die inzwischen sinnlos gewordene Auflage immer noch drin, danach hat er sich zu richten.
In jenen alten Zeiten, da ich noch regelmäßig Zeitungen und Zeitschriften las, habe ich Artikel, Bilder, Kurznotizen, die mich empört haben, die mir interessant oder skurril oder sonstwie bemerkenswert erschienen ausgeschnitten und in Tagebüchern oder Poesiealben der eigentümlichen Art eingeklebt.
Einige dieser Ausschnitte möchte ich hier in unregelmäßigen Abständen vorstellen, manchmal kommentiert, manchmal nicht, denn etliche kommentieren sich selbst. Die Ausschnitte sind allesamt bereits ziemlich alt, Tagesaktualität ist also weder zu befürchten noch zu erhoffen.
Ob - so habe ich mich aus je gegebenem Anlaß schon oft gefragt - die Befähigung zum Richteramt Hirnfraß voraussetzt?
Das nachfolgend referierte Urteil des Oberlandesgerichts Celle läßt mich fürchten: Ja.
Da hat ein Autofahrer anscheinend mal nicht so gut gesehen und man hat von ihm - sinnvollerweise - verlangt, beim Autofahren eine geeignete Brille zu tragen. Inzwischen sieht er offensichtlich wieder besser; so gut, daß er die Brille nicht mehr braucht. In seinem Führerschein aber steht die inzwischen sinnlos gewordene Auflage immer noch drin, danach hat er sich zu richten.
Trägt er keine Brille, so riskiert er ein Ordnungs geld, trägt er die Brille, so riskiert er eine Straf anzeige, denn damit begäbe er sich wissentlich und willentlich in fahruntüchtigem Zustand in den Straßenverkehr. Die nicht mehr nötige Brille würde ihm ja die Sicht einschränken.
Aber ein Eintrag ist ein Eintrag ist ein Eintrag.
" Oh, Schilda, mein Vaterland " seufzte einst Heinrich Heine über dergleichen Narreteien.
Anybody Tried Bath Puff Puff For Java Moss
from my neck Archive - dreams have a price
In jenen alten Zeiten, da ich noch regelmäßig Zeitungen und Zeitschriften las, habe ich Artikel, Bilder, Kurznotizen, die mich empört haben, die mir interessant oder skurril oder sonstwie bemerkenswert erschienen ausgeschnitten und in Tagebüchern oder Poesiealben der eigentümlichen Art eingeklebt.
Einige dieser Ausschnitte möchte ich hier in unregelmäßigen Abständen vorstellen, manchmal kommentiert, manchmal not, for some comment on the clips themselves are all quite old already, contemporaneity is neither fear nor to hope for.
the mid seventies I bought (although I already had one) a book. The seller was the paperback in a bag of fine paper and handed to me then, after paying the small amount out of the bag.
about to leave the store, I looked in passing the bag and almost fell to the floor with laughter.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Creative Extgy Windows 7
Look at the fish on the field ...
other day - what I please, within the meaning of "recently" to understand - I came with my dog Hemul, which is a thoroughbred Schlombinzinger, with a family tree down to Charles the Great ...
"Aha, a fish, then," I thought in my childish innocence. When, however, had turned my brain from the standby mode automatically, it rang alarm. A fish ? On the field ? Here above?
A closer inspection revealed that dem Fisch der Kopf fehlte. Sherlock Holmes war mit dem Fall des "abgebissenen Fingers " in Niedernußdorf beschäftigt und so war ich, Watson, ganz alleine mit diesem Problem. Ob den Fisch einer, der dann doch lieber Schweinsbraten wollte, weggeworfen hat? Kaum. Wer fährt schon auf einer Straße, die nach wenigen hundert Metern beim Nachbarbauern endet, steigt aus und geht 50 m den Hang runter, um dort einen Fisch wegzuschmeißen? Ja, gut, dachte ich, es könnte sich vielleicht um ein magisches, gar satanisches Ritual handeln, aber so ganz überzeugte mich diese Theorie nicht. Die ortsansässige Bevölkerung hat es nicht so wild mit Schwarzer Magie, das würde ihnen auch der Pfarrer verbieten.

I came back from a walk with the dog and was on his way from the street up to my house down. At a certain point are stopped Hemul and snorkeled with his nose in the rain and the snow melt still wet field beside the road. Gently, he finally reached his teeth into the mud and pulled out something. "A dead Ratz," I thought at first, but when the alleged Hemul the rat on the grassy strip down next to the field had Ratz was found to be the fish.

this, I must say that is close, right next to my house, a fish pond. But that is a good 50 meters from where the fish is removed, the locality is also about 10 m higher than the pond. So what, I thought, does not create even a flying fish which it is in Bavaria but not always.
The most obvious theory that it was the fish in the wild, headless (!) Escape from an otter jumped out of the pond, only to die here, I also rejected after a moment's thought, for Otter's is not here.
What remains? There remains the consideration that have emerged due to rain and snow melt, the rivers overflow their banks and have formed small ponds in the meadows. After the end of the flood experience, are always some fish back in the meadows, which have not got it in time that the spontaneous pond is closed due to weather conditions again. Dogs, cats, foxes or birds of prey have any easy job and food in abundance. Possible that one of these animals has grabbed the fish and had to eat the head due to over saturation tired of fish.
But maybe has Sherlock Holmes, if he is from Niedernußdorf which is a better idea and then smoked from the Satanists-nest in Aldersbach.
Stae Of Illinois 1099g Address
dangerous hospital
The Franze has gsagt, 95 year would be the Lindinger-grandpa had never been ill and had not needed a doctor. Then, he says, hams and sent him to the hospital a week later he was dead
The Franze has gsagt, 95 year would be the Lindinger-grandpa had never been ill and had not needed a doctor. Then, he says, hams and sent him to the hospital a week later he was dead
Goldfish Has A White Bump
giant growth, or gigantism Hypersomie usually referred to a distinct, proportioned tallness of the people, the ICD-10 into a constitutional gigantism ( E34.4) and pituitary gigantism (E22.0 split) is. The latter is characterized by an increased production of somatotropin (growth hormone) during the Growth phase due.
riesenwüchsig people are considered in the top percentile of body size. This Perzentilangaben refer to the statistical size distribution curve of people the same age, sex and ethnic origin. Gigantism also occurs with useful and ornamental plants and is due to polyploidy.
the sole gigantism of Körperendteile (extremities) is called acromegaly, the opposite of Hypersomie, a too low growth, with Nanosomie (dwarfism), microsomia (dwarfism) or (general) Hyposomie (stunting).
list of the greatest people
The list contains the greatest people person, a size of 240 centimeters or more had or currently have. The above-average size can have genetic characteristics, brain surgery or other triggers as the cause. Medically we speak from a size of 230 centimeters from gigantism. In another list are known, the size of the press and literature is part of 240 centimeters or more specified, but this is not clearly established. be on the individual person, besides the size the country and the survival data given and made further remarks. There
Among the individuals in the literature partially different information. This may be because that person is larger for commercial reasons make such as when it occurs in the circus or in shows, or is in the fact that some of these people are still growing and so older measurements are out of date. In advancing age, a person, or the curvature of the spine caused by compression of the vertebrae, even smaller. were of the large number of false measurements only the persons included in the list whose size is relatively reliably documented. This can especially by measurements done in medical facilities or by the Guinness Book of Records, for which the person several times a day is measured and an average is formed. There are most people only have access when their size is established beyond doubt.
* Size (cm): Name the size in centimeters. It may have been standing, measured if necessary, taking into account a possible curvature of the spine. Whichever is the largest calculated measures in a lifetime.
* Names: Names the name the person. Italics are called other names or nicknames.
* Country: Name the country of origin of the person. It is presented the national flag and called the three-letter ISO-3166-1 code. *
life data: Name of birth and death year.
* Note: Includes comments on the person. These may belong to the life or the source material to size. *
persons whose details are highlighted in gray, were documented and medically reliable measure.
Source: C3% B6% C3% 9Ften_Personen
See also: http://de.wikipedia .org / wiki / Giant
giant growth, or gigantism Hypersomie usually referred to a distinct, proportioned tallness of the people, the ICD-10 into a constitutional gigantism ( E34.4) and pituitary gigantism (E22.0 split) is. The latter is characterized by an increased production of somatotropin (growth hormone) during the Growth phase due.
riesenwüchsig people are considered in the top percentile of body size. This Perzentilangaben refer to the statistical size distribution curve of people the same age, sex and ethnic origin. Gigantism also occurs with useful and ornamental plants and is due to polyploidy.
the sole gigantism of Körperendteile (extremities) is called acromegaly, the opposite of Hypersomie, a too low growth, with Nanosomie (dwarfism), microsomia (dwarfism) or (general) Hyposomie (stunting).
list of the greatest people
The list contains the greatest people person, a size of 240 centimeters or more had or currently have. The above-average size can have genetic characteristics, brain surgery or other triggers as the cause. Medically we speak from a size of 230 centimeters from gigantism. In another list are known, the size of the press and literature is part of 240 centimeters or more specified, but this is not clearly established. be on the individual person, besides the size the country and the survival data given and made further remarks. There
Among the individuals in the literature partially different information. This may be because that person is larger for commercial reasons make such as when it occurs in the circus or in shows, or is in the fact that some of these people are still growing and so older measurements are out of date. In advancing age, a person, or the curvature of the spine caused by compression of the vertebrae, even smaller. were of the large number of false measurements only the persons included in the list whose size is relatively reliably documented. This can especially by measurements done in medical facilities or by the Guinness Book of Records, for which the person several times a day is measured and an average is formed. There are most people only have access when their size is established beyond doubt.
* Size (cm): Name the size in centimeters. It may have been standing, measured if necessary, taking into account a possible curvature of the spine. Whichever is the largest calculated measures in a lifetime.
* Names: Names the name the person. Italics are called other names or nicknames.
* Country: Name the country of origin of the person. It is presented the national flag and called the three-letter ISO-3166-1 code. *
life data: Name of birth and death year.
* Note: Includes comments on the person. These may belong to the life or the source material to size. *
persons whose details are highlighted in gray, were documented and medically reliable measure.
size (cm) | Name | country | life data | Note |
272 [1] | Robert Wadlow The Alton Giant | | 1918-1940 | biggest man in the history of medicine, whose body size is clearly documented. [2] He was measured 18 days before his death at the Faculty of Washington University in St. Louis . At his death he weighed 199 kg, on his 21st Birthday 223 kg. At ten, he was tall as 200 centimeters und 100 Kilogramm schwer. Sein enormes Wachstum wurde durch ein Hypophysenadenom ausgelöst, das große Mengen an Wachstumshormonen ausschüttete. |
264 [3] | John F. Carroll The Buffalo Giant | | 1932–1969 | Sein enormes Wachstum begann mit dem 16. Lebensjahr und konnte 1959 durch Behandlungen in einem Krankenhaus gestoppt werden. Messungen im Stehen ergaben 1959 244 Zentimeter. Er litt an schwerer Wirbelsäulenverkrümmung. Die Gesamtgröße bezieht be adopted on a spine curvature. Later measurements were standing 239 centimeters. 1968 was the size of 234 centimeters. |
264 [4] | John William Rogan also Willie Bud Rogan | | 1871-1905 | Rogan was African Americans and could result of joint stiffness and bone adhesion are not the knees and hips. Measurements were performed while sitting. According to other statements, he was 259 or 269 centimeters tall. His weight was only 79 kilograms. His enormous growth began at the age of 13. |
259 [5] | Leonid Stadnyk | | 1971 - | Galt of 7 August 2007 to 17 September 2009 as the greatest living human being. [6] [7] He lived retired for years and avoided contact with the press, who wanted to publicize its size. However, since the former method was questioned - found it to average the size of only two instead of three measurements in one day statt – und er sich nicht erneut vermessen lassen wollte, ging der Rekord im Jahre 2009 an Sultan Kösen mit 247 Zentimeter. |
255 [8] | Trijntje Keever The Big Girl | | 1616–1633 | Die Tochter des Bürgermeisters ihres Heimatortes war die größte Frau in der Geschichte mit nachgewiesener Größe. Sie starb bereits mit 17 Jahren. Sie wird auch mit 260 Zentimeter Größe angegeben. |
251 [9] | Vikas Uppal Vicky | | 1986-2007 | was given as 18-year-old with 251 cm size with a weight of 195 kilograms. At this time, he was still growing. His death in 2007 was the result of a failed brain tumor surgery. By the age of five began the above-average growth. It is also indicated with 239, 242 and 268 cm size and 202 kilograms in weight. |
251 [10] | Kenyan giant | | ? | If the Guinness Book of Records of 1962 out with this size. |
249 [11] | Ajaz Ahmed | | 1976 - | was a few years ago reported with 256 cm size and 130 kilograms in weight. Ahmed got to be 236 centimeters in size to the claim, the greatest living man a few years ago. Its size never been confirmed medically accurate or the Guinness Book of Records. Biggest person was then a person with a confirmed size of 236 centimeters in size, from 2007 it was Stadnyk with 257 centimeters. Ahmed is also indicated with 231, 254 and 256 centimeters. |
249 [12] | Bernard Coyne The Cherokee Giant | | 1897-1921 | It was 1918, with a size 236 cm not eligible for military service. As in Coyne Jahre 1921 verstarb, befand er sich noch im Wachstum. Zum Zeitpunkt seines Todes war er der größte Mensch weltweit. |
249 [13] | Donald Don Köhler | | 1925–1981 | Das überdurchschnittliche Wachstum begann ab dem zehnten Lebensjahr. Seine Größe wurde, bedingt durch eine Rückgratverkrümmung, in späteren Jahren auf 238 Zentimeter reduziert. Er galt von 1969 bis zu seinem Tode 1981 als größter lebender Mensch. Er hatte eine Zwillingsschwester mit 175 Zentimeter Size. This difference is in the Guinness Book of World Records the largest in twins |
248 [14] | Zeng Jinlian | | 1964-1982 | She was the tallest woman in the history of medicine. She could not stand upright because of a spinal curvature. At 13, she was already 213 cm tall. At the age of four months, began the above-average growth. She was living from 1981 until her death in 1982, when she was 17 years old, as the largest man. |
248 [15] | Christoffel Münster | | 1632-1676 | Is in the Guinness Book of Records. Was aged 16 years 224 centimeters tall. The Gänsehirt was appointed by Duke Christian Ludwig of Hanover to his bodyguard. |
247 [16] | Sultan Kösen | | 1982 - | It weighs about 155 kilograms. In 2006 he applied for Recognition as the greatest living man in the Guinness Book of Records. At this time it was bigger with the officially measured 242 centimeters six inches than the previously recognized as the largest man Bao Xishun. In February 2009 he was the Guinness Book of World Records and is officially measured since the publication of the book in 2010 as the greatest living human being. [17] |
247 [18] | Väinö Myllyrinne | | 1909-1963 | At 21, he was 222 centimeters tall, begann später nochmals zu wachsen. Die anerkannte Größe war 247 Zentimeter, in den 30er Jahren war er angeblich sogar 251 Zentimeter groß. Er galt von 1940 bis zu seinem Tod 1963 als größter Mensch der Welt. |
246 [19] | Patrick Cotter O'Brien Bristol Giant , Irish Giant | | 1760–1806 | Die Größenangabe wurde 1975 aufgrund erneuter Knochenmessungen korrigiert. Cotter war zu seiner Zeit der größte Mensch und wurde erst fast 100 Jahre surpassed later by John William Rogan. |
246 [20] | Julius Koch Le Geant Constantin | | 1872-1902 | His legs had to be amputated because of gangrene. The size specification is from the period just before the amputation. He played in 1902 in the short film, The Giant Constantin with. Its skeleton is on display at the Museum of Natural History in Mons. |
246 [21] | Zhao Liang | | 1982?– | Seine Größe wurde von einem Krankenhaus, indem er wegen einer alten Sportverletzung vorstellig geworden war, bestätigt. Sein Gewicht beträgt etwa 155 Kilogramm. Er überlegt noch, ob er seine Größe im Guinness-Buch der Rekorde publizieren lassen möchte. |
246 [22] | Gabriel Estêvão Monjane | | 1944–1990 | Mit 16 Jahren war er 226 Zentimeter und mit 21 Jahren 239 Zentimeter groß. 1987 wurde er offiziell mit 246 Zentimeter gemessen. Er schloss sich einem portugiesischen Zirkus an, wo er nicht mehr anthropomorphisch untersucht wurde. Der Zirkus pries ihn als 265 Zentimeter großen Riesen an. Von 1988 bis zu seinem Tod 1990 stand er als größter lebender Mensch im Guinness-Buch der Rekorde. |
245 [23] | Suleiman Ali Nashnush | | 1943–1991 | Ehemaliger größter Basketballspieler. Er wurde 1960 in Rom erfolgreich operiert, um sein Wachstum zu stoppen. Von 1990 bis zu seinem Tod 1991 stand er als größter living person in the Guinness Book of Records. |
244 [24] | The long Anton | | to 1618-1648 | The long Anton was a soldier in the time of Thirty Years' War in the bodyguard of the commander Protestant Christian von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel . Its skeleton is found today in the Museum anatomicum in Marburg. |
244 [25] | Aurangzeb Khan | | 1962 - | Its size has not been officially confirmed. Khan rose in 2000 entitled to the greatest living human being what he would be at a size of more than 238 centimeters been. Largest man was, however, someone with 236 cm size. It is also indicated by 229 centimeters size. |
244 [26] | Mounir Fourar | | 1972 - | He was as he was about 20 years old, measured in a hospital with 244 cm size, but is also known as 234 centimeters. Fourar rose in 2003 publicly claim to be the greatest living person in the world, which would have applied at a size of more than 238 centimeters also. As the largest man was then someone recognized, however, with 236 centimeters size. |
243 [10] | Musutaman | | 1962-1996 | He is the Guinness Book of Records with this size out. |
242 [27] | Zhang Juncai | | 1966 - | Its size was confirmed in a television broadcast in May 2006. He was here (large 236 cm) together with the previously recognized as the greatest living man, Bao Xishun, is measured. At 16 he was 180 centimeters tall with 20 already 210 centimeters. In 1998, he was measured at 237 centimeters size. At 18, he stood in the Beijing basketball selection. [28] He is considered greatest living man in Asia. |
242 [29] | Suparwono The Giant of Lampung | | 1985 - | |
241 [30] | Felipe Birriel El Gigante de Carolina | | 1916-1994 | Birriel was 77 years, the oldest man, who was over 240 centimeters tall. started from his 16th birthday it to grow strong. |
241 [31] | Alexander Sizonenko | | 1959 - | War to 1986, one of the best Russian basketball player with twelve internationals. Its size in 1998 standing, because jolted vertebrae measured at 230 centimeters and 240 centimeters horizontally. Already in the first grade he was a head taller than all the other children. There are also sizes of 240 and 239 centimeters. |
241 [32] | Tibetan giant | | ? -1943 | War candidate in 1941 as a bodyguard for the Dalai Lama . |
240 [10] | Sa'id Muhammad Ghazi | | 1909-1941 | If the Guinness Book of Records made with this size. |
240 [10] | Abdul Houl | | 1872–1892 | Wird vom Guinness-Buch der Rekorde mit dieser Größe geführt. |
240 [33] | Mexikanischer Riese | | ?–1899 | Wird vom Guinness-Buch der Rekorde mit dieser Größe geführt. |
240 [34] | Walter Straub | | 1925–1986 | size, according to press release dated 24 February 1960. |
240 [35] | Barth shaving giant | | ? | In Umbettungsarbeiten in a cemetery was the ophthalmologist Joseph Barth 1783 the bones of a Turkish soldier. The bones were close to a size of about 235-244 centimeters. |
240 [36] | Huang Chiu Chang | | 1968 - | appeared together on a television program with Zhang Juncai (242 centimeters) and Kang Jianhua (223 centimeters) on. He was for a time as the greatest living man in Asia. |
Source: C3% B6% C3% 9Ften_Personen
See also: http://de.wikipedia .org / wiki / Giant
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