Wednesday, December 22, 2010
My Cubefield High Score
researchers have found a previously unknown relative of the Homo sapiens discovered. The new species is the whole of human history on its head
The finger bones of a child has brought the human family tree, a new member who may have lived 30,000 years ago next to the Homo sapiens. The surprising German researchers discovered that the bones discovered in a cave in Siberia is almost certainly to a new, previously unknown human species. solved in the scientific community very excited, for the first time, the analysis of prehistoric DNA rewritten the history of man. Life was 30,000 years ago much more diverse than we previously thought.
went Until recently, paleontologists believe that in front of 40,000 and 25,000 years in the direct vicinity of the modern man, Homo neanderthalensis lived only.
field researchers discovered in 2003 on the Indonesian island of Flores, then a smaller relative of Homo sapiens, who lived only 13,000 years should. The "Hobbits" of Flores were great in about a meter and go back to Homo erectus - a precursor of modern humans who left Africa 1.9 million years ago. The size of the hobbits was very probably a direct result of their isolation.
And now the latest discovery, with the number of known, has doubled in front of 30,000 living humanoids within ten years to four. But not only the occupation of human evolution is changed. Excavation of human fossils were scientists go so far by three major waves of migration from Africa. The first footprint, which indicates a departure from the black continent, wurde vom Homo erectus hinterlassen (jenem Vorfahren, den wir mit dem Neandertaler, den Hobbits und der neuen Gattung der menschlichen Familie gemeinsam haben).
Trennung vor dem Exodus?
Die nächste Wanderung ging vor etwa 450.000 Jahren vom Neandertaler aus. Schließlich verließen vor etwa 60.000 Jahren die ersten modernen Menschen Afrika, um Eurasien und das darüber hinaus gehende Gebiet zu bevölkern – die Wesen also, von denen alle gegenwärtig auf der Erde lebenden Menschen abstammen. Die nun in Sibirien entdeckte menschliche Spezies passt aber zu keiner dieser drei Auswanderungswellen. Sie deutet stattdessen auf einen weiteren großen Exodus hin, der vor ungefähr einer Million Jahre stattfand.
„Ich glaube, wir können uns jetzt in nichts mehr sicher sein“, sagt Professor Terry Brown, ein Experte für frühgeschichtliche DNA an der Universität von Manchester. Man weiß, dass die Geschichte in Afrika beginnt und frühe Formen des Menschen sich dann auf den Weg machten. „Es gab keinen Grund für einen Humanoiden, in Afrika zu bleiben, wenn seine Population immer größer wird“, sagt Brown. „,Es ist ganz natürlich, dass er dann weiterzieht“ Die Wanderung aus Afrika heraus dürfte sich aber eher nach und nach vollzogen haben. Die frühen Menschen wanderten immer nur, wenn und so weit sie mussten.
Man weiß außerdem, that (with the exception of the hobbits) all human species have evolved before their exodus from Africa. That different shaped humanoid is, ultimately, probably due to geography: species can be divided, when groups are isolated from each other. Pairs of these groups are not enough developed to address their genetic material and varies depending on the respective habitats. Finally, the differences are so great that groups can no longer reproduce with each other, even if they try.
on the vast area populated by groups of Africa probably a few thousand people each different areas. It should hier zu vielfältigen Trennungen gekommen sein. Einige Gruppen brachten den Neandertaler hervor, einige den modernen Menschen. Andere wiederum entwickelten sich zu jener bislang unbekannten Gattung, von der man jetzt einen kleinen Finger in einer sibirischen Höhle fand.
Nur eine Art hat überlebt
Das Faszinierendste an dieser Entdeckung ist tatsächlich der Ort. Der Knochen wurde in einem Gebiet gefunden, in dem auch schon Überreste von Menschen und Neandertalern aus etwa der gleichen Epoche entdeckt wurden. Die Funde sprechen dafür, dass zwischen 40.000 bis 30.000 Jahren vor unserer Zeit alle drei Gattungen zugleich dort lebten. Haben sie sich jemals getroffen? Kamen sie miteinander klar oder bekämpften they? And why only survived the Homo sapiens? Do we have to apologize not only for perhaps Neanderthals but even with this newly discovered species?
"It is quite possible that there was a time when the immigrated to a genus in the area and others emigrated. You have to see that ten thousand years is a long time and it's quite possible that they have never met, "Brown said. "But it can also be that they have regular parties held each other and talk about the Neanderthals, who lived just around the corner." If they have lived together, it does not necessarily mean that this was in permanent conflict. Related species of other animals - big cats, for example - share areas without their neighbors while otherwise contrary to accommodate as cool indifference. Conflicts are only likely when there is competition for food, partners, or shelters. Apart from that, well, all three types of people hunted large mammals, including woolly mammoth and rhino may have heard, whose remains were found in the area.
And what will be called the four of us now? There is no formal name it yet, the discoverer Svante Pääbo and Johannes Krause of the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig, which had taken a finger bone DNA and analyzed gave our recent ancestors once nicknamed "X-Woman." Due to the size of the finger they suspect that he belonged to a child between five and seven years. Whether this was a boy or a girl, is so far unclear. The nickname is only one reference to the analytical procedure: They studied DNA, which was enclosed in small organelles called mitochondria. These are inherited through the mother.
The new method is more puzzle solving
The material analyzed so far indicates an early human being, with a million years ago had a common ancestor to modern humans and Neanderthals. The researchers hope to decipher in the coming months, the complete genome of the essence. This step will provide more than knowledge, whether it be a new species or not. For one of the questions that the research on the origin of human life on, and which can be answered very well by genetics is whether coexisting human species have been propagated to each other. Detailed investigations of several genomes of Neanderthals have not produced striking evidence that between Homo sapiens and Neanderthals came to reproduce.
There are good reasons to suspect that even if our family were never in close personal contact to us We have played a role in their extinction. Is it a coincidence that the extinction of Neanderthals in Europe shortly after the arrival of Homo sapiens? Some scientists argue that climate change is responsible. Others consider it more likely that Homo sapiens, the Neanderthals in the fight for food and other essential resources has put out.
dies also Homo sapiens at some point?
The discovery of new species contributes to the elucidation of this question but to nothing. We now know only that two human species have become extinct - if not in our immediate presence, then at least in our area. Why should it fare to Homo sapiens different from the others? Is it conceivable that we will die someday? Or are we simply destined for the role of another branch of the human family tree, which paved the way for the next, more advanced version of human beings?
As for the extinction, we should be safer because we can control our environment to some extent. Some biologists believe that we have stopped looking to further expand our evolution, or has at least slowed down considerably. "A global disaster would wipe out most of mankind and only a few hundred thousand would be left, it was strongly likely to develop away from us," Brown said. Even slammed ein Asteroid auf die Erde, der voneinander isolierte Grüppchen von Menschen zurückließe, würden einige aussterben und andere die Entwicklungslinie des Menschen unter anderem Namen weiterführen.
Die Geschichte unseres Lernprozesses über die menschliche Evolution zeigt allerdings, dass alles, was wir heute glauben, innerhalb weniger Jahrzehnte auf den Kopf gestellt werden kann. Einst hielt man die Neandertaler für unsere Vorfahren. Bis sich herausstellte, dass sie zur selben Zeit wie der Homo sapiens lebten. Jetzt wissen wir, dass dies auch für diese vierte Gattung gilt.
Die gute Nachricht besteht darin, dass wir nun die Möglichkeit neuer Erkenntnisse auf Grundlage von DNA-Analysen haben. Die Sammlung of fossil human remains is patchy and fragmented. Many very tiny fragments were characterized over the decades as relics of Homo Sapin, Hom neanderthalensis or Homo erectus and are now in museums and laboratories around the world. Are perhaps including pieces of bone from other, previously unknown human species? "It is quite possible that there are a number of human ancestors from whom we have no idea. I mean five, six or seven kinds of people, "Brown said. "Now everything is possible."
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Wording Response Cards Vegetarian
Sex in the monkey cage
Warum Orang-Utans Sexfilme anschauen dürfen – und was sie dabei lernen. Frank Brandstätter, Direktor des Dortmunder Zoos, klärt auf
DIE ZEIT: Angeblich lassen sich lustlose Affenpaare durch das Anschauen von Pornofilmen zur Paarung anregen. Stimmt das?
Frank Brandstätter: Ja, das stimmt. Affen machen nach, was sie sehen, und lassen sich davon stimulieren. Wenn Menschen vor dem Käfig Grimassen schneiden, dann imitieren die Affen this, too. When sex works well.
TIME: Who is the first to come up with the idea to encourage monkeys with porn?
Brandstätter: I do not know. But this is a common understanding and is also available in the literature, in some animal horticultural work.
TIME: Have you tried the process in your zoo in Dortmund?
Brandstätter: Many years ago we had an orangutan lady who was afraid of monkey men. We have shown an erotic film in which people have very loved man and woman. That was not really pornographic, but both are very affectionate with each deal. As has Orang-wife started to pass even such tenderness. And then the men have let themselves range. Orang-utans, especially the males are generally very affectionate in attracting the female partner. She stroked her head, or nudging them gently. So I know from our own zoological experience that this works with the movies.
TIME: Are soft porn especially suitable for orang-utans?
Brandstätter: Not generally, it depends on what you want to achieve. I do not know how good you are, but in porn movies there are a huge range. You have to select the film properly.
TIME: The need to explain.
Brandstätter: Viele junge Orang-Utan-Männer wissen nicht, was sie mit ihrem Penis anfangen sollen. Sie haben keine Ahnung, wo der beim Weibchen hingehört. Sie probieren dann Verschiedenes aus, sitzen etwa auf dem Kopf des Weibchens oder sonst was. Wenn man denen nun zeigen will, wie es richtig funktioniert, muss man bedenken, dass bei den Orang-Utans aus anatomischen Gründen nichts geht, wenn sie Bauch an Bauch sitzen. Das heißt, man muss einen Porno aussuchen, in dem Geschlechtsverkehr von hinten gezeigt wird.
ZEIT: Warum nimmt man denn für diesen Aufklärungsunterricht nicht Affenpornos?
Brandstätter: Das wäre ideal. Aber es ist sehr schwer, solche Filme zu kriegen. however, it is porn with people everywhere.
TIME: Are apes general tuition needs when it comes to mating?
Brandstätter: Generally not, but in animals in captivity can occur occasionally. Even in the wild, the young know only how to do it if they have it off before I watch in the old. This is true for all animals. reared at the zoo but sometimes a pup by hand - and you have to show what it can not abgucken with other dogs. This is true not only for sexuality, but for example also for the foraging behavior. Even the great apes can communicate via corresponding television programs.
TIME: And the monkeys do not see any difference between man and ape?
Brandstätter: apes are clever enough to make us as people like to see them, just as we feel the other way around as they like us. Orang-utan men react strongly to human female with long red hair. Orange have even reddish hair and go there right into it. They are also much more capable of dealing with animal keepers who are a bit stocky and strong, so in stature a bit of what an orang-utan. From a dainty little person can say anything the monkeys. They react strongly to external stimuli, and appearance.
TIME: Is there such differences between orang-utans and gorillas?
Brandstätter: Yes, which are very different. Orang-utans are the people with the most similar in terms of behavior. This is perhaps because they are solitary, while chimpanzees and gorillas are among the herd animals. Before a single chimpanzee or gorilla you usually need not be afraid. But they are cowards, they feel strong only in the herd.
TIME: This group would then announced more porn?
Brandstätter: Who knows. That ought to try it.
TIME: Could porn stimulate other animals such as panda bears, yes chronic pairing problems?
Brandstätter: No, these animals do not react to the images. Only the great apes have the same perspective as people. The eye position is about the same and the quality of the eye as well. We once an old lady orangutan life beautified, which had to be alone in her cage. So they are not so bored, we have made her a TV in front of the plant. Den has loved her very much. Most of all she has watched MTV. The questions presented
Sabine Etzold
Warum Orang-Utans Sexfilme anschauen dürfen – und was sie dabei lernen. Frank Brandstätter, Direktor des Dortmunder Zoos, klärt auf
DIE ZEIT: Angeblich lassen sich lustlose Affenpaare durch das Anschauen von Pornofilmen zur Paarung anregen. Stimmt das?
Frank Brandstätter: Ja, das stimmt. Affen machen nach, was sie sehen, und lassen sich davon stimulieren. Wenn Menschen vor dem Käfig Grimassen schneiden, dann imitieren die Affen this, too. When sex works well.
TIME: Who is the first to come up with the idea to encourage monkeys with porn?
Brandstätter: I do not know. But this is a common understanding and is also available in the literature, in some animal horticultural work.
TIME: Have you tried the process in your zoo in Dortmund?
Brandstätter: Many years ago we had an orangutan lady who was afraid of monkey men. We have shown an erotic film in which people have very loved man and woman. That was not really pornographic, but both are very affectionate with each deal. As has Orang-wife started to pass even such tenderness. And then the men have let themselves range. Orang-utans, especially the males are generally very affectionate in attracting the female partner. She stroked her head, or nudging them gently. So I know from our own zoological experience that this works with the movies.
TIME: Are soft porn especially suitable for orang-utans?
Brandstätter: Not generally, it depends on what you want to achieve. I do not know how good you are, but in porn movies there are a huge range. You have to select the film properly.
TIME: The need to explain.
Brandstätter: Viele junge Orang-Utan-Männer wissen nicht, was sie mit ihrem Penis anfangen sollen. Sie haben keine Ahnung, wo der beim Weibchen hingehört. Sie probieren dann Verschiedenes aus, sitzen etwa auf dem Kopf des Weibchens oder sonst was. Wenn man denen nun zeigen will, wie es richtig funktioniert, muss man bedenken, dass bei den Orang-Utans aus anatomischen Gründen nichts geht, wenn sie Bauch an Bauch sitzen. Das heißt, man muss einen Porno aussuchen, in dem Geschlechtsverkehr von hinten gezeigt wird.
ZEIT: Warum nimmt man denn für diesen Aufklärungsunterricht nicht Affenpornos?
Brandstätter: Das wäre ideal. Aber es ist sehr schwer, solche Filme zu kriegen. however, it is porn with people everywhere.
TIME: Are apes general tuition needs when it comes to mating?
Brandstätter: Generally not, but in animals in captivity can occur occasionally. Even in the wild, the young know only how to do it if they have it off before I watch in the old. This is true for all animals. reared at the zoo but sometimes a pup by hand - and you have to show what it can not abgucken with other dogs. This is true not only for sexuality, but for example also for the foraging behavior. Even the great apes can communicate via corresponding television programs.
TIME: And the monkeys do not see any difference between man and ape?
Brandstätter: apes are clever enough to make us as people like to see them, just as we feel the other way around as they like us. Orang-utan men react strongly to human female with long red hair. Orange have even reddish hair and go there right into it. They are also much more capable of dealing with animal keepers who are a bit stocky and strong, so in stature a bit of what an orang-utan. From a dainty little person can say anything the monkeys. They react strongly to external stimuli, and appearance.
TIME: Is there such differences between orang-utans and gorillas?
Brandstätter: Yes, which are very different. Orang-utans are the people with the most similar in terms of behavior. This is perhaps because they are solitary, while chimpanzees and gorillas are among the herd animals. Before a single chimpanzee or gorilla you usually need not be afraid. But they are cowards, they feel strong only in the herd.
TIME: This group would then announced more porn?
Brandstätter: Who knows. That ought to try it.
TIME: Could porn stimulate other animals such as panda bears, yes chronic pairing problems?
Brandstätter: No, these animals do not react to the images. Only the great apes have the same perspective as people. The eye position is about the same and the quality of the eye as well. We once an old lady orangutan life beautified, which had to be alone in her cage. So they are not so bored, we have made her a TV in front of the plant. Den has loved her very much. Most of all she has watched MTV. The questions presented
Sabine Etzold
Friday, December 10, 2010
Durabrand Portable Dvd Player Value
giant stork
He was almost twice as large as the diminutive islanders itself: 8000 years ago, a Storchart lived on the Indonesian island of Flores, which was up to 1.80 meters tall. Researchers have now found fragments of leg bones of animals. Whether the residents chased the birds, or whether it was the other way around is unclear.
A giant stork with more than 1.80 meters in size who once inhabited the Indonesian island of Flores. The storks were almost twice as large as the diminutive people who lived over 8,000 years ago on Flores. The question remains, who was hunting whom. The Dutch paleontologist Hanneke Meijer and her colleague Rokus Due to describe the National Archaeology Centre in Jakarta, the fossil discovery in the journal "Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society".
Die Fragmente von Beinknochen, die nach Angaben der Forscher zu einem Storch aus der Marabu-Familie gehören, sind 20.000 bis 50.000 Jahre alt. Die nur rund einen Meter großen Flores-Menschen, die von manchen Forschern als eigene Art namens Homo floresiensis eingestuft werden, starben vor etwa 8.000 Jahren aus. Die neue Storchart, Leptoptilos robustus, müsste rund 16 Kilogramm gewogen haben, schätzt Meijers. Die Vögel waren wahrscheinlich zu schwer zum Fliegen. Die Fossilien wurden in einer Höhle bei Liang Bua gefunden, in der auch Knochen der kleinwüchsigen Menschen entdeckt worden waren.
Die Insel, die nie mit dem Festland in Asien verbunden war, hat jede Menge ungewöhnliche Arten hervorgebracht: Mini-Elefanten, Riesenratten und die heute noch lebenden Komodowarane, die größten Echsen der Welt. Der "Inselfaktor" habe dazu geführt, dass sich die Arten entweder als Zwerge oder Giganten entwickelten, erklärte Meijer in einem Interview mit dem britischen Sender BBC. "Die Körpergröße des Leptoptilos robustus und das Leben am Erdboden sind die Folge der insularen Umgebung, in der es jede Menge Beutetiere gab und wenige fleischfressende Säugetiere", heißt es in dem Artikel.
Der Ibis (Vogel)-gestaltige Gott Thot:
See also:
He was almost twice as large as the diminutive islanders itself: 8000 years ago, a Storchart lived on the Indonesian island of Flores, which was up to 1.80 meters tall. Researchers have now found fragments of leg bones of animals. Whether the residents chased the birds, or whether it was the other way around is unclear.
A giant stork with more than 1.80 meters in size who once inhabited the Indonesian island of Flores. The storks were almost twice as large as the diminutive people who lived over 8,000 years ago on Flores. The question remains, who was hunting whom. The Dutch paleontologist Hanneke Meijer and her colleague Rokus Due to describe the National Archaeology Centre in Jakarta, the fossil discovery in the journal "Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society".
Die Fragmente von Beinknochen, die nach Angaben der Forscher zu einem Storch aus der Marabu-Familie gehören, sind 20.000 bis 50.000 Jahre alt. Die nur rund einen Meter großen Flores-Menschen, die von manchen Forschern als eigene Art namens Homo floresiensis eingestuft werden, starben vor etwa 8.000 Jahren aus. Die neue Storchart, Leptoptilos robustus, müsste rund 16 Kilogramm gewogen haben, schätzt Meijers. Die Vögel waren wahrscheinlich zu schwer zum Fliegen. Die Fossilien wurden in einer Höhle bei Liang Bua gefunden, in der auch Knochen der kleinwüchsigen Menschen entdeckt worden waren.
Die Insel, die nie mit dem Festland in Asien verbunden war, hat jede Menge ungewöhnliche Arten hervorgebracht: Mini-Elefanten, Riesenratten und die heute noch lebenden Komodowarane, die größten Echsen der Welt. Der "Inselfaktor" habe dazu geführt, dass sich die Arten entweder als Zwerge oder Giganten entwickelten, erklärte Meijer in einem Interview mit dem britischen Sender BBC. "Die Körpergröße des Leptoptilos robustus und das Leben am Erdboden sind die Folge der insularen Umgebung, in der es jede Menge Beutetiere gab und wenige fleischfressende Säugetiere", heißt es in dem Artikel.
Der Ibis (Vogel)-gestaltige Gott Thot:
See also:
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Calories In Chinese Chow Mein
sheep with seven legs
From 02 August 2007.
on a farm in New Zealand lamb with seven legs came into the world - it has three rear-and four front legs.
malformations of this type are used for cattle only once in several million cases. According to veterinarian for an abnormality in the embryonic stadium in the womb is responsible.
"normal" brother
the way the animal even has a twin - a completely ordinary Lamm. Ein langes Leben wird dem außergewöhnlichen Geschöpf jedoch leider nicht vergönnt sein. Es ist nicht nur mit drei überzähligen Beinen, sondern auch als Hermaphrodit (Zwitter) und mit fehlgebildetem Verdauungstrakt auf die Welt gekommen. Teile des Darms fehlten, so dass das Schaf nicht in der Lage sei, Kot auszuscheiden, sagte Tierarzt Steve Williams. Daher müsse es getötet werden: "Es am Leben zu lassen wäre wohl wirklich unmenschlich."
Sleipnir (such as "the gliding", alternatively spelled Sleipner) is in the Scandinavian mythology the eight-legged horse of Odin. It got its name because it is on land, water and air alike, "glides". Sleipnir Loki comes from a list. This had prevented the timely completion of Asgard, as a Rime Giants, who built the wall around Asgard, the completion of construction work, the goddess Freya would have to wife. Loki kidnapped in the form of a mare to the stallion of the giants, Svadilfari, who helped his owner at work, and had with him Sleipnir. Such was the colt disappeared for several days and the deadline to der Asgard fertig gebaut sein sollte, verstrich. Loki schenkte sein Kind, Sleipnir, später Odin.
Mircea Eliade schreibt, dass das achtbeinige Pferd das Schamanenpferd par excellence sei. Man findet es z. B. in Sibirien und bei den Muria, und zwar immer in Beziehung zum ekstatischen Erleben. Auf Sleipnir kann Odin durch alle Welten reiten. Von einigen Historikern wird vermutet, dass die acht Beine ein Symbol für die Beine von vier Menschen sind, die einen Sarg tragen. Somit ermöglicht das Ross auch, einen Reiter in die Unterwelt zu tragen. Auch Odin reitet auf Sleipnir nach Niflheim, um Balders Träume zu ergründen.
Sleipnir ist, laut einer Sage, auch der Grund, warum die Ásbyrgi-Schlucht auf Island die Form eines Hufeisens hat. Als Odin mit ihm über die Wüsten der Arktis ritt, soll das Pferd ausgerutscht sein und einen Fuß auf Nordisland gesetzt haben. Deshalb wird die Schlucht gelegentlich auch als Odins Fußabdruck bezeichnet.
From 02 August 2007.
on a farm in New Zealand lamb with seven legs came into the world - it has three rear-and four front legs.
malformations of this type are used for cattle only once in several million cases. According to veterinarian for an abnormality in the embryonic stadium in the womb is responsible.
"normal" brother
the way the animal even has a twin - a completely ordinary Lamm. Ein langes Leben wird dem außergewöhnlichen Geschöpf jedoch leider nicht vergönnt sein. Es ist nicht nur mit drei überzähligen Beinen, sondern auch als Hermaphrodit (Zwitter) und mit fehlgebildetem Verdauungstrakt auf die Welt gekommen. Teile des Darms fehlten, so dass das Schaf nicht in der Lage sei, Kot auszuscheiden, sagte Tierarzt Steve Williams. Daher müsse es getötet werden: "Es am Leben zu lassen wäre wohl wirklich unmenschlich."
Sleipnir (such as "the gliding", alternatively spelled Sleipner) is in the Scandinavian mythology the eight-legged horse of Odin. It got its name because it is on land, water and air alike, "glides". Sleipnir Loki comes from a list. This had prevented the timely completion of Asgard, as a Rime Giants, who built the wall around Asgard, the completion of construction work, the goddess Freya would have to wife. Loki kidnapped in the form of a mare to the stallion of the giants, Svadilfari, who helped his owner at work, and had with him Sleipnir. Such was the colt disappeared for several days and the deadline to der Asgard fertig gebaut sein sollte, verstrich. Loki schenkte sein Kind, Sleipnir, später Odin.
Mircea Eliade schreibt, dass das achtbeinige Pferd das Schamanenpferd par excellence sei. Man findet es z. B. in Sibirien und bei den Muria, und zwar immer in Beziehung zum ekstatischen Erleben. Auf Sleipnir kann Odin durch alle Welten reiten. Von einigen Historikern wird vermutet, dass die acht Beine ein Symbol für die Beine von vier Menschen sind, die einen Sarg tragen. Somit ermöglicht das Ross auch, einen Reiter in die Unterwelt zu tragen. Auch Odin reitet auf Sleipnir nach Niflheim, um Balders Träume zu ergründen.
Sleipnir ist, laut einer Sage, auch der Grund, warum die Ásbyrgi-Schlucht auf Island die Form eines Hufeisens hat. Als Odin mit ihm über die Wüsten der Arktis ritt, soll das Pferd ausgerutscht sein und einen Fuß auf Nordisland gesetzt haben. Deshalb wird die Schlucht gelegentlich auch als Odins Fußabdruck bezeichnet.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Luggage Store Mississauga
Today's game in the reserve from Alemannia Aachen brings a reunion with a man whose name is like no other, with the decline of RWE been linked: Ralf Aussem. committed
By Heiko Bonan as an assistant coach Ralf Aussem was three terrible years from summer 2007 to summer 2010, the personalized screen for all that had gone bad, RWE and only in the last nine months, when he and Erkenbrecher the lurching RWE-Kahn at least in terms of points brought back on track, could strike the common fan, which he himself was probably not that wrong, as one previously believed.
Where we are extremely reluctant to most games last season, remembers the home games against MGladbach II, Trier and Mainz II are among the boring most games I've ever seen (and that was against Trier even won), after all, but led the conservative coaching duo the honest last year's Regional force relatively quickly out of the relegation zone in the upper middle-man's-land the table and a district sports forum users noticed during practice that Ralf Aussem much better sides suggested, as the regional league player who earned good money last year for poor service.
Aussem was first noticed only by his baggy jeans but had particularly bad luck, personally Heiko Bonan to assistant coach to be chosen, namely the Heiko Bonan, RWE was allowed to accompany almost nine months on the outside line and stood by and watched in amazement as his team put together by him, the system with the half-and quarter-strikers did not understand it. It was somehow significant to the Bonan much later was dismissed not Aussem the reins handed over, but Michael Kulm, the former coach of the RWE-reserve. The time would have done almost the third league quality.
Fast, then came Lübeck and maybe, maybe probable, may determine the betting mafia. Will we ever know whether some of the RWE-Eleven players were involved financially, which blew the game against already relegated long as fixed Lübeck was? Aussem was assistant coach at Kulm, Middendorp, Strunz and somehow under / beside Erkenbrecher, the one in this duo perceived always as the first coach, probably, but simply because that is looking Ralf Aussem well basically not the bright light of publicity. What would it actually is a positive characteristic.
said Ralf Aussem went to the bankruptcy after three years and the descent from the third in the Fünftklassigkeit and you can still really do not allow opinion, whether its share of the decline is rather large and would have probably needed even more Aussemartige officials in order not to let the boat sink completely.
It's all over, the soup of the day before. Currently makes the retreads, RWE tapered so much joy for ages welcome awaits you back on home games and sees this not as a duty. Even a not so improbable defeat at Aachen II would not reduce the excitement for the game against Cleve. Looking forward to a home game against league 5 in Kleve, the best proof of the Fanzufriedenheit has little to do with the league membership.
/ M /
Today's game in the reserve from Alemannia Aachen brings a reunion with a man whose name is like no other, with the decline of RWE been linked: Ralf Aussem. committed
By Heiko Bonan as an assistant coach Ralf Aussem was three terrible years from summer 2007 to summer 2010, the personalized screen for all that had gone bad, RWE and only in the last nine months, when he and Erkenbrecher the lurching RWE-Kahn at least in terms of points brought back on track, could strike the common fan, which he himself was probably not that wrong, as one previously believed.
Where we are extremely reluctant to most games last season, remembers the home games against MGladbach II, Trier and Mainz II are among the boring most games I've ever seen (and that was against Trier even won), after all, but led the conservative coaching duo the honest last year's Regional force relatively quickly out of the relegation zone in the upper middle-man's-land the table and a district sports forum users noticed during practice that Ralf Aussem much better sides suggested, as the regional league player who earned good money last year for poor service.
Aussem was first noticed only by his baggy jeans but had particularly bad luck, personally Heiko Bonan to assistant coach to be chosen, namely the Heiko Bonan, RWE was allowed to accompany almost nine months on the outside line and stood by and watched in amazement as his team put together by him, the system with the half-and quarter-strikers did not understand it. It was somehow significant to the Bonan much later was dismissed not Aussem the reins handed over, but Michael Kulm, the former coach of the RWE-reserve. The time would have done almost the third league quality.
Fast, then came Lübeck and maybe, maybe probable, may determine the betting mafia. Will we ever know whether some of the RWE-Eleven players were involved financially, which blew the game against already relegated long as fixed Lübeck was? Aussem was assistant coach at Kulm, Middendorp, Strunz and somehow under / beside Erkenbrecher, the one in this duo perceived always as the first coach, probably, but simply because that is looking Ralf Aussem well basically not the bright light of publicity. What would it actually is a positive characteristic.
said Ralf Aussem went to the bankruptcy after three years and the descent from the third in the Fünftklassigkeit and you can still really do not allow opinion, whether its share of the decline is rather large and would have probably needed even more Aussemartige officials in order not to let the boat sink completely.
It's all over, the soup of the day before. Currently makes the retreads, RWE tapered so much joy for ages welcome awaits you back on home games and sees this not as a duty. Even a not so improbable defeat at Aachen II would not reduce the excitement for the game against Cleve. Looking forward to a home game against league 5 in Kleve, the best proof of the Fanzufriedenheit has little to do with the league membership.
/ M /
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Harley Davidson Buell S1
Comet goldfish
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Letter Of Work Done Volunteering
Minnesota Iceman: The mysterious deaths in the ice
Artikel von Cris Kummer:
Vor einigen Jahren hatte ich die Gelegenheit, mich im Archiv des verstorbenen belgischen Kryptozoologen Bernard Heuvelmans umzusehen. Es befindet sich im zoologischen Museum in Lausanne. Kern von Heuvelmans Vermächtnis sind die zahlreichen Schuber, welche Aufzeichnungen zu den unterschiedlichsten zoologischen Legenden enthalten. Heuvelmans widmete gleich mehrere Schuber dem so genannten „Minnesota Iceman“, einem Ausstellungsstück, das in den 60er- und 70er-Jahren an Jahrmärkten in ganz Amerika zur Schau gestellt wurde. Heuvelmans glaubte er, es handle is a Neanderthal man, who was shot during the Vietnam War and smuggled into the United States. Skeptics contradicted him and claimed that it was a just a plastic doll. Neither side was able to prove their version, as the supposed corpse eventually disappeared. The Rästel to the Iceman is still unresolved and will probably remain unsolved. Thanks to the notes I was able to reconstruct the history of the strange exhibit. This is a shortened version of my article in the magazine mysteries of the 2008 (Issue 25) appeared. Click
For the full article here:
Source: * oqykmglRxLQI6KQhnx9VdsJQWha2ucQXgEmRtUz77tBQtu7TIxzAngthXBssQ5QaR2F3vrHcg/minnesotaiceman.jpg .a/6a00d83451cc8269e201348680fc41970c-250wi
See Also
Artikel von Cris Kummer:
Vor einigen Jahren hatte ich die Gelegenheit, mich im Archiv des verstorbenen belgischen Kryptozoologen Bernard Heuvelmans umzusehen. Es befindet sich im zoologischen Museum in Lausanne. Kern von Heuvelmans Vermächtnis sind die zahlreichen Schuber, welche Aufzeichnungen zu den unterschiedlichsten zoologischen Legenden enthalten. Heuvelmans widmete gleich mehrere Schuber dem so genannten „Minnesota Iceman“, einem Ausstellungsstück, das in den 60er- und 70er-Jahren an Jahrmärkten in ganz Amerika zur Schau gestellt wurde. Heuvelmans glaubte er, es handle is a Neanderthal man, who was shot during the Vietnam War and smuggled into the United States. Skeptics contradicted him and claimed that it was a just a plastic doll. Neither side was able to prove their version, as the supposed corpse eventually disappeared. The Rästel to the Iceman is still unresolved and will probably remain unsolved. Thanks to the notes I was able to reconstruct the history of the strange exhibit. This is a shortened version of my article in the magazine mysteries of the 2008 (Issue 25) appeared. Click
For the full article here:
Source: * oqykmglRxLQI6KQhnx9VdsJQWha2ucQXgEmRtUz77tBQtu7TIxzAngthXBssQ5QaR2F3vrHcg/minnesotaiceman.jpg .a/6a00d83451cc8269e201348680fc41970c-250wi
See Also
Monday, November 1, 2010
Pokemon Battle Revolution Ds Rom
intelligence without a brain?
understood as the ancient Egyptians the heart as the seat of the soul, consciousness and feelings, this view has recently given way to medical knowledge. Today it is recognized that the brain is the center of the body. There is the seat of emotions and the control center for the entire body.
Even the slightest injury to the brain complex organ can have fatal consequences. But it's always like this?
Every now and then dive in medical publications und Büchern Berichte über Menschen auf, die Erstaunen in der Fachwelt der Medizin auslösen.
So sorgte 1980 Professor Dr. John Lorber, ein britischer Neurologe der Universität von Sheffield, auf einer Konferenz für großes aber nur kurzes Aufsehen. Der Arzt berichtete von Kindern, bei denen man den sogenannten Wasserkopf (Hydrozephalus) diagnostizierte.
So schildert Dr. Lorber beispielsweise in einem Aufsatz für das Magazin Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, dass zwei Kinder ohne Großhirnrinde (der Sitz des menschlichen Geistes) bis zu ihrem (frühen) Tode vollkommen normal aufwuchsen. Die ansonsten verheerende Fehlbildung schien die Entwicklung der Kinder nicht zu beeinflussen.
as sensational is a man to call the Dr. examined Lorber. Although the man had a slightly larger than average head, but an enormous mathematical intelligence. His IQ has been measured repeatedly with 126 and his school grades were excellent. But the study by Dr. Lorber revealed that the man had no brain. Only a thin layer about one millimeter of brain cells was found in his skull, all the rest was water. How could a man survive? The medicine was puzzled.
The most famous case of such anomalies of the brain is that of the boys Andrew Vandal, on 12 Born July 1984. During early development in the womb was at the root des Gehirns eine Zyste und verhinderte so die Entwicklung des Gehirn. Im Schädel von Andrew befand sich lediglich Zerebrospinalflüssigkeit aber kein Gehirn.
Trotz dieser Missbildung wurde der Junge geboren und von Kaye Vandal aus Wallingfort, Connecticut, USA, adoptiert. Entgegen aller ärztlichen Vorhersagen überlebte der Junge! Er kann zwar nicht sprechen und sich nur auf dem Rücken bewegen, aber er zeigt Reaktionen auf Reize, kann lachen, lächeln und zeigt eine mentale Entwicklung.
Ganz erstaunlich ist auch ein Kind gewesen, das 1935 im St. Vincents Krankenhaus in New York geboren wurde. Es lebte zwar nur 27 Tage, aber in dieser Zeit war das Baby vollkommen normal. Es unterschied sich in keiner Hinsicht von other infants, except in that the child had no brain at all. In addition to these and very similar examples are currently a number of other cases. But also many stories about people who lost in a terrible accident large parts of their brain without taking pity are remarkable.
In the summer of 1848 it came to such an accident. Phineas P. Gage, New England, was then employed as a foreman in the construction of the railway. When he wanted to press with an iron bar explosives for a new rail line, the mixture exploded suddenly. The approximately one meter long iron rod shot through the cheek bones, his brain and took the skull again.
A few minutes later, Gage was able to talk again and his colleagues needed him on the way to the doctor only lightly supported. For two months now he had to stay in bed, and it always came back to infection of the wound, the other parts of the brain destroyed. However, Gage again recovered almost completely. He declined, however, a passion for collecting all sorts of useless objects, and could not make decisions about future things.
For great interest in the media in a few years ago the case of the 27-year-old Alison Kennedy. On a train to Guildford in southern England it rammed a young man, a 13-centimeter-long knife blade from the back of the skull. The knife durchdrang das gesamte Gehirn bis knapp hinter das rechte Auge.
Trotz dieser unheimlichen Verletzung blieb Kennedy bei Bewusstsein, konnte den Schaffner zur Hilfe holen und war auch beim Eintreffen der Ambulanz noch ansprechbar. Folgeschäden trug sie erstaunlicherweise nicht davon.
Siehe auch:
understood as the ancient Egyptians the heart as the seat of the soul, consciousness and feelings, this view has recently given way to medical knowledge. Today it is recognized that the brain is the center of the body. There is the seat of emotions and the control center for the entire body.
Even the slightest injury to the brain complex organ can have fatal consequences. But it's always like this?
Every now and then dive in medical publications und Büchern Berichte über Menschen auf, die Erstaunen in der Fachwelt der Medizin auslösen.
So sorgte 1980 Professor Dr. John Lorber, ein britischer Neurologe der Universität von Sheffield, auf einer Konferenz für großes aber nur kurzes Aufsehen. Der Arzt berichtete von Kindern, bei denen man den sogenannten Wasserkopf (Hydrozephalus) diagnostizierte.
So schildert Dr. Lorber beispielsweise in einem Aufsatz für das Magazin Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, dass zwei Kinder ohne Großhirnrinde (der Sitz des menschlichen Geistes) bis zu ihrem (frühen) Tode vollkommen normal aufwuchsen. Die ansonsten verheerende Fehlbildung schien die Entwicklung der Kinder nicht zu beeinflussen.
as sensational is a man to call the Dr. examined Lorber. Although the man had a slightly larger than average head, but an enormous mathematical intelligence. His IQ has been measured repeatedly with 126 and his school grades were excellent. But the study by Dr. Lorber revealed that the man had no brain. Only a thin layer about one millimeter of brain cells was found in his skull, all the rest was water. How could a man survive? The medicine was puzzled.
The most famous case of such anomalies of the brain is that of the boys Andrew Vandal, on 12 Born July 1984. During early development in the womb was at the root des Gehirns eine Zyste und verhinderte so die Entwicklung des Gehirn. Im Schädel von Andrew befand sich lediglich Zerebrospinalflüssigkeit aber kein Gehirn.
Trotz dieser Missbildung wurde der Junge geboren und von Kaye Vandal aus Wallingfort, Connecticut, USA, adoptiert. Entgegen aller ärztlichen Vorhersagen überlebte der Junge! Er kann zwar nicht sprechen und sich nur auf dem Rücken bewegen, aber er zeigt Reaktionen auf Reize, kann lachen, lächeln und zeigt eine mentale Entwicklung.
Ganz erstaunlich ist auch ein Kind gewesen, das 1935 im St. Vincents Krankenhaus in New York geboren wurde. Es lebte zwar nur 27 Tage, aber in dieser Zeit war das Baby vollkommen normal. Es unterschied sich in keiner Hinsicht von other infants, except in that the child had no brain at all. In addition to these and very similar examples are currently a number of other cases. But also many stories about people who lost in a terrible accident large parts of their brain without taking pity are remarkable.
In the summer of 1848 it came to such an accident. Phineas P. Gage, New England, was then employed as a foreman in the construction of the railway. When he wanted to press with an iron bar explosives for a new rail line, the mixture exploded suddenly. The approximately one meter long iron rod shot through the cheek bones, his brain and took the skull again.
A few minutes later, Gage was able to talk again and his colleagues needed him on the way to the doctor only lightly supported. For two months now he had to stay in bed, and it always came back to infection of the wound, the other parts of the brain destroyed. However, Gage again recovered almost completely. He declined, however, a passion for collecting all sorts of useless objects, and could not make decisions about future things.
For great interest in the media in a few years ago the case of the 27-year-old Alison Kennedy. On a train to Guildford in southern England it rammed a young man, a 13-centimeter-long knife blade from the back of the skull. The knife durchdrang das gesamte Gehirn bis knapp hinter das rechte Auge.
Trotz dieser unheimlichen Verletzung blieb Kennedy bei Bewusstsein, konnte den Schaffner zur Hilfe holen und war auch beim Eintreffen der Ambulanz noch ansprechbar. Folgeschäden trug sie erstaunlicherweise nicht davon.
Siehe auch:
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Words Of Welcome To A Wedding
Faith of upright walking dog
So Leute, Taschentücher raus. Und ich will jetzt auch keine Diskussionen darüber ob sie hätte überleben sollen oder nicht. Fakt ist, daß der Hund mehr Kampfgeist zum Überleben zeigt als viele Menschen es heutzutage tun. Fakt zwei ist, daß die Halter bewußt die Strapazen auf sich genommen haben sich um diesen Hund zu kümmern. Jene die sich ihre Tiere unüberlegt zulegen, nur um sie später wegen absehbarer Unannehmlichkeiten wieder wegzugeben, sollten sich bei diesem Anblick in Grund und Boden schämen. So, das war mein Senf dazu.
So Leute, Taschentücher raus. Und ich will jetzt auch keine Diskussionen darüber ob sie hätte überleben sollen oder nicht. Fakt ist, daß der Hund mehr Kampfgeist zum Überleben zeigt als viele Menschen es heutzutage tun. Fakt zwei ist, daß die Halter bewußt die Strapazen auf sich genommen haben sich um diesen Hund zu kümmern. Jene die sich ihre Tiere unüberlegt zulegen, nur um sie später wegen absehbarer Unannehmlichkeiten wieder wegzugeben, sollten sich bei diesem Anblick in Grund und Boden schämen. So, das war mein Senf dazu.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Kidde Smoke Keeps Beeping
30000 visitors
And once again managed a decent anniversary. I thank you for your interest and hope you can continue to be amazed with interesting inventions.
And once again managed a decent anniversary. I thank you for your interest and hope you can continue to be amazed with interesting inventions.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Electric Box Dicas Level 19
Russian authorities warn of "yeti" in Siberia
"Yeti" alarm in Russia. Authorities in Siberia warn of "snow man" die ausgehungert über Haustiere herfallen sollen.
Ausgehungerte "Yetis“ in Sibirien? Davor haben russische Behörden erstmals offiziell gewarnt.
Nach den verheerenden Bränden vom Sommer seien die „Schneemenschen“ gezwungen, außerhalb der Wälder nach Futter zu suchen. „Sie stehlen sogar Haustiere und machen auch nicht davor Halt, Bären das Futter wegzufressen“, warnt die Verwaltung der Region Kemerowo nach Angaben der Agentur Itar- Tass.
Örtliche Medien zitierten gleich mehrere Bewohner der Region, die nach eigenen Angaben bereits „Yetis“ gesehen haben. „Er ging seltsam bent and was certainly not a bear. I swear that I was not drunk, "said the hunter Sergey Karpov (78).
The shepherd Asat Chaschijew spoke of a "human-like creature with dark wool. After the recent increase of reports of "Yeti" came together in southern Siberia a crisis team from district administration and forest management.
Local media questioned whether the reports. "There is little variety in Siberia - which apparently provides fertile imagination," commented a newspaper. Also in the republic of Kabardino-Balkaria were repeated reports of a mysterious ape-men ("Caucasus Yeti"), the Made round.
See also: http:/ /
"Yeti" alarm in Russia. Authorities in Siberia warn of "snow man" die ausgehungert über Haustiere herfallen sollen.
Ausgehungerte "Yetis“ in Sibirien? Davor haben russische Behörden erstmals offiziell gewarnt.
Nach den verheerenden Bränden vom Sommer seien die „Schneemenschen“ gezwungen, außerhalb der Wälder nach Futter zu suchen. „Sie stehlen sogar Haustiere und machen auch nicht davor Halt, Bären das Futter wegzufressen“, warnt die Verwaltung der Region Kemerowo nach Angaben der Agentur Itar- Tass.
Örtliche Medien zitierten gleich mehrere Bewohner der Region, die nach eigenen Angaben bereits „Yetis“ gesehen haben. „Er ging seltsam bent and was certainly not a bear. I swear that I was not drunk, "said the hunter Sergey Karpov (78).
The shepherd Asat Chaschijew spoke of a "human-like creature with dark wool. After the recent increase of reports of "Yeti" came together in southern Siberia a crisis team from district administration and forest management.
Local media questioned whether the reports. "There is little variety in Siberia - which apparently provides fertile imagination," commented a newspaper. Also in the republic of Kabardino-Balkaria were repeated reports of a mysterious ape-men ("Caucasus Yeti"), the Made round.
See also: http:/ /
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Amman Cinemas Gay Cruising
Das Stadtderby, der ETB und die Weimarer Republik
is the first time since the 1998/99 game on Sunday it again in a league comparison between RWE and ETB. Will it be so, answered by the WAZ and the sports area raised the question, "Who is the No. 1 in Essen ?"
is not, it does not, because the answer may be every man for himself. Anyone who knows that it goes in football for more than bare results and it is surprising that WAZ and fuel station sports so persistent about this, is it just the football in the Ruhr region as a symbol of the football culture . Stories, myths, scandals, sensations, who does it seriously committed to the outcome of the match, the ranking of football clubs in the city of Essen. The average attendance is at RWE in recent decades, higher by 10 to 20 times more than in the ETB.
If someone actually using the slot, RWE had played mostly in a higher class, just. When standing in the ETB in einer Endtabelle mal vor RWE ? Zu Zeiten der Weimarer Republik.
is the first time since the 1998/99 game on Sunday it again in a league comparison between RWE and ETB. Will it be so, answered by the WAZ and the sports area raised the question, "Who is the No. 1 in Essen ?"
is not, it does not, because the answer may be every man for himself. Anyone who knows that it goes in football for more than bare results and it is surprising that WAZ and fuel station sports so persistent about this, is it just the football in the Ruhr region as a symbol of the football culture . Stories, myths, scandals, sensations, who does it seriously committed to the outcome of the match, the ranking of football clubs in the city of Essen. The average attendance is at RWE in recent decades, higher by 10 to 20 times more than in the ETB.
If someone actually using the slot, RWE had played mostly in a higher class, just. When standing in the ETB in einer Endtabelle mal vor RWE ? Zu Zeiten der Weimarer Republik.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Breast Tenderness In Pregnancy Vs Pms
Eine Email an den Club
Vorab, ich erwarte nicht, das ein Fußballclub alle an ihn gerichteten Emails beantwortet.Am 20.Juli habe ich RWE eine Email zugesandt. Über eine Antwort auf die nun nachfolgende Email hätte ich mich dennoch gefreut, allein, es hat nicht sollen sein.
In the meantime, the development progressed, not able to Vorteil.Vom setting up a mobile platform RWE seems at least as far away as from professional football.
Only the Block N is to be opened on the grandstand N and 10 days before the first home game is still uncertain whether at least the unspeakable fishing net is cut. For me, a fundamental question with regard to acquiring a Season ticket.
/ M /
Vorab, ich erwarte nicht, das ein Fußballclub alle an ihn gerichteten Emails beantwortet.Am 20.Juli habe ich RWE eine Email zugesandt. Über eine Antwort auf die nun nachfolgende Email hätte ich mich dennoch gefreut, allein, es hat nicht sollen sein.
"So sehr ich mich darüber freue, dass RWE nun wenigstens die NRW-Liga stemmen kann und so sehr ich auch bereit bin, mir wieder eine Dauerkarte zu holen, so schrecklich finde ich doch die Vorstellung, auch im nächsten Spieljahr wieder im Block N stehend schräg gegen ein schwarzes Fischnetz gucken zu müssen, um dann doch can only imagine what goes on in front of the gate in front of the former West curve. This filtered view causes "eye cancer, and it is difficult to understand that that it's their own fans are crammed sardine-like and instead visiting fans, whose numbers are usually very rare three letter reached, will have a much better view of the field. (What does not mean that the visiting fans will be crammed like sardines)
My question (s): Would not it be possible to set up for the "explosive parts," a mobile gallery to house the visiting fans? With a maximum of 5-6 would have lots the financial costs (such a grandstand seat costs about 1000 € for 120 spectators) to lift his and the RWE fans do not need in the "Zwinger" Block N. A place to impose such a mobile platform should be located (behind the Westkurventor, the rubble wall next to the north stand bsw.)
Would it not be possible to shrink the footprint of the guest audience significantly, by a separation fence to the staircase to the block L sets up (see photo link)? Thus, the RWE fans could again walk in the middle of the block N could it even be closed to save costs.
to lift properly order a new beginning could only result I think the club even more worry, as he has in recent years but rather little spoiled regulars at the bar.
hoping for an answer and
M. ...."
In the meantime, the development progressed, not able to Vorteil.Vom setting up a mobile platform RWE seems at least as far away as from professional football.
Only the Block N is to be opened on the grandstand N and 10 days before the first home game is still uncertain whether at least the unspeakable fishing net is cut. For me, a fundamental question with regard to acquiring a Season ticket.
/ M /
Thursday, May 20, 2010
A look at the whole are accompanying notes to the new Lower Rhine Cup winner
Niederrhein Cup final
Incredible 10 409 spectators had come to see the Lower Rhine Cup final and to the 10000 + x to remain jargon, held up the x-number it with the black and white rivals. So there were 10 000 spectators in the shack, also known as 2/3-Stadion on the port road for their fidelity to their faith, it is their love for RWE to express a renewed advance of affection for RWE-Eleven, the only lower division rivals had to overcome before a private audience with the much einzuspielen needed money to put public the city, the state with a potentially attractive lot in the 1.Hauptrunde of the DFB Cup in the eternal Stadionbaufrage before live TV cameras under pressure. But in another game that could be the absolute low point in club history, RWE, player names are now smoke and mirrors and just a random sequence of consonants and vowels, another trend-final in the sand.
Instead of a game report here the subjective summary of the first 4 minutes of the game, as I too have experienced the nightmare of mine.
kick RWE, der Ball wird unmittelbar nach vorne gekickt wo in Höhe der Sechzehnmieterraumkante ein ETB-Spieler den Ball aufnimmt, ohne das ein RWE-Spieler auch nur in der Nähe des runden Leders ist, geschweige denn sein könnte, in einem Zeitraum von ca. 2 ½-Sekunden. Frage eines Laien: Was soll diese Anstoßvariante bezwecken ?
Nach ca. einer Minute Einwurf für den ETB in Höhe der Mittelinie, Leidensgenosse H. deutet an, das man im letzten Jahr gegen Speldorf zu diesem Zeitpunkt des Spiels schon zurück gelegen hatte. Es entwickelt sich ein Angriff über die linke RWE-Abwehrseite, ein ETB-Spieler bringt den Ball halbhoch vors Tor, Gestochere- Schuss- Tor, aber gilt nicht, der Ball war zuvor knapp im Toraus. Ca. 30 Sekunden später ETB next attack on the right, the ball goes in the middle of is probably Setzke, placed to the right, in one of RWE's players completely deserted area of the six orders Kamil Bednarek is on the ball and scores from 12 meters with a tight shot into the far corner, 0-1, played about 2 minutes. RWE kick, this time the ball comes to something (with the emphasis on something ) longer in the red and white lines, then gets Timothy Brauer a simple square ball out of control, the ball goes to the sideline. ETB throw on the right-back shakes Yilmaz RWE RWE off a player, another is based in its own already sixteen ran along the inside to any striker to ETB To meet Yilmaz is utterly alone just from a tight angle on Maczkowiak, yet is he not, but he is the head of Maczkowiak away the ball flies to the roof of the goal net, RWE 0 ETB 2, played less than 4 minutes.
Late goals that are sufficiently well known at RWE, I spare you the list. Early goals and then as a double to make but a novelty in the RWE horrors dar.
What follows is a Anschlusstor just before half-time break from off suspicious position, and after the break up said a handful of opportunities for RWE.Genauer, scoring opportunities
Dirk Heinzmann, whose only task on the football field, it seems to be to extend long balls to head towards the danger zone, makes exactly this a few times, but the RWE verstolpern each player before it could be dangerous, with no great value especially Sebastian Stachnik.
begin the final whistle blew the questions.
-Why can a team that speaks for 300 spectators in Uhlen pitcher of good visit, free play before 10,000 spectators, while RWE Elf paralyzed staggers across the lawn.
What next for RWE?
it go from RWE?
/ M /

A look at the whole are accompanying notes to the new Lower Rhine Cup winner
Niederrhein Cup final
Incredible 10 409 spectators had come to see the Lower Rhine Cup final and to the 10000 + x to remain jargon, held up the x-number it with the black and white rivals. So there were 10 000 spectators in the shack, also known as 2/3-Stadion on the port road for their fidelity to their faith, it is their love for RWE to express a renewed advance of affection for RWE-Eleven, the only lower division rivals had to overcome before a private audience with the much einzuspielen needed money to put public the city, the state with a potentially attractive lot in the 1.Hauptrunde of the DFB Cup in the eternal Stadionbaufrage before live TV cameras under pressure. But in another game that could be the absolute low point in club history, RWE, player names are now smoke and mirrors and just a random sequence of consonants and vowels, another trend-final in the sand.
Instead of a game report here the subjective summary of the first 4 minutes of the game, as I too have experienced the nightmare of mine.
kick RWE, der Ball wird unmittelbar nach vorne gekickt wo in Höhe der Sechzehnmieterraumkante ein ETB-Spieler den Ball aufnimmt, ohne das ein RWE-Spieler auch nur in der Nähe des runden Leders ist, geschweige denn sein könnte, in einem Zeitraum von ca. 2 ½-Sekunden. Frage eines Laien: Was soll diese Anstoßvariante bezwecken ?
Nach ca. einer Minute Einwurf für den ETB in Höhe der Mittelinie, Leidensgenosse H. deutet an, das man im letzten Jahr gegen Speldorf zu diesem Zeitpunkt des Spiels schon zurück gelegen hatte. Es entwickelt sich ein Angriff über die linke RWE-Abwehrseite, ein ETB-Spieler bringt den Ball halbhoch vors Tor, Gestochere- Schuss- Tor, aber gilt nicht, der Ball war zuvor knapp im Toraus. Ca. 30 Sekunden später ETB next attack on the right, the ball goes in the middle of is probably Setzke, placed to the right, in one of RWE's players completely deserted area of the six orders Kamil Bednarek is on the ball and scores from 12 meters with a tight shot into the far corner, 0-1, played about 2 minutes. RWE kick, this time the ball comes to something (with the emphasis on something ) longer in the red and white lines, then gets Timothy Brauer a simple square ball out of control, the ball goes to the sideline. ETB throw on the right-back shakes Yilmaz RWE RWE off a player, another is based in its own already sixteen ran along the inside to any striker to ETB To meet Yilmaz is utterly alone just from a tight angle on Maczkowiak, yet is he not, but he is the head of Maczkowiak away the ball flies to the roof of the goal net, RWE 0 ETB 2, played less than 4 minutes.
Late goals that are sufficiently well known at RWE, I spare you the list. Early goals and then as a double to make but a novelty in the RWE horrors dar.
What follows is a Anschlusstor just before half-time break from off suspicious position, and after the break up said a handful of opportunities for RWE.Genauer, scoring opportunities
Dirk Heinzmann, whose only task on the football field, it seems to be to extend long balls to head towards the danger zone, makes exactly this a few times, but the RWE verstolpern each player before it could be dangerous, with no great value especially Sebastian Stachnik.
begin the final whistle blew the questions.
-Why can a team that speaks for 300 spectators in Uhlen pitcher of good visit, free play before 10,000 spectators, while RWE Elf paralyzed staggers across the lawn.
What next for RWE?
it go from RWE?
/ M /
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Dollar Offset Method Definition
Runs however, is that!
RE: 1987/88
Nachdem das Vorjahresziel Klassenerhalt relative problemlos erreicht wurde, sollte es im darauffolgenden Jahr deutlich mehr sein. Zwar wurde Dirk Heitkamp an Eintracht Frankfurt verkauft ( wo er sich dann schwer verletzte und seine Karriere als Sportinvalider beenden musste anstatt, wie erhofft, Nationalspieler zu werden ), mit dem Alpenbomber Jürgen Wegmann hatte RWE aber einen Spieler verpflichtet, mit dessen Hilfe man im Kampf um den Aufstieg in die 1.Bundesliga durchaus ein Wörtchen mitsprechen wollte.
Es war eine Sommerpause , die es gut mit RWE meinte, zum Zweitligaauftakt freute man sich auf ein Heimspiel gegen Fortuna Düsseldorf, das erste Auswärtsspiel in Lüttringhausen/Remscheid ( ich habe keine Ahnung mehr, wie die zu diesem Zeitpunkt gerade hießen, BVL 08 Remscheid ?) wurde auf einen späteren Zeitpunkt verlegt, so dass mit dem Heimspiel gegen Aufsteiger SV Meppen direkt das 2.Heimspiel folgten würde. All das wurde aber überstrahlt von der DFB-Pokal Auslosung, die den Rot-Weißen den FC Bayern bescherte – Mathäus, Augenthaler, Wohlfahrt, Michael Rummenigge, Jean Marie Pfaff und wiesiealleheißenundhießen im Georg Melches Stadion, wo einst ein Bayern-Keeper mal mit einem fliegenden Klappmesser begrüßt wurde..
In the opening match against Fortuna Dusseldorf before a large crowd then attacked unfortunately TW Frank Kurth once violently beside it, it arrived to a 1-1 draw. An outlook on the rest of the season for goalkeeper and, yes, should RWE legend Frank Kurth is probably the worst season in RWE.
anger and dissatisfaction then went off to the second home game against the upstart SV Meppen, the East Frisians had not traveled with rubber boots, and do not wish to have beautiful slaughter as expected, van der Putter, Tatton and Co. once led 0-1 and the ranks sparked trouble. Which, after the break on the ex-Schalke Ralle rainbow lit, which, after his 1-1 equalizer the previous verbal hostility with a raised middle finger towards RWE Fanblock answered. What the issue is settled, where the schmo Effenberg had the idea for later oh so legendary Effe-finger originally manufactured.
In the now aufgehitzten atmosphere generated Meppen still the winning goal for 1:2, after all, was the excuse of Ralf rainbow in the following week, well received by the audience, rainbow should soar in its relatively long RWE time even one of the most popular players , always showed great physical exertion and achieved, if necessary even with the bottom, so a few late winning goal in the 2-1, then was as RWE still able to convert residues into victories ( Ja, nicht vorhandener junger Mitleser, solche Zeiten gab es bei Rot-Weiß Essen tatsächlich mal !!!!)
Auch gegen die Bayern traf Regenbogen zum zwischenzeitlichen 1:2 bei einer insgesamt doch ehrenvollen 1:3-Niederlage vor vollem Haus, doch so recht kam die Saison für RWE nicht auf Touren, nach einem desaströsen Auftritt an einem Samstagnachmittag in Oberhausen mit 3 Deczelak-Toren für RWO in der ersten Halbzeit erfolgte dann der Abpfiff für Hotte Hrubesch, der von seinem damaligen Co-Trainer Peter Neururer beerbt wurde. Der wiederum hielt sich bis zu einer 1:3-Heimniederlage gegen Kickers Offenbach im Amt, wir waren an diesem Abend bei einem Cure-Konzert in Düsseldorf und erfuhren von dem erschütternden Endergebnis Thanks to the hotline 0190 241,907th
The next morning there was even some additional information in the half time break, the police appeared at the Essen crew cabin by a young Turkish youth players cashing, who was involved in a gas station burglary.
Moving times, then, was there something going on the port road!
on Peter Neururer followed Horst Franz, who came as a pleasant Biedermann, 2 home games won, in between an away game lost to then but to make their way to FC Schalke 04, in the mistaken belief that Schalke could be reached more than RWE.
Well, today we know better, the two old rivals are exactly the area since that time equal to often become German champions.
A real, incarnate UEFA Cup winner took over the command of RWE, right, head coach number 4 in about 6 months.
Il Simpatico, Lothar Buchmann, a guy had in which about 59 of 60 respondents said, "but it fits the times not to RWE. Buchanan was seen as humorless and arrogant, with the habit of a strict, very strict university professors.
After all, Buchmann RWE led to relegation, but showed after a 1:2 defeat at home against Union Solingen - Frank Kurth looked at two gates off its rather unfortunate social upgradeable skills. In football, he was on Monday quoted as saying "Frank Kurth is a sensitive soul." Certainly extremely motivating for Frank Kurth, also a clear finger time, whose time had expired in the RWE-gate (it was then, fortunately, is far, but that'sa completely different story).
The final relegation was then accomplished with a 1-0 home win over Fortuna Cologne on the penultimate day, in the following weeks, leaked by the obligations of Solingen Keeper Volker Diergardt Mr.DFB-Pokal/Bayern-Pokalschreck and Wolfgang Schäfer.
Everything should be better in the new season.
it was but not really.
/ M /

RE: 1987/88
Nachdem das Vorjahresziel Klassenerhalt relative problemlos erreicht wurde, sollte es im darauffolgenden Jahr deutlich mehr sein. Zwar wurde Dirk Heitkamp an Eintracht Frankfurt verkauft ( wo er sich dann schwer verletzte und seine Karriere als Sportinvalider beenden musste anstatt, wie erhofft, Nationalspieler zu werden ), mit dem Alpenbomber Jürgen Wegmann hatte RWE aber einen Spieler verpflichtet, mit dessen Hilfe man im Kampf um den Aufstieg in die 1.Bundesliga durchaus ein Wörtchen mitsprechen wollte.
Es war eine Sommerpause , die es gut mit RWE meinte, zum Zweitligaauftakt freute man sich auf ein Heimspiel gegen Fortuna Düsseldorf, das erste Auswärtsspiel in Lüttringhausen/Remscheid ( ich habe keine Ahnung mehr, wie die zu diesem Zeitpunkt gerade hießen, BVL 08 Remscheid ?) wurde auf einen späteren Zeitpunkt verlegt, so dass mit dem Heimspiel gegen Aufsteiger SV Meppen direkt das 2.Heimspiel folgten würde. All das wurde aber überstrahlt von der DFB-Pokal Auslosung, die den Rot-Weißen den FC Bayern bescherte – Mathäus, Augenthaler, Wohlfahrt, Michael Rummenigge, Jean Marie Pfaff und wiesiealleheißenundhießen im Georg Melches Stadion, wo einst ein Bayern-Keeper mal mit einem fliegenden Klappmesser begrüßt wurde..
In the opening match against Fortuna Dusseldorf before a large crowd then attacked unfortunately TW Frank Kurth once violently beside it, it arrived to a 1-1 draw. An outlook on the rest of the season for goalkeeper and, yes, should RWE legend Frank Kurth is probably the worst season in RWE.
anger and dissatisfaction then went off to the second home game against the upstart SV Meppen, the East Frisians had not traveled with rubber boots, and do not wish to have beautiful slaughter as expected, van der Putter, Tatton and Co. once led 0-1 and the ranks sparked trouble. Which, after the break on the ex-Schalke Ralle rainbow lit, which, after his 1-1 equalizer the previous verbal hostility with a raised middle finger towards RWE Fanblock answered. What the issue is settled, where the schmo Effenberg had the idea for later oh so legendary Effe-finger originally manufactured.
In the now aufgehitzten atmosphere generated Meppen still the winning goal for 1:2, after all, was the excuse of Ralf rainbow in the following week, well received by the audience, rainbow should soar in its relatively long RWE time even one of the most popular players , always showed great physical exertion and achieved, if necessary even with the bottom, so a few late winning goal in the 2-1, then was as RWE still able to convert residues into victories ( Ja, nicht vorhandener junger Mitleser, solche Zeiten gab es bei Rot-Weiß Essen tatsächlich mal !!!!)
Auch gegen die Bayern traf Regenbogen zum zwischenzeitlichen 1:2 bei einer insgesamt doch ehrenvollen 1:3-Niederlage vor vollem Haus, doch so recht kam die Saison für RWE nicht auf Touren, nach einem desaströsen Auftritt an einem Samstagnachmittag in Oberhausen mit 3 Deczelak-Toren für RWO in der ersten Halbzeit erfolgte dann der Abpfiff für Hotte Hrubesch, der von seinem damaligen Co-Trainer Peter Neururer beerbt wurde. Der wiederum hielt sich bis zu einer 1:3-Heimniederlage gegen Kickers Offenbach im Amt, wir waren an diesem Abend bei einem Cure-Konzert in Düsseldorf und erfuhren von dem erschütternden Endergebnis Thanks to the hotline 0190 241,907th
The next morning there was even some additional information in the half time break, the police appeared at the Essen crew cabin by a young Turkish youth players cashing, who was involved in a gas station burglary.
Moving times, then, was there something going on the port road!
on Peter Neururer followed Horst Franz, who came as a pleasant Biedermann, 2 home games won, in between an away game lost to then but to make their way to FC Schalke 04, in the mistaken belief that Schalke could be reached more than RWE.
Well, today we know better, the two old rivals are exactly the area since that time equal to often become German champions.
A real, incarnate UEFA Cup winner took over the command of RWE, right, head coach number 4 in about 6 months.
Il Simpatico, Lothar Buchmann, a guy had in which about 59 of 60 respondents said, "but it fits the times not to RWE. Buchanan was seen as humorless and arrogant, with the habit of a strict, very strict university professors.
After all, Buchmann RWE led to relegation, but showed after a 1:2 defeat at home against Union Solingen - Frank Kurth looked at two gates off its rather unfortunate social upgradeable skills. In football, he was on Monday quoted as saying "Frank Kurth is a sensitive soul." Certainly extremely motivating for Frank Kurth, also a clear finger time, whose time had expired in the RWE-gate (it was then, fortunately, is far, but that'sa completely different story).
The final relegation was then accomplished with a 1-0 home win over Fortuna Cologne on the penultimate day, in the following weeks, leaked by the obligations of Solingen Keeper Volker Diergardt Mr.DFB-Pokal/Bayern-Pokalschreck and Wolfgang Schäfer.
Everything should be better in the new season.
it was but not really.
/ M /
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Are Single Withholdings Higher
Not only but especially at the Essen harbor road, you will often face the question of what would have been if . Had it, but why not earlier ... ..
The team scores since the beginning of the calendar year 2010 well, 3 wins and 2 draws, the draws in Saarbrücken is on will remain 10 points behind (at least, Saarbrücken has played a game less) but probably the same as is with the certainty of the jump in League 3 not succeed in this season.
But what actually clear for quite some time, even during the winter break RWE was the relegation places much closer than rank 1 and the switch from striker Sascha Molders was ein längeres Verweilen im zweistelligen Tabellenbereich befürchten.
Nun hat RWE immerhin ein gesundes Polster zwischen sich und die Abstiegszone gebracht und die Mannschaft glänzt zwar nicht, tritt aber kompakt auf und ist seit der unglücklichen last-minute Niederlage in Klabautern II ungeschlagen.
Und wenn die Mannschaft so weiter macht, mal nicht wieder 14 Spieler gehen und 14 neue Spieler kommen und vielleicht mal über längeren Zeitraum zumindest im sportlichen Bereich und im Fanumfeld Ruhe einkehrt, , geht es vielleicht auch bei RWE laaaaaaaaangsaaaaaaaaaam wieder bergauf. Ich persönlich meine in den letzten Wochen Anzeichen dafür erkannt zu haben.
Not only but especially at the Essen harbor road, you will often face the question of what would have been if . Had it, but why not earlier ... ..
The team scores since the beginning of the calendar year 2010 well, 3 wins and 2 draws, the draws in Saarbrücken is on will remain 10 points behind (at least, Saarbrücken has played a game less) but probably the same as is with the certainty of the jump in League 3 not succeed in this season.
But what actually clear for quite some time, even during the winter break RWE was the relegation places much closer than rank 1 and the switch from striker Sascha Molders was ein längeres Verweilen im zweistelligen Tabellenbereich befürchten.
Nun hat RWE immerhin ein gesundes Polster zwischen sich und die Abstiegszone gebracht und die Mannschaft glänzt zwar nicht, tritt aber kompakt auf und ist seit der unglücklichen last-minute Niederlage in Klabautern II ungeschlagen.
Und wenn die Mannschaft so weiter macht, mal nicht wieder 14 Spieler gehen und 14 neue Spieler kommen und vielleicht mal über längeren Zeitraum zumindest im sportlichen Bereich und im Fanumfeld Ruhe einkehrt, , geht es vielleicht auch bei RWE laaaaaaaaangsaaaaaaaaaam wieder bergauf. Ich persönlich meine in den letzten Wochen Anzeichen dafür erkannt zu haben.
Friday, February 12, 2010
One Red Bump On My Throat
Aufatmen an der K.-straat
Mit großer Erleichterung habe ich die Meldung über den Spielausfall in Saarbrücken zur Kenntniss genommen. Diese äußerst weitsichtige Entscheidung wichtiger Männer des Fußballgeschehens in Deutschland erspart unserem Verein eine weite Anreise und verschafft meiner Familie einen ruhigen, entspannten Samstag mit ihrem Hausangetellten (Mann und Vater). Das Maß meiner Erleichterung ist kaum zu beschreiben. Um es einigermaßen einordnen zu können hier ein paar Vergleichsmöglichkeiten: Ähnlich erleichtert fühlte ich mich 1987 beim Blick auf den Vertretungsplan, der mir zeigte, dass Herr Warzi... krank sei und ich somit keine weitere Demütigung von seiner Seite ertragen musste (woher wusste dieses Genie exactly always the case that I had not learned any links of any organic material ???). Easier still, I felt in 1985 also represent the views of the plan that said to me then that Mr Bi ... ill be and thus the math work, although I had taken notes when I have managed no more but when my name to paint on the paper (for such hard work was the time, but also much too tight) could not return. The attentive reader will notice how professional the author has devoted to everything else, of course, to make and easier. That's right, I am a teacher and of course, never sick, certainly not when I can have a math work (average 4.6, the students today are also too stupid and lazy) to return.
It's bad, but it has come that we are looking forward to playing more failures than held games. But matches on-screen text or in the live ticker is not easy to bear. One (or, as in recent years, several defeats) at the stadium is a little easier to bear. For this purpose, a loud THANK YOU, guys (no, I do not mean the team)!
to this dilemma, unfortunately, there is only one solution: shared rides on each game in our club .... but we're all unfortunately domestic workers with limited free will (except that, Here the question would be allowed, what it has to do with free will to be after 30 Years of hell and torture fan of this association.
has Regards H
Friday, January 29, 2010
Housetraining A 7mo. Old Dachshund
With the change to FSV Frankfurt Sascha Molders found I believe his athletic performance level that is somewhere between middle and top group 2.BL 3.Liga. In this area there are probably very few players who earn a monthly € 20,000, but such salary assumptions are quite willing to just set so in the room, I still remember your review in the district sports forum, and the other disks Lindbaek € 25,000 per month had assumed for his involvement in RWE. RWE is now in the last few years have been really burned enough money to earn around 20000 € for a fourth division, Sascha Molders but would probably have to switch to Notts County, and where he ought not to be known.
Sascha Molders I wish all the best at FSV Frankfurt, maybe help with its doors, reconditioned the FSV Frankfurt RW Oberhausen in the table yet, I keep my fingers crossed. By relieving
free Samy El Nounou would be ready by the way a possible alternative storm when he Sportpsychologekönnte also assume other duties nor directly next to the Goal Shooting.
/ M /
With the change to FSV Frankfurt Sascha Molders found I believe his athletic performance level that is somewhere between middle and top group 2.BL 3.Liga. In this area there are probably very few players who earn a monthly € 20,000, but such salary assumptions are quite willing to just set so in the room, I still remember your review in the district sports forum, and the other disks Lindbaek € 25,000 per month had assumed for his involvement in RWE. RWE is now in the last few years have been really burned enough money to earn around 20000 € for a fourth division, Sascha Molders but would probably have to switch to Notts County, and where he ought not to be known.
Sascha Molders I wish all the best at FSV Frankfurt, maybe help with its doors, reconditioned the FSV Frankfurt RW Oberhausen in the table yet, I keep my fingers crossed. By relieving
free Samy El Nounou would be ready by the way a possible alternative storm when he Sportpsychologekönnte also assume other duties nor directly next to the Goal Shooting.
/ M /
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