Sunday, December 19, 2010

Wording Response Cards Vegetarian

Sex in the monkey cage

Warum Orang-Utans Sexfilme anschauen dürfen – und was sie dabei lernen. Frank Brandstätter, Direktor des Dortmunder Zoos, klärt auf


DIE ZEIT: Angeblich lassen sich lustlose Affenpaare durch das Anschauen von Pornofilmen zur Paarung anregen. Stimmt das?

Frank Brandstätter: Ja, das stimmt. Affen machen nach, was sie sehen, und lassen sich davon stimulieren. Wenn Menschen vor dem Käfig Grimassen schneiden, dann imitieren die Affen this, too. When sex works well.

TIME: Who is the first to come up with the idea to encourage monkeys with porn?

Brandstätter: I do not know. But this is a common understanding and is also available in the literature, in some animal horticultural work.

TIME: Have you tried the process in your zoo in Dortmund?

Brandstätter: Many years ago we had an orangutan lady who was afraid of monkey men. We have shown an erotic film in which people have very loved man and woman. That was not really pornographic, but both are very affectionate with each deal. As has Orang-wife started to pass even such tenderness. And then the men have let themselves range. Orang-utans, especially the males are generally very affectionate in attracting the female partner. She stroked her head, or nudging them gently. So I know from our own zoological experience that this works with the movies.

TIME: Are soft porn especially suitable for orang-utans?

Brandstätter: Not generally, it depends on what you want to achieve. I do not know how good you are, but in porn movies there are a huge range. You have to select the film properly.

TIME: The need to explain.

Brandstätter: Viele junge Orang-Utan-Männer wissen nicht, was sie mit ihrem Penis anfangen sollen. Sie haben keine Ahnung, wo der beim Weibchen hingehört. Sie probieren dann Verschiedenes aus, sitzen etwa auf dem Kopf des Weibchens oder sonst was. Wenn man denen nun zeigen will, wie es richtig funktioniert, muss man bedenken, dass bei den Orang-Utans aus anatomischen Gründen nichts geht, wenn sie Bauch an Bauch sitzen. Das heißt, man muss einen Porno aussuchen, in dem Geschlechtsverkehr von hinten gezeigt wird.

ZEIT: Warum nimmt man denn für diesen Aufklärungsunterricht nicht Affenpornos?

Brandstätter: Das wäre ideal. Aber es ist sehr schwer, solche Filme zu kriegen. however, it is porn with people everywhere.

TIME: Are apes general tuition needs when it comes to mating?

Brandstätter: Generally not, but in animals in captivity can occur occasionally. Even in the wild, the young know only how to do it if they have it off before I watch in the old. This is true for all animals. reared at the zoo but sometimes a pup by hand - and you have to show what it can not abgucken with other dogs. This is true not only for sexuality, but for example also for the foraging behavior. Even the great apes can communicate via corresponding television programs.

TIME: And the monkeys do not see any difference between man and ape?

Brandstätter: apes are clever enough to make us as people like to see them, just as we feel the other way around as they like us. Orang-utan men react strongly to human female with long red hair. Orange have even reddish hair and go there right into it. They are also much more capable of dealing with animal keepers who are a bit stocky and strong, so in stature a bit of what an orang-utan. From a dainty little person can say anything the monkeys. They react strongly to external stimuli, and appearance.

TIME: Is there such differences between orang-utans and gorillas?

Brandstätter: Yes, which are very different. Orang-utans are the people with the most similar in terms of behavior. This is perhaps because they are solitary, while chimpanzees and gorillas are among the herd animals. Before a single chimpanzee or gorilla you usually need not be afraid. But they are cowards, they feel strong only in the herd.

TIME: This group would then announced more porn?

Brandstätter: Who knows. That ought to try it.

TIME: Could porn stimulate other animals such as panda bears, yes chronic pairing problems?

Brandstätter: No, these animals do not react to the images. Only the great apes have the same perspective as people. The eye position is about the same and the quality of the eye as well. We once an old lady orangutan life beautified, which had to be alone in her cage. So they are not so bored, we have made her a TV in front of the plant. Den has loved her very much. Most of all she has watched MTV. The questions presented

Sabine Etzold



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