Friday, February 12, 2010

One Red Bump On My Throat

Aufatmen an der K.-straat

Mit großer Erleichterung habe ich die Meldung über den Spielausfall in Saarbrücken zur Kenntniss genommen. Diese äußerst weitsichtige Entscheidung wichtiger Männer des Fußballgeschehens in Deutschland erspart unserem Verein eine weite Anreise und verschafft meiner Familie einen ruhigen, entspannten Samstag mit ihrem Hausangetellten (Mann und Vater). Das Maß meiner Erleichterung ist kaum zu beschreiben. Um es einigermaßen einordnen zu können hier ein paar Vergleichsmöglichkeiten: Ähnlich erleichtert fühlte ich mich 1987 beim Blick auf den Vertretungsplan, der mir zeigte, dass Herr Warzi... krank sei und ich somit keine weitere Demütigung von seiner Seite ertragen musste (woher wusste dieses Genie exactly always the case that I had not learned any links of any organic material ???). Easier still, I felt in 1985 also represent the views of the plan that said to me then that Mr Bi ... ill be and thus the math work, although I had taken notes when I have managed no more but when my name to paint on the paper (for such hard work was the time, but also much too tight) could not return. The attentive reader will notice how professional the author has devoted to everything else, of course, to make and easier. That's right, I am a teacher and of course, never sick, certainly not when I can have a math work (average 4.6, the students today are also too stupid and lazy) to return.
It's bad, but it has come that we are looking forward to playing more failures than held games. But matches on-screen text or in the live ticker is not easy to bear. One (or, as in recent years, several defeats) at the stadium is a little easier to bear. For this purpose, a loud THANK YOU, guys (no, I do not mean the team)!
to this dilemma, unfortunately, there is only one solution: shared rides on each game in our club .... but we're all unfortunately domestic workers with limited free will (except that, Here the question would be allowed, what it has to do with free will to be after 30 Years of hell and torture fan of this association.
Regards H


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