A look at the whole are accompanying notes to the new Lower Rhine Cup winner
Niederrhein Cup final
Incredible 10 409 spectators had come to see the Lower Rhine Cup final and to the 10000 + x to remain jargon, held up the x-number it with the black and white rivals. So there were 10 000 spectators in the shack, also known as 2/3-Stadion on the port road for their fidelity to their faith, it is their love for RWE to express a renewed advance of affection for RWE-Eleven, the only lower division rivals had to overcome before a private audience with the much einzuspielen needed money to put public the city, the state with a potentially attractive lot in the 1.Hauptrunde of the DFB Cup in the eternal Stadionbaufrage before live TV cameras under pressure. But in another game that could be the absolute low point in club history, RWE, player names are now smoke and mirrors and just a random sequence of consonants and vowels, another trend-final in the sand.
Instead of a game report here the subjective summary of the first 4 minutes of the game, as I too have experienced the nightmare of mine.
kick RWE, der Ball wird unmittelbar nach vorne gekickt wo in Höhe der Sechzehnmieterraumkante ein ETB-Spieler den Ball aufnimmt, ohne das ein RWE-Spieler auch nur in der Nähe des runden Leders ist, geschweige denn sein könnte, in einem Zeitraum von ca. 2 ½-Sekunden. Frage eines Laien: Was soll diese Anstoßvariante bezwecken ?
Nach ca. einer Minute Einwurf für den ETB in Höhe der Mittelinie, Leidensgenosse H. deutet an, das man im letzten Jahr gegen Speldorf zu diesem Zeitpunkt des Spiels schon zurück gelegen hatte. Es entwickelt sich ein Angriff über die linke RWE-Abwehrseite, ein ETB-Spieler bringt den Ball halbhoch vors Tor, Gestochere- Schuss- Tor, aber gilt nicht, der Ball war zuvor knapp im Toraus. Ca. 30 Sekunden später ETB next attack on the right, the ball goes in the middle of is probably Setzke, placed to the right, in one of RWE's players completely deserted area of the six orders Kamil Bednarek is on the ball and scores from 12 meters with a tight shot into the far corner, 0-1, played about 2 minutes. RWE kick, this time the ball comes to something (with the emphasis on something ) longer in the red and white lines, then gets Timothy Brauer a simple square ball out of control, the ball goes to the sideline. ETB throw on the right-back shakes Yilmaz RWE RWE off a player, another is based in its own already sixteen ran along the inside to any striker to ETB To meet Yilmaz is utterly alone just from a tight angle on Maczkowiak, yet is he not, but he is the head of Maczkowiak away the ball flies to the roof of the goal net, RWE 0 ETB 2, played less than 4 minutes.
Late goals that are sufficiently well known at RWE, I spare you the list. Early goals and then as a double to make but a novelty in the RWE horrors dar.
What follows is a Anschlusstor just before half-time break from off suspicious position, and after the break up said a handful of opportunities for RWE.Genauer, scoring opportunities
Dirk Heinzmann, whose only task on the football field, it seems to be to extend long balls to head towards the danger zone, makes exactly this a few times, but the RWE verstolpern each player before it could be dangerous, with no great value especially Sebastian Stachnik.
begin the final whistle blew the questions.
-Why can a team that speaks for 300 spectators in Uhlen pitcher of good visit, free play before 10,000 spectators, while RWE Elf paralyzed staggers across the lawn.
What next for RWE?
it go from RWE?
/ M /
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