Christian Sydow (aliás, Sido ) nasceu em Brusenfelde* em 1690 (calcula-se) e foi pastoreador de ovelhas.
Seu filho, também Christian Sydow , nasceu em 2 de Janeiro de 1720, também em Brusenfelde , e também tornou-se pastoreador de ovelhas.
O filho deste Christian foi chamado Martin Friedrich David e faleceu em Gross-Schönfeld em 7 de abril de 1816.
Já Michael Friedrich Sydow , da fourth generation, was born on February 2, 1787 in Gross-Schönfeld and became a Lutheran pastor in Gnesen, where he built a temple in 1842.
Albert Eugen Sydow is the fifth generation , born in Gnesen October 1, 1824 and died in Patzig on December 18, 1894, Lutheran pastor.
VI. Wilhelm Julius Albert
Sydow, sixth generation, born in Wetzenow January 13, 1862 and died in Lehnitz bei Oranienburg on February 14, 1940, was a Lutheran pastor in Schönwerder ( Uckermark ), then zich (Neumark ) from 1908 to 1931. Albert had 6 children of which Eberhard emigrated to Brazil in 1933
Paul Hans Albert (March 29, 1981), professor of Latin, had three children: Christian Johannes Konradin, Rainer Andreas and Joachim Hans Ekkehard Helmut
Eva-Maria (November 25, 1892) married Hans Buntrock
Eberhard Gunther
Walter (September 26, 1894), landscape ( Gartenmeister ). Drew squares and gardens and Ijuí Novo Hamburgo and Porto Alegre. Eberhard Sydow married Hildegard Schultz, born October 10, 1893 in Berlin-Friedenau, librarian, bookseller's daughter (Verlagsbuchhändler). The name of her four children includes Ulrich.
Ulrich Albert Eugen (July 30, 1896) killed in battle near Warsaw in World War I on December 14, 1914, was buried by Eberhard, tragic moment that marked him for life.
Joachim Friedrich Wilhelm (July 20, 1899) was pastor of Christengemeinschaft (inspired by anthroposophy) in Hannover and Rostock
Gernot Wolfgang Amadeus Benjamin (June 9, 1911 - November 24, 2007) Dr. Phil, Professor ( Oberstudienrat ) largest source of genealogical data and photographs on this blog write in
Wulfhild dia 25 de novembro de 2007:
Lieber Bernhard, bevor Du die offizielle Anzeige erhältst, teile ich Dir bereits jetzt mit, dass mein Vater am Sonnabend Vormittag - nun doch unerwartet und ohne ein Zeichen der Vorankündigung - gestorben ist. Meine Schwester Dietlind ist bereits aus Dänemark angereist, und es gibt eine Menge zu ordnen und zu organisieren. Du verstehst deshalb, weshalb ich in nächster Zeit unsere muntere E-Mail-Plauderei nicht in gewohnter Regelmäßigkeit fortsetzen werde. Da ich einzig von Dir eine Post-Adresse in Brasilien habe, geht die offizielle Todesanzeige dann nur an Dich. Ich bitte Dich deshalb schon jetzt, die traurige Nachricht dann an die brasilianischen Familienangehörigen weiterzugeben. Herzliche Grüße von Deiner Wulfhild
VIII. Hans Ulrich Gunther
Sydow was born in Berlin on September 13, 1925 and became a pharmacist in Three Steps (Colombo Pharmacy). He married Lilly Maier Panambi born on 1 August 1927, daughter of Eugen Maier and Hilde Reuter, merchant. His three sons were born in Three Steps:
Roland, September 7, 1951
Ursula, September 3, 1955
Elisabeth, Aug. 13, 1959
In remarriages married Lori ____ in April 20, 1994 in Three steps.
Eberhard II Antonius Sydow Robert Ulrich, was born in Rostock on March 11, 1928, died October 17, 1993 in traffic accident Montenegro, degree in theology was IECLB Lutheran pastor and professor of music Coronel Barros, Restinga Seca, Porto Alegre, Ibirubá and Marques de Souza. He married Ingeborg Scrape born in Campinas on October 9, 1929 and died on September 3, 1988, bachelor of letters and Anglo-German professor of Portuguese and German, daughter of Johannes Raspe, bachelor's degree in theology and Lutheran pastor and Elisabeth Reinke, technical accounting. His four children were born in Porto Alegre, Windmills Hospital, where he was cured of her sisters Johannes Raspe
Thomas, November 6, 1956
Bernhard, February 20, 1958
Veronica, May 1, 1963 died 7 days later (May 7, 1963)
Andreas, May 16, 1964
Mechthild Charlotte Ulrike Erika Sydow was born in Rostock 12 March 1932 and died in Nova Petropolis on November 22, 1971. Educator and artisan, aunt adorable, creative, dedicated to children and the craft was known as Tante Tilla.
Gunther Karl Sydow Robert Ulrich was born in Neu-Württemberg (Panambi) on September 18, 1937. First catering VARIG after, metallurgical today trusted person in the administration hospital, clinical engineering at Centenary Hospital, in São Leopoldo. Great source of historical data on this blog. Married to Elke Maul had one daughter: Andrea
, Maichingen born on June 5, 1967, graduated in Hispanic studies, therapist. Married to Bettina Schmeling, designer, born in Porto Alegre on November 15, 1953, daughter of the architect Kurt Schmeling and Günther teacher Scrape Agnes (sister of Ingeborg)
Gunar had two children, born in Porto Alegre on February 27, 1977, Hospital Femina,
Rosvita production engineer, born in Porto Alegre (Hospital of PUC) on September 12, 1979, horsemen of Interagro Itapira, São Paulo
IXa. Hans Gerhard Michael Sydow Sydow
IXb Roland was born in Three Steps on September 7, 1951, BS in mechanical engineering is agricultural entrepreneur and editor of locomotion (steam engines that produce electricity) in Mato Grosso in Porto of the Gauchos, city founded by his father William (Willy) Meyer. He married Ingrid Meyer, born in Santa Rosa on May 14, 1950, daughter of Willy and Gertrud Klaus. Two children were born in Porto dos Gauchos: Tatjana
on November 8, 1978 and Alexey in
April 5, 1981
IXC Ursula, with Antonio Carlos Oliveira, teve o filho Felipe Sydow Oliveira
IXd Thomas Sydow nasceu em Porto Alegre em 6 de novembro de 1958, bacharel em engenheria eletrônica é do controle de qualidade do setor automotivo da Continental, (ex Siemens) em Ratisbona (Regensburg), na Alemanha.
Com Mônica Raffel teve uma filha, nascida em Porto Alegre:
Christine 21 de novembro de 1984
Com Bárbara teve duas filhas, nascidas em Regensburg:
Laura Sofie, 21 de março de 1997
Caroline Elisabeth, 18 de Junho de 1999
IXe Bernhard Sydow, autor deste blog, nasceu em Porto Alegre em 20 de fevereiro de 1958 é bacharel em música com habilitação em agency, specializing in Youth and Adults (EJA) , professor of flute at Prelude Project which also governs the Children and Youth Orchestra, Professor of Art Education - Music Technical School in classes at the UFRGS PROEJA and organist in churches Luhther Martin (Porto Alegre - Higienópolis), Christ (São Leopoldo - Center) and Three Kings (Old Hamburg), married Vanda Zimmermann, bachelor of pedagogy degree in and catechesis , daughter of Albert Zimmermann Leda + and Wallauer, retired rural entrepreneurs. Three daughters: Veronica
Gisela, May 5, 1984, degree in Biology, Bachelor of Science in Biology, a graduate student in Ecology
Ana Carolina, born in Sao Leopoldo, March 14, 1987, technical administrative
Deborah Elisa, born in Sao Leopoldo, September 9 1988, student of classical singing
IXF Andreas Sydow is a history student. When married to Jacqueline Balconi had a daughter, Isabela Sydow, born in Porto Alegre, June 6 1997, student in the School of Application of UFRGS and the Prelude Project
IXG Andrea Sydow when married to Bernd von Markus Nieding, a law degree, had a daughter, Maria Laura von Nikolina Nieding, born in Berlin on November 13, a student at the Gymnasium zum Kloster Grauen he studied his great-grandfather Eberhard
Atlas history of Pomerania, Karte 3, Karte der historischen Dorfformen, 18 Jahrh., Vol 3, 1963.
Double-click the image. Wait for the expansion of the map, in order to find Brusenfelde between Fiddichow and Greifenhagen
* Today Brusenfelde has the Polish name of Dębogóra
duas vezes clique no mapa. Após a ampliação, podera encontrar Fiddichow, Greifenhagen, Schoenfeld, Gniezno ...
Photo recente da casa de Eberhard e Sydow Hildegard (Hilde Bêka e), quando em moravam Werder / Havel em 1925th
A inscrição diz:
. Enter joyfully happy depart again, pull you over as a walker, you God bless the Fahd "
Gaudeat ingredient, et laetetur AEDE recedes, His qui praeter eunt det Deus bona cuncta
Get Enough happily If you are happy to pass God bless your ways
currently (2008) you can find the name of our family in Sydow:
Nyköping, Denmark (Dietlind Karla)
Berlin (Andrea, Nikolina and Wulfhild)
Hamburg (Rainer Andreas Ekkehard)
Regensburg (Regensburg) (Thomas, Laura Sofie, Carolina Elisabeth)
Wuppertal (Roswitha Angelika)
Bochum (Christhild Mary).
In Brazil, Three Steps
(Ulrich Lilly + and + Pharmacy Columbus)
Ibirubá (Eberhard II + which was a Lutheran pastor in Cel. Barros, Restinga Seca, Porto Alegre, Ibirubá and Marques de Souza, where he is buried his first wife, Ingeborg +)
Porto dos Gauchos (Roland, engineer, entrepreneur agriculture, Alexey)
Campo Grande (Ursula, Elizabeth, both professors of the tourism sector)
Cuiabá (Tatjana)Porto Alegre (Eberhard + Hildegard + Veronica Gisela, Biologist, Isabela)
São Leopoldo (Gunther, Bernhard, Vanda, Gunar, Ana Carolina, Deborah Elisa)
Nova Petropolis (Mechthild +)
São Paulo (Rosvita).

Cidades com o nome Sydow, origens do nome Sydow
Im Familiennamen-Duden steht: Sydow: Herkunftsname zu dem gleichlautenden Ortsnamen (Sachsen-Anhalt, ehem. Pommern/jetzt Polen).
poln., slaw. Ortsname Sydow = Zydow = Zyd-ow, poln. Zyd = der Jude, poln. -ow, -owo = eine Ortschaft also Zydow = Judenort(-dorf, -stadt) = povoado de judeus. Sydow bei Bublitz (Pommern) heißt heute Żydowo.
clique no mapa. Após a ampliação, podera encontrar Zydowo
was 1768 the Jewish community of Alt-Strelitz was founded. Shortly before, Strelitz, the residence of the princes of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, burnt together with the castle and town. Duke Adolph Friedrich I had a new residence and build a new city, which was named Neustrelitz. In a mixture of tolerance and self-interest "cried the Duke in 1733 new settlers to his country and granted Jewish immigrants for a small fee, the right of establishment. This created from the spent Residenz Alt Mecklenburg-Strelitz, the Jewish capital "Oll-Mochum. It was the only shtetl in Mecklenburg. Nowhere else in this region should be in the 18th and the Jews in the first half of the 19th century were just as independent as in Alt-Strelitz. After all, the Duke had granted them upon their arrival a ten-year tax exemption given to building sites or give cheap, low-cost building materials and leave granted freedom of worship. The ducal tolerance soon led to the fact that Alt-Strelitz reached the highest Jewish population, the ever in Mecklenburg been added. The Jewish community in Alt-Strelitz had its own police and had their own synagogue in addition to a free school, which was also appreciated by Christian parents. The Duke of Neustrelitz it was only right that the Jews helped his tiny country economically on the jumps. They organized their trades but much better than their Christian colleagues cumbersome. Not least, the trade industry of the Jews, it was thanks to them that the house of Mecklenburg-Strelitz soon war.Fonte one of the richest German princely houses: http://www.ursulahomann.de/JudenInMecklenburgVorpommern/kap004.html
Texto completo em http : / / www.ursulahomann.de/JudenInMecklenburgVorpommern/kap001.html
Wulfhild writes in 2008, 19 out: Genealogical research in the case SYDOW ending the War of 30 years, because all records in the churches (baptisms, marriages, burials) could carry out were burned
Bei den SYDOWs endet die nämlich Ahnenforschung 30jährigen im Krieg, weil alle Kirchenbücher of verbrannt waren, die über weiter geben Auskunft zurückliegende Sydows Hatten können. Here
Universal History intervened so grrave among small Sydow. Their homeland, their homeland was crossed by the soldiers of Tilly and Wallenstein (motto: the war feeds the war). These were brought here and para lá pelas perseguições dos não menos sob brutais dinamarqueses Christian IV eo sueco Gustavo Adolfo. Por fim, nos últimos anos 30 de uma "guerra de pura Rapina" (já não se pode falar de uma "guerra religiosa" como era no início) talvez ainda fizeram contato com os Sydow os franceses.
reached where the "world history" again seriously in the lives of our little "Sydow-people" one. Through their home pulled the Imperial Austrian soldiers under Tilly and Wallenstein (motto: the war feeds the war). This then flooded back, respectively, followed and pursued by the no less brutal Danes Christian IV and then under the Sweden of Gustavus Adolphus. Jahren in den letzten Schließlich eines totalen "Raubkrieges" (vom "Religionskrieg" zu Beginn des schon lange 30jährigen Krieger konnte nicht mehr die Rede sein) die haben vielleicht auch noch mit Sydows Franzosen Bekanntschaft den gemacht.
Brandenburg and neighboring regions were the scenery of this incredibly cruel and endless war (1618 - 1648). In some regions the population was reduced by more than 66%. The map above explains very graphically the decimation of miserable people in Europe. Double-click the image to get a clear view. (Mapa especial Associado ao mapa principal "Europe Central após a guerra dos 30 anos, 1660, Atlas Westermann 1967, p. 107)
state of Brandenburg (Kurmark) and the adjacent areas were the main battlefield of this incredibly cruel and long-lasting war (1618 - 1648) After 30 years of war there, the population had decreased by starvation, disease, and of course fighting in some cases up to 66% in the Appendix you can find a card from Westermann Atlas of World History 1967, Page 107.. (special card to the main map "Central Europe after 30 years of war in 1660"), which illustrates the misery of depopulation in Europe graphically.
To recreate a more vivid picture of the time, Wulfhild literature recommends the following:
GRIMMELHAUSEN, HJ Chr Simplicius Simplicissimus. to an opera about this novel was written by composer Karl Amadeus Hartmann, in 1936. Composing an opera about the war of 30 years, Hartmann protested against the violence of the 1930s. With the citation of Jewish musical themes, sympathized with the persecuted by the dictatorship of the time. Excerpts of the novel is available on the Internet: http://burg-sparrenberg.de/2007-06-Cloedt2.html
Illustrations de Karl Eckle. Fonte: GRIMMELHAUSE. Der abenteuerlich Simplicius Simplicissimus. Dr. Rieder-Verlag, Stuttgart 1950.
Outra sugestão de leitura de Wulfhild:
MANN, Golo. Wallenstein . Hamburg, Spiegel, 2006. 1292 páginas!

Nützliche Quellentexte und Bildquellen zu einer to shape the Chronicle Sydow's the point: "How could it have been under the then historical facts and events".
The 30 Years War, as contemporary literature, the novel by HJ Chr Grimmelshausen "Simplicius Simplicissimus" interventions, and of course lots of reputable secondary sources. I am thinking of Golo Mann's "Wallenstein". From the time of the liberation war (Napoleon), there are even letters from the bride to the fiance to "box clever as it is so nice playing down, rural and idyllic location is, and the contents of which are reluctant to Today's hair. Since there is even a very palpable written testimony and it could (of course using additional sources) is a pretty true picture of us little people "from below" to describe words in the "huts" and not only of the "palaces" as they populate normally our history books
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