Friday, October 12, 2007

Can Pingueculas Go On Their Own

Buch 13: Johann Paul Knohll Literatur

John Paul Knohll - Literature

first The historical issues of Knohlls "viniculture-book"

1667; KNOHLL, JOHN PAUL: small viniculture-book, Kurtzer is the content and teaching of viticulture / As such in the upper-Saxon / and mostly in Meissen Creysse / should be well looked after bestellet regional Land-Art / Every time and with his special for works / By the guidance of Churfürstl. Saxon. hierbey located Weingebürgs-Constitution. Allen Hauss-fathers / to do so with the like / have / handle / use the / and Nehren Darvon / a singular value and the best / and most of it from his own pondered partly / partly by Hauss-old fathers learned experience / on and collected / by John Paul Knohllen / construction and mining recorders in the Churfürstl. Saxon. Lößnitz, Dresden, bey / Dero in mountain and feel like home-uff the Weinpreße there. With Churfürstl. Saxon. Liberty. Printed by Melchior Bergen / Churfürstl. S. Court of printing / 1667

1700; SINCERO PHILALETES: The Curiöse and Offenhertzige Wine Bars / That is: All kinds of good resources / like the wine from the wine to maintain carefully / to get consistently good / other / to turn herbal spice and wine frembde / and so he come to harm ohngefähr / Ihme happy again to help be; Allen Hauss-fathers and mothers of mitgetheilet Sincero Philaletes Dresden bey Johann Jacob Winckler / 1700

WITHOUT AUTHOR / ANONYMOUS: Kurtze description and information of the vine-den / Allen / so to do with the like / have / handle / to use and get to / from a singular value / addition to an open-hearted wine-Artzt / or: All sorts of good resources / how the wine of the wine carefully to wait / to get consistently good / other / herb spice and wine frembde turn / and so er ohngefähr zu Schaden kommen / ihme wieder zu helfen sey; Allen Hauß-Wirthen mitgetheilet und mit einer Baum-Schule vermehret. Dresden bey Johann Jacob Wincklern / 1711

1848; KNOHLL, JOHANN PAUL (E. V. DIETRICH, HG.): Klein Vinicultur-Büchlein, Das ist Kurtzer Inhalt und Unterricht des Weinbaues / Wie solcher im Ober-Sächsischen / und meistens im Meißnischen Creyße / nach hiesiges Landes-Art gepfleget / und iedesmal mit seinen sonderlichen Arbeiten bestellet werden soll / Nach Anleitung der Churfürstl. Sächs. hierbey befindlichen Weingebürgs-Constitution. Allen Hauß-Vätern / so mit dergleichen zu thun / besitzen / umgehen / sich gebrauchen / und darvon nehren / To a singular value and the Best / partly and mostly from his own pondered / partly by Hauss-old fathers learned experience / on and collected / by John Paul Knohllen / construction and mining recorders in the Churfürstl. Saxon. Lößnitz, Dresden, bey / Dero in mountain and feel like home-uff the Weinpreße there. With Churfürstl. Saxon. Liberty. Printed by Melchior Bergen / Churfürstl. S. Court of printing / 1667, Once more viewed and with an introduction accompanied by Dr. EV lockpicks and reprinted in the publishing Comptoir to Grimma, 1848

second The pseudonym: Sincerus Philaletes

1714 sinceri PHILALETAE, Acad. NATURE. CURIOS. Socii: Unvorgreiffliches sentiment of the miserable condition of distinct children and adults in St. Annaberg / A academical good friends there comminiciret wohlmeynend on demand. Chemnitz bey Conrad rams. 1714Dies is due to the similarity of names of the authors' Sincerus Phlialetes "mistake the John Paul Knohll in German and international bibliographies associated works

third General references

Bernuth, Jörg: The Jena wine, Society for the History of Wine, No. 85, Wiesbaden, 1988
Beschorner, HANS: The Hoflößnitz in Dresden, in: Dresden history sheets distributed by the Society for History of Dresden, XIII. Vintage, No.1, 1904BORST, OTTO: Everyday Life in the Middle Ages, Frankfurt am Main, 1983
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BRUNNER, OTTO: fathers of Literature, Art In: Handbook of Social Sciences 5, 1966, p. 92-93
CARLOWITZ, GEORGE HENRY FROM: The wine festival wine-growing company in the Kingdom of Saxony on 25 October 1840, Dresden1840
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