Buch 11: Wenige Ausgaben noch auffindbar
few originals of each expenditure or delete
More than 333 years after John Paul Knohlls first publication of its "small-viniculture booklet" there after the present research in Saxony have all four copies of the original edition.
total of four publication dates, with more or less, of the original has given it, 1667, 1700, 1711 and a re-setting of 1848. They have been submitted in writing this contribution to the biography of the writer Hoflössnitz construction and mining as printing units for inspection. are
Of the remaining two originals held by the Saxon State and Universitätsbiblitohek Dresden, one of which is tied with stretch-Roth Felser "Weinbaw Book" of 1629 and reading in the reading room loan, a second must be processed only bookbinding, before it can be sent from the rarities collection again. Two other well-preserved specimens are privately owned, one in Radebeul "book and graphic cabinet" and one in a private household that placed his copy as a template for these articles.
The output of 1700 is in the State and University Library hall, from 1711 in the University of Tübingen, issue of 1848, forestry in the Tharandter Library of the Technical University of Dresden.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Sores Lining Lips Of 3 Yr Old
Buch 12: Johann Paul Knohll – ein Leben für den Weinbau
John Paul Knohll - a life act and deed for the world of the Saxon wine
Who was John Paul Knohll? Several authors have, as shown in our text, the answers given to try and assessments. What remains to be determined at this point is: John Paul Knohll has written a remarkable advance, agricultural science textbook on viticulture. He has also addition, however, a book best tradition of the 16th and 17 Century, the special fathers of literature written for, according to the often-overlooked subtitle reads "Allen Hauss-fathers / so to do with the like / have / handle / use to / and Darvon Nehren / a singular value and best" and the text itself be repeated the royal and civic mine owners and householders addressed.
He just wanted them for their own benefit by the detailed discussion of the conventional work, the eyes for the controlling of all personal vineyard work after the prescribed "Weingebürgs-order" von 1588 öffnen und nahelegen - vergeblich. Die bürgerlichen Bergherren und fürstlichen Weinbergsbesitzer mögen es ihm gedankt oder milde nachgesehen haben, die hiesigen Winzer haben es ihm nie verziehen. Knohlls selbstgewähltes literarisches Lößnitz-Los lag spätestens ab 1667 zwischen Pflicht und Prügel. Er hatte, zerrieben zwischen den Profit- und Pläsierwünschen der Weinbergseigner einerseits, der Plackerei und den Plagen der Weinbergsarbeiter andererseits und einer bereits am fernen Horizont wetterleuchtenden Degeneration und Dekadenz im sächsischen Weinbau allerseits, nie eine Chance zu gewinnen.
Johann Paul Knohll war ein ordentlicher und ordnungsliebender Bau- und Bergschreiber, Hoflößnitz in a rather quiet place but too messy and disordered time and payment, with similar organizational and working conditions. He had something that even today can not merge into one another: it was theoretically studied, practically sound, accomplished professionally, and personally engaged - politically inconvenient. After the control and understanding of language since the 11th Century to the European courts introduced chess game he was probably the rulers possessed with the dislocation of his Lössnitz sphere literally a "scapegoat".
What the latest at the turn of the 17th to 18 Century, to the detailed regulations and submissions of the vineyard order, and stretching Rothenfels and Knohlls books to establish, for the Saxon wine is, "are economic, viticultural and scientific contradictions between one part of an existing portfolio of progressive wine publications for the theory and on the other hand, their actual unprofessional communication and use in the practice of the paralyzed to use state, sized and struktuerelle resistance. "What would have been expected, as the resulting response to the steady decline, the backwardness and lack of consideration in the Saxon Vineyard that time would be a jolt to return to initiatives and impulses have been, the heart, brain and hand of all by, in and of wine involved and interested parties could activate (Pardo, 2000).
But this jerk was always coming, until after 1870 rücksischtslos some point as an external event, the phylloxera in Saxony went to the roots of vines. It was the general view of the winery that this should mean the entirely of the Saxon wine-growing, brought a turnaround.
The gradual upswing to this day the Saxon wine-growing again after 1910, with continuous development and gradual one (FEHLING / Pardo, 1998). Today is operating in Saxony to around 450 hectares and a length of about 60 km to the right and left of the same wine. Saxony is the 13th specified region of Germany. Viticulture in Saxony is a part of the landscape, art and culture and a pillar of the economy, trade, commerce, catering, hospitality and tourism. Saxon wine has captured in the German and European diversity at a high level of his reputation and his place.
John Paul Knohll - a life act and deed for the world of the Saxon wine
Who was John Paul Knohll? Several authors have, as shown in our text, the answers given to try and assessments. What remains to be determined at this point is: John Paul Knohll has written a remarkable advance, agricultural science textbook on viticulture. He has also addition, however, a book best tradition of the 16th and 17 Century, the special fathers of literature written for, according to the often-overlooked subtitle reads "Allen Hauss-fathers / so to do with the like / have / handle / use to / and Darvon Nehren / a singular value and best" and the text itself be repeated the royal and civic mine owners and householders addressed.
He just wanted them for their own benefit by the detailed discussion of the conventional work, the eyes for the controlling of all personal vineyard work after the prescribed "Weingebürgs-order" von 1588 öffnen und nahelegen - vergeblich. Die bürgerlichen Bergherren und fürstlichen Weinbergsbesitzer mögen es ihm gedankt oder milde nachgesehen haben, die hiesigen Winzer haben es ihm nie verziehen. Knohlls selbstgewähltes literarisches Lößnitz-Los lag spätestens ab 1667 zwischen Pflicht und Prügel. Er hatte, zerrieben zwischen den Profit- und Pläsierwünschen der Weinbergseigner einerseits, der Plackerei und den Plagen der Weinbergsarbeiter andererseits und einer bereits am fernen Horizont wetterleuchtenden Degeneration und Dekadenz im sächsischen Weinbau allerseits, nie eine Chance zu gewinnen.
Johann Paul Knohll war ein ordentlicher und ordnungsliebender Bau- und Bergschreiber, Hoflößnitz in a rather quiet place but too messy and disordered time and payment, with similar organizational and working conditions. He had something that even today can not merge into one another: it was theoretically studied, practically sound, accomplished professionally, and personally engaged - politically inconvenient. After the control and understanding of language since the 11th Century to the European courts introduced chess game he was probably the rulers possessed with the dislocation of his Lössnitz sphere literally a "scapegoat".
What the latest at the turn of the 17th to 18 Century, to the detailed regulations and submissions of the vineyard order, and stretching Rothenfels and Knohlls books to establish, for the Saxon wine is, "are economic, viticultural and scientific contradictions between one part of an existing portfolio of progressive wine publications for the theory and on the other hand, their actual unprofessional communication and use in the practice of the paralyzed to use state, sized and struktuerelle resistance. "What would have been expected, as the resulting response to the steady decline, the backwardness and lack of consideration in the Saxon Vineyard that time would be a jolt to return to initiatives and impulses have been, the heart, brain and hand of all by, in and of wine involved and interested parties could activate (Pardo, 2000).
But this jerk was always coming, until after 1870 rücksischtslos some point as an external event, the phylloxera in Saxony went to the roots of vines. It was the general view of the winery that this should mean the entirely of the Saxon wine-growing, brought a turnaround.
The gradual upswing to this day the Saxon wine-growing again after 1910, with continuous development and gradual one (FEHLING / Pardo, 1998). Today is operating in Saxony to around 450 hectares and a length of about 60 km to the right and left of the same wine. Saxony is the 13th specified region of Germany. Viticulture in Saxony is a part of the landscape, art and culture and a pillar of the economy, trade, commerce, catering, hospitality and tourism. Saxon wine has captured in the German and European diversity at a high level of his reputation and his place.
Can Pingueculas Go On Their Own
Buch 13: Johann Paul Knohll Literatur
John Paul Knohll - Literature
first The historical issues of Knohlls "viniculture-book"
1667; KNOHLL, JOHN PAUL: small viniculture-book, Kurtzer is the content and teaching of viticulture / As such in the upper-Saxon / and mostly in Meissen Creysse / should be well looked after bestellet regional Land-Art / Every time and with his special for works / By the guidance of Churfürstl. Saxon. hierbey located Weingebürgs-Constitution. Allen Hauss-fathers / to do so with the like / have / handle / use the / and Nehren Darvon / a singular value and the best / and most of it from his own pondered partly / partly by Hauss-old fathers learned experience / on and collected / by John Paul Knohllen / construction and mining recorders in the Churfürstl. Saxon. Lößnitz, Dresden, bey / Dero in mountain and feel like home-uff the Weinpreße there. With Churfürstl. Saxon. Liberty. Printed by Melchior Bergen / Churfürstl. S. Court of printing / 1667
1700; SINCERO PHILALETES: The Curiöse and Offenhertzige Wine Bars / That is: All kinds of good resources / like the wine from the wine to maintain carefully / to get consistently good / other / to turn herbal spice and wine frembde / and so he come to harm ohngefähr / Ihme happy again to help be; Allen Hauss-fathers and mothers of mitgetheilet Sincero Philaletes Dresden bey Johann Jacob Winckler / 1700
WITHOUT AUTHOR / ANONYMOUS: Kurtze description and information of the vine-den / Allen / so to do with the like / have / handle / to use and get to / from a singular value / addition to an open-hearted wine-Artzt / or: All sorts of good resources / how the wine of the wine carefully to wait / to get consistently good / other / herb spice and wine frembde turn / and so er ohngefähr zu Schaden kommen / ihme wieder zu helfen sey; Allen Hauß-Wirthen mitgetheilet und mit einer Baum-Schule vermehret. Dresden bey Johann Jacob Wincklern / 1711
1848; KNOHLL, JOHANN PAUL (E. V. DIETRICH, HG.): Klein Vinicultur-Büchlein, Das ist Kurtzer Inhalt und Unterricht des Weinbaues / Wie solcher im Ober-Sächsischen / und meistens im Meißnischen Creyße / nach hiesiges Landes-Art gepfleget / und iedesmal mit seinen sonderlichen Arbeiten bestellet werden soll / Nach Anleitung der Churfürstl. Sächs. hierbey befindlichen Weingebürgs-Constitution. Allen Hauß-Vätern / so mit dergleichen zu thun / besitzen / umgehen / sich gebrauchen / und darvon nehren / To a singular value and the Best / partly and mostly from his own pondered / partly by Hauss-old fathers learned experience / on and collected / by John Paul Knohllen / construction and mining recorders in the Churfürstl. Saxon. Lößnitz, Dresden, bey / Dero in mountain and feel like home-uff the Weinpreße there. With Churfürstl. Saxon. Liberty. Printed by Melchior Bergen / Churfürstl. S. Court of printing / 1667, Once more viewed and with an introduction accompanied by Dr. EV lockpicks and reprinted in the publishing Comptoir to Grimma, 1848
second The pseudonym: Sincerus Philaletes
1714 sinceri PHILALETAE, Acad. NATURE. CURIOS. Socii: Unvorgreiffliches sentiment of the miserable condition of distinct children and adults in St. Annaberg / A academical good friends there comminiciret wohlmeynend on demand. Chemnitz bey Conrad rams. 1714Dies is due to the similarity of names of the authors' Sincerus Phlialetes "mistake the John Paul Knohll in German and international bibliographies associated works
third General references
Bernuth, Jörg: The Jena wine, Society for the History of Wine, No. 85, Wiesbaden, 1988
Beschorner, HANS: The Hoflößnitz in Dresden, in: Dresden history sheets distributed by the Society for History of Dresden, XIII. Vintage, No.1, 1904BORST, OTTO: Everyday Life in the Middle Ages, Frankfurt am Main, 1983
BREDOW, AUGUST FROM HENNING: Viticulture in the Kingdom of Saxony, in his former and present condition, in: negotiations and communications of the Royal. Saxon. Viticulture Society, Agricultural Journal. Edited by the farmer-economic main club for the Kingdom of Saxony, in communion with the economic society in Dresden and Leipzig economic Societät. First vintage, Arnold Buchhandlung, Dresden and Leipzig, 1845, p. 170-175
BRUNNER, OTTO: fathers of Literature, Art In: Handbook of Social Sciences 5, 1966, p. 92-93
CARLOWITZ, GEORGE HENRY FROM: The wine festival wine-growing company in the Kingdom of Saxony on 25 October 1840, Dresden1840
COBURG, DIETER: Dresdner Schank order of 16 October 1308; Electoral Saxon Weinberg order of 23 April 1588, Berlin 1998
Cohl, JOHANNES Oeconomia ruralis et domestica, Mäyntz 1656
GERMAN YEARBOOK OF FOLKLORE, ed. (from the Institute for German Folklore at the German Academy of Sciences in Berlin, Eleventh Volume, Academy Press, Berlin, born 1965
DREßDNISCHE WÖCHENTLICHE FRAG- UND ANZEIGEN, Von allerhand dem gemeinen Wesen nöthigen und nützlichen Sachen. Auf Sr. Königl. Majest. Und Churft. Durchl. Allergn. Special-Concession. No. XXXI., Dienstags, den 29. Jul. Anno 1755
ENGELHARDT, KARL AUGUST: D. J. Merkels Erdbeschreibung von Kursachsen und den ietz dazu gehörenden Ländern, bearbeitet von K. A. Engelhard, Dresden/Leipzig 1806
FEHLING, JÜRGEN / PARDUN, HELMER: Meißner Wein – Qualität von Anfang an. 800 Jahre Elbtalwein, 60 Jahre Sächsische Winzergenossenschaft 1938-1998, Edition Weinland Sachsen, Radebeul 1998
FLORINI, FRANCISCI PHILIPPI: Oeconomus prudes et legalis Or more generally intelligent and quite understandable Hauss-Vatter, Nuremberg, Frankfurt and Leipzig, 1750
GERLICH, Alois (ed.): wine, wine trade and wine culture - Sixth Alzeyer Colloquium, Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 1993
Güntzer, MAX : Handbook of Agricultural Literature, Part I, II, Hugo Voigt, Leipzig 1897; Part III
HAF: better Oeconomische treatise thoroughly and lucrative Weinbergsbau,, Dresden, 1765
Jöcher, CHRISTIAN GOTTLIEB: General scholarly lexicon, Continued and completion of JG Adelung, vol third 1810
KAEMMEL, OTTO: Saxon History, in the review of Agatha and Manfred Kobuch, Dresden, 6 Edition 1999
Kirby, PAUL: The Meissner wine, in: Communications of the Association for the History of the town of Meissen, Meissen, 1898, Louis Moses, p. 14-86
Kühnel, Harry (HG): everyday life in the late middle ages, Graz-Vienna-Cologne, 1984
LILY, MORITZ: to history of the Saxon wine-growing, in: Scientific Supplement to the Leipziger Zeitung, No. 26, Saturday, 2 March 1885, p. 101-104
LILY, MORITZ: chronicle of the parish Kötzschenbroda forming Lößnitz towns, first delivery, p. 23 ff Ziegner book printing, Kötzschenroda 1892
MERKEL, DJ: geography of Saxony and the iezt associated countries, Fifth Volume, Third Edition, edited by Karl August Engelhardt, Dresden, 1806
OERTEL, G.: The history of winemaking in Saxony, in : Scientific Supplement to the Leipziger Zeitung, No. 21, Wednesday 14 March 1888, p. 121-122
Pardo, HELMER: associations, cooperatives and amateur winemakers. For over 200 years guarantee for the survival of viticulture in northern Europe, in: Fehling / Pardo, 1998, p.123-137
Pardo, HELMER: brief statement of the chronology and history of the Saxon Viticulture Society of 1799 and its place in the historical development of the Saxon wine-growing, part 1 of 2, in: Meissner Wine & wineries courier, 2nd edition 2000
Pardo, HELMER: Try Saxony. A breviary Saxon wine culture and culinary traditions, small wine, cooking and reading book, Radebeul 2001
PFEIFER, WOLFGANG (ed.): etymological dictionary, Akademie Verlag, Berlin 1993
Rehschuh, GÜNTHER R. John Paul Knohllen, Legend and reality, the history of the 17th Lößnitz Century, in: The Preview, No. 11, 1961, Part 1, p. 1-5, Part 2, p. 12-14
REUTER, CURT : From the Leben der Winzer und Bauern, Radebeul Monographien zur Geschichte der Stadt, H. 10, o. J.
ROHR, JULIUS BERNHARD VON: Vollständiges Hauswirth-schafftsbuch, Leipzig 1722
RÜHLE, GÜNTER: Sächsische Weinbergs-Ordnung von 1588, in: Deutsches Weinbaujahrbuch 1996, 47. Jg., Waldkirch 1996
SCHLIEßER, LISELOTTE: Für diesen und weiter Hinweise zu diesem Text danke ich der Leiterin i. R. des des Radebeuler Stadtarchivs Lieselotte Schließer herzlich.
SCHUBERT, H. W.: Der Weinbau in der, den Marktflecken Kötzschenbroda, nebst Dörfchen Fürstenhain, die Hof- und Niederlößnitz, Nauendorf, Zitschewig und Lindenau umfassenden Parish Kötzschenbroda by age, calls and extent, together with historical notes about the Royal Castles. Saxon. Viticulture in general, and in particular on the vine cultivation in Meissen. A review (and sample issue) to chronicle the same parish. Usually prepared from documentary news from Royal. Saxon. Real power. Commission counsel HW Schubert, Dresden 1862
Schruth, ADOLF: Paul Knohll and Altlößnitzer winery, in: Die Elbe - Saxony sheets for local history - a supplement to the General Anzeiger, No. 20, 4 Vintage October 1927
Schruth, ADOLF: John Paul Knohll, electors mountain Hoflößnitz Schreiber, in: Elbaue - Blätter für sächsische Heimatkunde – Beilage zum General Anzeiger, 17. Jg. Nr. 2, Februar 1940
SCHRUTH, ADOLF: Unveröffentlichte Manuskriptensammlung von einigen seiner Arbeiten, ohne Titel, ohne Jahr, in: Stadtarchiv Radebeul, Signatur S 15-04
SCHUMANN, AUGUST: Vollständiges Staats- Post- und Zeitungslexikon von Sachsen, hier: Sechster Band, Zwickau 1819
SEYFERT, WILH. LEOP. (HG.): Der allgemeine und aufrichtige Sachsenfreund. Sachsen sonst und jetzt, Monatliche Beiträge für häusliche und vaterländische Wohlfahrt und zur Erholung am Feierabende, Leipzig 1831, hier II. Jg., H. 3 und 4, März und April 1831
TRAPP, WOLFGANG: Small handbook of measurements, numbers and weights and the era, Stuttgart 1998
TRAPP, WOLFGANG: Small handbook of numismatics and monetary system in German Schlad, Stuttgart 1999
PEOPLE, OTTO: viticulture and wine sales In the late Middle Ages; state of research and research problems, in: Gerlich, 1993
WAAS, ADOLF: Man in the German Middle Ages, Graz-Cologne, 1964WEBER, KARL FROM: The History of viticulture in Saxony, in: Journal of the Saxon history, Tenth Band, Leipzig 1872, p. 1-38
VINEYARD-PROCEDURE. Electoral Saxon vineyard order / 1588 by Christian Hertzog zu Sachsen, in: novum Corpus Saxonicum, Volume 3, Dresden, 1660, p. 134-137
WEINHOLD, RUDOLF: wine lifts. Forms of representation in Saxony's wine of 16 to 19 Century, in: German Yearbook of Folklore, 1965
WEINHOLD, RUDOLF: agricultural project on the Elbe, Saale and Unstrut, Berlin 1973Wuttke: Robert: The people - status and growth, Wuttke, R., Dresden 1900
Wuttke, Robert (ed.): Saxon folklore, Schoenfeld's Publishing House, Dresden 1900
GOATS, REINHOLD: Illustrated Guide to the villages the Lößnitz-Saxon Nice and environment Moritzburg, Meissen, Dresden together chronicle of this type, print and publishing Saxon Shipping printing Reinhold Ziegler, Radebeul, undated (probably 1909/10)
John Paul Knohll - Literature
first The historical issues of Knohlls "viniculture-book"
1667; KNOHLL, JOHN PAUL: small viniculture-book, Kurtzer is the content and teaching of viticulture / As such in the upper-Saxon / and mostly in Meissen Creysse / should be well looked after bestellet regional Land-Art / Every time and with his special for works / By the guidance of Churfürstl. Saxon. hierbey located Weingebürgs-Constitution. Allen Hauss-fathers / to do so with the like / have / handle / use the / and Nehren Darvon / a singular value and the best / and most of it from his own pondered partly / partly by Hauss-old fathers learned experience / on and collected / by John Paul Knohllen / construction and mining recorders in the Churfürstl. Saxon. Lößnitz, Dresden, bey / Dero in mountain and feel like home-uff the Weinpreße there. With Churfürstl. Saxon. Liberty. Printed by Melchior Bergen / Churfürstl. S. Court of printing / 1667
1700; SINCERO PHILALETES: The Curiöse and Offenhertzige Wine Bars / That is: All kinds of good resources / like the wine from the wine to maintain carefully / to get consistently good / other / to turn herbal spice and wine frembde / and so he come to harm ohngefähr / Ihme happy again to help be; Allen Hauss-fathers and mothers of mitgetheilet Sincero Philaletes Dresden bey Johann Jacob Winckler / 1700
WITHOUT AUTHOR / ANONYMOUS: Kurtze description and information of the vine-den / Allen / so to do with the like / have / handle / to use and get to / from a singular value / addition to an open-hearted wine-Artzt / or: All sorts of good resources / how the wine of the wine carefully to wait / to get consistently good / other / herb spice and wine frembde turn / and so er ohngefähr zu Schaden kommen / ihme wieder zu helfen sey; Allen Hauß-Wirthen mitgetheilet und mit einer Baum-Schule vermehret. Dresden bey Johann Jacob Wincklern / 1711
1848; KNOHLL, JOHANN PAUL (E. V. DIETRICH, HG.): Klein Vinicultur-Büchlein, Das ist Kurtzer Inhalt und Unterricht des Weinbaues / Wie solcher im Ober-Sächsischen / und meistens im Meißnischen Creyße / nach hiesiges Landes-Art gepfleget / und iedesmal mit seinen sonderlichen Arbeiten bestellet werden soll / Nach Anleitung der Churfürstl. Sächs. hierbey befindlichen Weingebürgs-Constitution. Allen Hauß-Vätern / so mit dergleichen zu thun / besitzen / umgehen / sich gebrauchen / und darvon nehren / To a singular value and the Best / partly and mostly from his own pondered / partly by Hauss-old fathers learned experience / on and collected / by John Paul Knohllen / construction and mining recorders in the Churfürstl. Saxon. Lößnitz, Dresden, bey / Dero in mountain and feel like home-uff the Weinpreße there. With Churfürstl. Saxon. Liberty. Printed by Melchior Bergen / Churfürstl. S. Court of printing / 1667, Once more viewed and with an introduction accompanied by Dr. EV lockpicks and reprinted in the publishing Comptoir to Grimma, 1848
second The pseudonym: Sincerus Philaletes
1714 sinceri PHILALETAE, Acad. NATURE. CURIOS. Socii: Unvorgreiffliches sentiment of the miserable condition of distinct children and adults in St. Annaberg / A academical good friends there comminiciret wohlmeynend on demand. Chemnitz bey Conrad rams. 1714Dies is due to the similarity of names of the authors' Sincerus Phlialetes "mistake the John Paul Knohll in German and international bibliographies associated works
third General references
Bernuth, Jörg: The Jena wine, Society for the History of Wine, No. 85, Wiesbaden, 1988
Beschorner, HANS: The Hoflößnitz in Dresden, in: Dresden history sheets distributed by the Society for History of Dresden, XIII. Vintage, No.1, 1904BORST, OTTO: Everyday Life in the Middle Ages, Frankfurt am Main, 1983
BREDOW, AUGUST FROM HENNING: Viticulture in the Kingdom of Saxony, in his former and present condition, in: negotiations and communications of the Royal. Saxon. Viticulture Society, Agricultural Journal. Edited by the farmer-economic main club for the Kingdom of Saxony, in communion with the economic society in Dresden and Leipzig economic Societät. First vintage, Arnold Buchhandlung, Dresden and Leipzig, 1845, p. 170-175
BRUNNER, OTTO: fathers of Literature, Art In: Handbook of Social Sciences 5, 1966, p. 92-93
CARLOWITZ, GEORGE HENRY FROM: The wine festival wine-growing company in the Kingdom of Saxony on 25 October 1840, Dresden1840
COBURG, DIETER: Dresdner Schank order of 16 October 1308; Electoral Saxon Weinberg order of 23 April 1588, Berlin 1998
Cohl, JOHANNES Oeconomia ruralis et domestica, Mäyntz 1656
GERMAN YEARBOOK OF FOLKLORE, ed. (from the Institute for German Folklore at the German Academy of Sciences in Berlin, Eleventh Volume, Academy Press, Berlin, born 1965
DREßDNISCHE WÖCHENTLICHE FRAG- UND ANZEIGEN, Von allerhand dem gemeinen Wesen nöthigen und nützlichen Sachen. Auf Sr. Königl. Majest. Und Churft. Durchl. Allergn. Special-Concession. No. XXXI., Dienstags, den 29. Jul. Anno 1755
ENGELHARDT, KARL AUGUST: D. J. Merkels Erdbeschreibung von Kursachsen und den ietz dazu gehörenden Ländern, bearbeitet von K. A. Engelhard, Dresden/Leipzig 1806
FEHLING, JÜRGEN / PARDUN, HELMER: Meißner Wein – Qualität von Anfang an. 800 Jahre Elbtalwein, 60 Jahre Sächsische Winzergenossenschaft 1938-1998, Edition Weinland Sachsen, Radebeul 1998
FLORINI, FRANCISCI PHILIPPI: Oeconomus prudes et legalis Or more generally intelligent and quite understandable Hauss-Vatter, Nuremberg, Frankfurt and Leipzig, 1750
GERLICH, Alois (ed.): wine, wine trade and wine culture - Sixth Alzeyer Colloquium, Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 1993
Güntzer, MAX : Handbook of Agricultural Literature, Part I, II, Hugo Voigt, Leipzig 1897; Part III
HAF: better Oeconomische treatise thoroughly and lucrative Weinbergsbau,, Dresden, 1765
Jöcher, CHRISTIAN GOTTLIEB: General scholarly lexicon, Continued and completion of JG Adelung, vol third 1810
KAEMMEL, OTTO: Saxon History, in the review of Agatha and Manfred Kobuch, Dresden, 6 Edition 1999
Kirby, PAUL: The Meissner wine, in: Communications of the Association for the History of the town of Meissen, Meissen, 1898, Louis Moses, p. 14-86
Kühnel, Harry (HG): everyday life in the late middle ages, Graz-Vienna-Cologne, 1984
LILY, MORITZ: to history of the Saxon wine-growing, in: Scientific Supplement to the Leipziger Zeitung, No. 26, Saturday, 2 March 1885, p. 101-104
LILY, MORITZ: chronicle of the parish Kötzschenbroda forming Lößnitz towns, first delivery, p. 23 ff Ziegner book printing, Kötzschenroda 1892
MERKEL, DJ: geography of Saxony and the iezt associated countries, Fifth Volume, Third Edition, edited by Karl August Engelhardt, Dresden, 1806
OERTEL, G.: The history of winemaking in Saxony, in : Scientific Supplement to the Leipziger Zeitung, No. 21, Wednesday 14 March 1888, p. 121-122
Pardo, HELMER: associations, cooperatives and amateur winemakers. For over 200 years guarantee for the survival of viticulture in northern Europe, in: Fehling / Pardo, 1998, p.123-137
Pardo, HELMER: brief statement of the chronology and history of the Saxon Viticulture Society of 1799 and its place in the historical development of the Saxon wine-growing, part 1 of 2, in: Meissner Wine & wineries courier, 2nd edition 2000
Pardo, HELMER: Try Saxony. A breviary Saxon wine culture and culinary traditions, small wine, cooking and reading book, Radebeul 2001
PFEIFER, WOLFGANG (ed.): etymological dictionary, Akademie Verlag, Berlin 1993
Rehschuh, GÜNTHER R. John Paul Knohllen, Legend and reality, the history of the 17th Lößnitz Century, in: The Preview, No. 11, 1961, Part 1, p. 1-5, Part 2, p. 12-14
REUTER, CURT : From the Leben der Winzer und Bauern, Radebeul Monographien zur Geschichte der Stadt, H. 10, o. J.
ROHR, JULIUS BERNHARD VON: Vollständiges Hauswirth-schafftsbuch, Leipzig 1722
RÜHLE, GÜNTER: Sächsische Weinbergs-Ordnung von 1588, in: Deutsches Weinbaujahrbuch 1996, 47. Jg., Waldkirch 1996
SCHLIEßER, LISELOTTE: Für diesen und weiter Hinweise zu diesem Text danke ich der Leiterin i. R. des des Radebeuler Stadtarchivs Lieselotte Schließer herzlich.
SCHUBERT, H. W.: Der Weinbau in der, den Marktflecken Kötzschenbroda, nebst Dörfchen Fürstenhain, die Hof- und Niederlößnitz, Nauendorf, Zitschewig und Lindenau umfassenden Parish Kötzschenbroda by age, calls and extent, together with historical notes about the Royal Castles. Saxon. Viticulture in general, and in particular on the vine cultivation in Meissen. A review (and sample issue) to chronicle the same parish. Usually prepared from documentary news from Royal. Saxon. Real power. Commission counsel HW Schubert, Dresden 1862
Schruth, ADOLF: Paul Knohll and Altlößnitzer winery, in: Die Elbe - Saxony sheets for local history - a supplement to the General Anzeiger, No. 20, 4 Vintage October 1927
Schruth, ADOLF: John Paul Knohll, electors mountain Hoflößnitz Schreiber, in: Elbaue - Blätter für sächsische Heimatkunde – Beilage zum General Anzeiger, 17. Jg. Nr. 2, Februar 1940
SCHRUTH, ADOLF: Unveröffentlichte Manuskriptensammlung von einigen seiner Arbeiten, ohne Titel, ohne Jahr, in: Stadtarchiv Radebeul, Signatur S 15-04
SCHUMANN, AUGUST: Vollständiges Staats- Post- und Zeitungslexikon von Sachsen, hier: Sechster Band, Zwickau 1819
SEYFERT, WILH. LEOP. (HG.): Der allgemeine und aufrichtige Sachsenfreund. Sachsen sonst und jetzt, Monatliche Beiträge für häusliche und vaterländische Wohlfahrt und zur Erholung am Feierabende, Leipzig 1831, hier II. Jg., H. 3 und 4, März und April 1831
TRAPP, WOLFGANG: Small handbook of measurements, numbers and weights and the era, Stuttgart 1998
TRAPP, WOLFGANG: Small handbook of numismatics and monetary system in German Schlad, Stuttgart 1999
PEOPLE, OTTO: viticulture and wine sales In the late Middle Ages; state of research and research problems, in: Gerlich, 1993
WAAS, ADOLF: Man in the German Middle Ages, Graz-Cologne, 1964WEBER, KARL FROM: The History of viticulture in Saxony, in: Journal of the Saxon history, Tenth Band, Leipzig 1872, p. 1-38
VINEYARD-PROCEDURE. Electoral Saxon vineyard order / 1588 by Christian Hertzog zu Sachsen, in: novum Corpus Saxonicum, Volume 3, Dresden, 1660, p. 134-137
WEINHOLD, RUDOLF: wine lifts. Forms of representation in Saxony's wine of 16 to 19 Century, in: German Yearbook of Folklore, 1965
WEINHOLD, RUDOLF: agricultural project on the Elbe, Saale and Unstrut, Berlin 1973Wuttke: Robert: The people - status and growth, Wuttke, R., Dresden 1900
Wuttke, Robert (ed.): Saxon folklore, Schoenfeld's Publishing House, Dresden 1900
GOATS, REINHOLD: Illustrated Guide to the villages the Lößnitz-Saxon Nice and environment Moritzburg, Meissen, Dresden together chronicle of this type, print and publishing Saxon Shipping printing Reinhold Ziegler, Radebeul, undated (probably 1909/10)
Thursday, October 11, 2007
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Buch 9: Knohlls ”Vinicultur-Büchlein” – die verschiedenen Veröffentlichungen
Knohlls "viniculture-book" - the different publications
underwent total Knohlls "small viniculture Booklet 'four runs, three of which have found copies of the original from 1667, further two added in another hand from the year 1700 and 1711 and a "new, revised" edition of 1848 as part of the research for this article, could be seen.
The originals are quickly reprints to distinguish because in the output of 1667 in the column title of the page 69, a small set of error has crept in: here was made "by the addition of a new country to the vineyards" on "Weiberg. Dresdner expenditure from 1700 and 1711 published by Johann Jacob Winckler, will be printed in the texts of Knohll again - that it can be seen at the initials that portrays the end of each entry with "JPK" - but had already a different title and an invented author's name: "The Curiöse and open-hearted wine specialist. This is all kinds of good resources / like the wine from the wine waiting to carefully / to get consistently good sey. Allen Hauss-fathers and mothers of mitgetheilet Sincero Philalete. Only Once with expanded content, the issue will be published by 1711, also by Johann Jacob Winckler in Dresden. This time the title is, "Kurtz description and teaching of the wine-den ... In addition to a physician-Offenbach Hertz wine with ... and multiply with a nursery.
With the issue of 1700, using Knohllschen viticulture texts in their book titles but an "open-hearted wine-doctor" has been announced as the author under the Autorenpseudonym Sincerus Philaletes - was in many cases, attempts at that time by beige Bung a Latinized name of the author the work of serious, scientific and making it easier to sell - is replaced by John Paul Knohll, the well-read but earth construction and mining recorder, prompt his higher scientific orders. Against the further use of texts, whose exploitation or alteration by compilers, plagiarists or editors, were its former original authors before 1800, to set out the copyright, gradually in England, extended gradually to other European countries and was applied, nothing . Enterprises
None of them could prevent that popular passages have been reprinted in dozens of places and infinite times without knowing the original author or edited. Already in 1714, published in the Chemnitz plant "Unvorgreifliches sentiment of the miserable condition of distinct children and adults in St. Annaberg ", which is also written by a Sincerus Philaletes, and the predicament of the social, psychological and medical situation of certain categories of persons specified in the concerned field will be in biblical othekskatalogen-up today John Paul Knohll and its alleged pseudonym Sinc. Phil attributed. This can hardly have written this script. First, he lived at that time probably already no more, otherwise it would have been old to the 85 to 90 years, secondly, it is alleged zeitlenbens never Chemnitz, its environment and its citizens come into contact, thirdly, the text is peppered with Latin and medical Scores who have never heard to education, training and field effect Knohlls.
The demonstrably false roll-call election affinity continues from then until the present day: in 1906 it is in the "German pseudonyms-Lexikon" found in 1963 in "General Catalogue of Printed Books" of the British Museum in London and also in the 1988 edition the "Bibliography of German wine." The 1848 edition of the "small viniculture-book" was the member of the Saxon wine-growing society, Dr. EV Dietrich set up, looked through again and accompanied with a preface "by him. This new emphasis is placed completely by the content of the original figure of the then Hoflößnitz in praise of God, Prince and wine appreciation scolding adjusted reduced, ie cover page, Dedicatio, preface and additional. Although Dietrich "The strong coarse language Paul Knohlls maintained. But had to preface that revolved largely around personal interest, undergo a complete transformation ", in the form of that of the 60-page bias - that makes the entire 245 pages of the original of just a quarter - about seven pages enter into the new preface by Dietrich. And this excerpt from the original preface is reproduced for the purpose, "not about our country a bad wine to throw light, but rather to apparent conviction, how much higher it (Knohll) dermal through education and the instructive influence of many mine owners before the tenants of the past is and how it is only his own fault if he in working capacity, ability, and behavior not his Occupations that corresponds to an equally honorable than useful ".
also recognizes EV Dietrich in the newly anxious edition of 1848 in his own preface nor "improve the founder of a wine culture and wine husbandry of his country" to another position with the JP Knohll as to the same stroke of the pen should be noted that the book Knohlls a " result of lengthy careful inquiry, proven experience and a sound practical understanding (is) leading in the end as far as internally generated theories that shine from the outside, hollow on the inside are ". However, it ended EV Dietrich its comments on Knohll before he closes with some observations about the wine in the time around 1848 his preface: "The glory is his (Knohll) that he played in Saxony the basis of a rational viticulture, and the first cause was that men could see Weinberg check with your own eyes. "
Dietrich'sche In the 1848 reissue of the Knohllschen" viniculture-booklet " account many of the bright spots of the original, it actually as a monument of viticultural, literary and cultural history of Saxony distinguished so special. What remains is a text of the "small viniculture-book" that he had seemed so formerly in the original, contains merely an informed interpretation and application of the Electoral Weinges-population-order and a few original and inventive little splash in the contemporary as well as cultural and historical Saxon point of view would have brought about vineyard work and wine literature. Noteworthy in this edition is the 1848, or at another place and another source, however, does not need to be realized Note that John Paul Knohll old " starb und in Kötzschenbroda begraben liegt”.
Knohlls "viniculture-book" - the different publications
underwent total Knohlls "small viniculture Booklet 'four runs, three of which have found copies of the original from 1667, further two added in another hand from the year 1700 and 1711 and a "new, revised" edition of 1848 as part of the research for this article, could be seen.
The originals are quickly reprints to distinguish because in the output of 1667 in the column title of the page 69, a small set of error has crept in: here was made "by the addition of a new country to the vineyards" on "Weiberg. Dresdner expenditure from 1700 and 1711 published by Johann Jacob Winckler, will be printed in the texts of Knohll again - that it can be seen at the initials that portrays the end of each entry with "JPK" - but had already a different title and an invented author's name: "The Curiöse and open-hearted wine specialist. This is all kinds of good resources / like the wine from the wine waiting to carefully / to get consistently good sey. Allen Hauss-fathers and mothers of mitgetheilet Sincero Philalete. Only Once with expanded content, the issue will be published by 1711, also by Johann Jacob Winckler in Dresden. This time the title is, "Kurtz description and teaching of the wine-den ... In addition to a physician-Offenbach Hertz wine with ... and multiply with a nursery.
With the issue of 1700, using Knohllschen viticulture texts in their book titles but an "open-hearted wine-doctor" has been announced as the author under the Autorenpseudonym Sincerus Philaletes - was in many cases, attempts at that time by beige Bung a Latinized name of the author the work of serious, scientific and making it easier to sell - is replaced by John Paul Knohll, the well-read but earth construction and mining recorder, prompt his higher scientific orders. Against the further use of texts, whose exploitation or alteration by compilers, plagiarists or editors, were its former original authors before 1800, to set out the copyright, gradually in England, extended gradually to other European countries and was applied, nothing . Enterprises
None of them could prevent that popular passages have been reprinted in dozens of places and infinite times without knowing the original author or edited. Already in 1714, published in the Chemnitz plant "Unvorgreifliches sentiment of the miserable condition of distinct children and adults in St. Annaberg ", which is also written by a Sincerus Philaletes, and the predicament of the social, psychological and medical situation of certain categories of persons specified in the concerned field will be in biblical othekskatalogen-up today John Paul Knohll and its alleged pseudonym Sinc. Phil attributed. This can hardly have written this script. First, he lived at that time probably already no more, otherwise it would have been old to the 85 to 90 years, secondly, it is alleged zeitlenbens never Chemnitz, its environment and its citizens come into contact, thirdly, the text is peppered with Latin and medical Scores who have never heard to education, training and field effect Knohlls.
The demonstrably false roll-call election affinity continues from then until the present day: in 1906 it is in the "German pseudonyms-Lexikon" found in 1963 in "General Catalogue of Printed Books" of the British Museum in London and also in the 1988 edition the "Bibliography of German wine." The 1848 edition of the "small viniculture-book" was the member of the Saxon wine-growing society, Dr. EV Dietrich set up, looked through again and accompanied with a preface "by him. This new emphasis is placed completely by the content of the original figure of the then Hoflößnitz in praise of God, Prince and wine appreciation scolding adjusted reduced, ie cover page, Dedicatio, preface and additional. Although Dietrich "The strong coarse language Paul Knohlls maintained. But had to preface that revolved largely around personal interest, undergo a complete transformation ", in the form of that of the 60-page bias - that makes the entire 245 pages of the original of just a quarter - about seven pages enter into the new preface by Dietrich. And this excerpt from the original preface is reproduced for the purpose, "not about our country a bad wine to throw light, but rather to apparent conviction, how much higher it (Knohll) dermal through education and the instructive influence of many mine owners before the tenants of the past is and how it is only his own fault if he in working capacity, ability, and behavior not his Occupations that corresponds to an equally honorable than useful ".
also recognizes EV Dietrich in the newly anxious edition of 1848 in his own preface nor "improve the founder of a wine culture and wine husbandry of his country" to another position with the JP Knohll as to the same stroke of the pen should be noted that the book Knohlls a " result of lengthy careful inquiry, proven experience and a sound practical understanding (is) leading in the end as far as internally generated theories that shine from the outside, hollow on the inside are ". However, it ended EV Dietrich its comments on Knohll before he closes with some observations about the wine in the time around 1848 his preface: "The glory is his (Knohll) that he played in Saxony the basis of a rational viticulture, and the first cause was that men could see Weinberg check with your own eyes. "
Dietrich'sche In the 1848 reissue of the Knohllschen" viniculture-booklet " account many of the bright spots of the original, it actually as a monument of viticultural, literary and cultural history of Saxony distinguished so special. What remains is a text of the "small viniculture-book" that he had seemed so formerly in the original, contains merely an informed interpretation and application of the Electoral Weinges-population-order and a few original and inventive little splash in the contemporary as well as cultural and historical Saxon point of view would have brought about vineyard work and wine literature. Noteworthy in this edition is the 1848, or at another place and another source, however, does not need to be realized Note that John Paul Knohll old " starb und in Kötzschenbroda begraben liegt”.
Beautiful Girdled Husband
Buch 10: Johann Paul Knohll - in Reimen und Rankünen
Johann Paul Knohll - with rhymes and rancor
The in viniculture-book printed and in this edition reproduced engraving, I. Elector Johann Georg shows in 1650 laid the foundations and builders Ezekiel Eckart executed Hoflößnitz about to see the year of the viniculture-booklet, "So 1667th On the right are still visible Fachwerksbau of the mountain manager, a tower-like house and water in between the old, large press, the 10 February 1824 burned down and replaced by the present building was (Rehschuh, 1961).
pictures or portraits of construction und Bergschreiber gibt es keine. Im heutigen Weinmuseum Hoflößnitz hängt das Portrait eines mit ausladendem Federbarrett geschmückten fröhlichen Zechers mit tönerner Pfeife und gläsernem Trinkhorn. ”Johann Paul Knohll” steht darunter. Aber das muß ein später nachempfundenes Gemälde sein, keinesfalls ist es aus der Zeit während der Anstellung des Bau- und Bergschreibers vor Ort, denn Tonpfeife und Trinkgefäß sind typische Zeichen aus einer Vorstellungswelt, die über ein Jahrhundert später vorherrscht und auf der Rückseite des Bildes soll die Jahreszahl 1790 vermerkt sein (SCHLIEßER, 1999). Es gab einst ein Konterfei des Berg- und Bauschreibers, das im alten Preßhaus hung (Engelhard, 1806; SCHUMANN, 1819). The portrait, however, went along with a fire in 1824 totally in flames.
is three times was John Paul Knohll in the years of his electoral duty period 1667-1672 praised in verse and rhyme, or laughed at, twice like he has a "full bouquet of this straw pathos" gotten as Weinhold (WEINHOLD, 1956) the love and be servant lobhudelnden content of those verses and songs alluded to since the mid-18th Century general part at public events and parades are.
The first is immortalized Churf. S. David Schirmer Bibliothecarius on the opening pages in "book-viniculture with a previously mentioned "Sonnet":
was posthumously JPK Second, praise music at the winery festival of the wine-growing company in the Kingdom of Saxony on 25 October 1840th To the tune of the hymn “Freude schöner Götterfunken” intonierten einige Sassen der Lößnitzberge samt Chor bei falschem Vornamen und veränderter Amtsbezeichnung im “Gruß zum Winzerfeste”:“Peter Knoll´s auch, der vor ZeitenBergvogt in Hof-Lößnitz, denkt,Reben zog er an Geleiten,Hat den Weinstock brav gesenkt,Schnitt das Tragreis auf vier Augen,Räumt und pfählt den Mutterstock,Ließ den Karst, die Schaufel brauchen,Heften und verhau´n den Stock.Chor: Sachsens ganze WinzergildeRufe dem Altmeister Hoch!Bringt ihm Traubenopfer noch,Kränzt mit Weinlaub Ihn im Bilde.”
Zum dritten schildert Weinhold (WEINHOLD, 1965) Inhalt und Hergang einer öffentliche Performance a Reimpoems for a "seal" the author David Schirmer, electoral librarian since 1656 and author of "Sonnets" in the "viniculture-book". The text directly related to Knohll and his wine book has been staged in February 1672 in the huge hall of the Dresden castle during a ballet about the four seasons. Autumn close than according to three "full" Winzer, represented by the Chamberlain and thigh BC Ditterich of Bose, the electoral dance champion Carl du Mesniel and the royal hall's dance champion La Marche, leading to dialect following rhyme conversation:
(“Glück zu lieber Nachbar Jäckel. Nu, wie hat der Most geschmeckt?-Hab ich mich nicht damit so besoffen, daß es kracht, und der liebe Hirse-Papp (Brei) mir meinen Bauch so aufbläht, daß ich kaum mein Geschlinck (= Geschlenkere, Geschleuder, Gedärm ?) in den Hosen unterbringen kann, laß es immer sein wie´s ist, ist doch jetzte unsere Zeit.-Darum wer sie so kann haben, nehme sie (ju seit lätge) mit. Sind wir nicht durchs ganze Jahr stets mit Arbeit belästigt (gequält), daß ich auch am Jahrmarkt hab´ auf mein Kreutz, mein Blut geschworen, mich zur Ruhe zu begeben. Sollts nur einer darum tun, weil man für den Teufels-Städter sowieso nicht ohne Schelten ruhen kann. Müssen wir, wir(!) armen Winzer uns nicht ständig beschimpfen lassen als Diebe und auch Ehebrecher, selbst die Kinder sollen´s büßen, und so geht´s ja von morgens bis abends, wenn wir in die Stadt hinein gehen, wenn wir Hacken, Senken, Brechen, Lesen Decken und Aufziehn.-Jetzt wollen wir das Geschimpfe (Geschmähe, Beleidigung) vergessen und uns auf die Erde setzen und am lieben Brandwein, Bruder Langsam (Märten = Mischmasch, Trödelei usw., mögliche Bedeutung siehe oben unter “laue Märten”), fein ergötzen. Das geht auf die Gesundheit von Vater Bacchus und seiner Frau, der sei ein Schelm, der nicht säuft bis wir alt sind und grau.”)
In diesem Text wird auf all jene Vor- und Anwürfe der Liederlichkeiten, Untugenden und Unmoral der damaligen Winzer zum Schaden ihrer Bergherren angespielt, die Johann Paul Knohll den Rebleuten vorwirft. “So nimmt es nicht wunder”, Weinhold commented the root of this hesitation to aristocratic circles that this poem on the "stupid, boorish, eating and drunken peasants" from the country aims.
That can occur to John Paul Knohll just in his ungracious dislocation of the Hoflößnitz after Schulpforta 1672 in one as a "bully game named form of an allegorical stage play shows that his appearance and finish in the five years of operation in the Hoflönitz but a few social stress marks in court life and leave yielded some concern even with the noble vineyard owners and wine lovers had.
Johann Paul Knohll - with rhymes and rancor
The in viniculture-book printed and in this edition reproduced engraving, I. Elector Johann Georg shows in 1650 laid the foundations and builders Ezekiel Eckart executed Hoflößnitz about to see the year of the viniculture-booklet, "So 1667th On the right are still visible Fachwerksbau of the mountain manager, a tower-like house and water in between the old, large press, the 10 February 1824 burned down and replaced by the present building was (Rehschuh, 1961).
pictures or portraits of construction und Bergschreiber gibt es keine. Im heutigen Weinmuseum Hoflößnitz hängt das Portrait eines mit ausladendem Federbarrett geschmückten fröhlichen Zechers mit tönerner Pfeife und gläsernem Trinkhorn. ”Johann Paul Knohll” steht darunter. Aber das muß ein später nachempfundenes Gemälde sein, keinesfalls ist es aus der Zeit während der Anstellung des Bau- und Bergschreibers vor Ort, denn Tonpfeife und Trinkgefäß sind typische Zeichen aus einer Vorstellungswelt, die über ein Jahrhundert später vorherrscht und auf der Rückseite des Bildes soll die Jahreszahl 1790 vermerkt sein (SCHLIEßER, 1999). Es gab einst ein Konterfei des Berg- und Bauschreibers, das im alten Preßhaus hung (Engelhard, 1806; SCHUMANN, 1819). The portrait, however, went along with a fire in 1824 totally in flames.
is three times was John Paul Knohll in the years of his electoral duty period 1667-1672 praised in verse and rhyme, or laughed at, twice like he has a "full bouquet of this straw pathos" gotten as Weinhold (WEINHOLD, 1956) the love and be servant lobhudelnden content of those verses and songs alluded to since the mid-18th Century general part at public events and parades are.
The first is immortalized Churf. S. David Schirmer Bibliothecarius on the opening pages in "book-viniculture with a previously mentioned "Sonnet":
"You do / my Knohlle well / that you do niedersetzest / and write us a book
/ taught us the wine ... I see the Bacchus you already have a wind
Krantz / The will refresh you / when your sun go Glantz / Dir auff
is beautiful. Go on and cut the vines / It will be many a vineyard-you Lord for
geben.Wie Thanks but still talks about the envy / I get here, my
part? Reqs a hard block is a hard wedge. "
was posthumously JPK Second, praise music at the winery festival of the wine-growing company in the Kingdom of Saxony on 25 October 1840th To the tune of the hymn “Freude schöner Götterfunken” intonierten einige Sassen der Lößnitzberge samt Chor bei falschem Vornamen und veränderter Amtsbezeichnung im “Gruß zum Winzerfeste”:“Peter Knoll´s auch, der vor ZeitenBergvogt in Hof-Lößnitz, denkt,Reben zog er an Geleiten,Hat den Weinstock brav gesenkt,Schnitt das Tragreis auf vier Augen,Räumt und pfählt den Mutterstock,Ließ den Karst, die Schaufel brauchen,Heften und verhau´n den Stock.Chor: Sachsens ganze WinzergildeRufe dem Altmeister Hoch!Bringt ihm Traubenopfer noch,Kränzt mit Weinlaub Ihn im Bilde.”
Zum dritten schildert Weinhold (WEINHOLD, 1965) Inhalt und Hergang einer öffentliche Performance a Reimpoems for a "seal" the author David Schirmer, electoral librarian since 1656 and author of "Sonnets" in the "viniculture-book". The text directly related to Knohll and his wine book has been staged in February 1672 in the huge hall of the Dresden castle during a ballet about the four seasons. Autumn close than according to three "full" Winzer, represented by the Chamberlain and thigh BC Ditterich of Bose, the electoral dance champion Carl du Mesniel and the royal hall's dance champion La Marche, leading to dialect following rhyme conversation:
"luck zu lieber Nobber Jäckel. Nu wie hat der Most geschmäckt?Ha ech mech nech
in den Ding su zesoffen / daß der´s knäckt /Und der liebe Hirse-Pappe möchte mer
meinen Panzsch so pausenDaß ich kann genä-genawe mein Geschlinck in Hosen
hausenU aber loß och immär soyn / ist doch itzo unsre Zit.Dirme wärse kann su
han / nähme se ju seit lätge mitSeimer nech durchs gantze Johr steite mit der
Arbt geschorenDaß ich’s och am Jambtge ha of mei Cretz / mei Blut
verschworenMech zur Ruhe zu begän. Selts nur Eener darüm thun /Daß man für den den teufels-Städtern kan nech ungescholten ruhn /Müßen mer mer (!) armen Wüntzer uns nicht steide lassen schältenDiebe und och Ihebrecher / ja die Kinger sillens entgelten /Und das währt jä schmorgst und obends / wen mer in die Stadt nein gehenWen mer Hacken, Sencken, Brächen, Lesen, Decken und of ziehnItze woln mer das geschmahle weg und uns andr arden setzenUnd am lieben Braantel Wein / Bruder Mierten / fein ärgetzen /Nu s´gieht of Gesundheit hin Vater Bachs und seiner Fra. Je ä Schelme där nech Seifft / bis mer werden alt / und gra.”
(“Glück zu lieber Nachbar Jäckel. Nu, wie hat der Most geschmeckt?-Hab ich mich nicht damit so besoffen, daß es kracht, und der liebe Hirse-Papp (Brei) mir meinen Bauch so aufbläht, daß ich kaum mein Geschlinck (= Geschlenkere, Geschleuder, Gedärm ?) in den Hosen unterbringen kann, laß es immer sein wie´s ist, ist doch jetzte unsere Zeit.-Darum wer sie so kann haben, nehme sie (ju seit lätge) mit. Sind wir nicht durchs ganze Jahr stets mit Arbeit belästigt (gequält), daß ich auch am Jahrmarkt hab´ auf mein Kreutz, mein Blut geschworen, mich zur Ruhe zu begeben. Sollts nur einer darum tun, weil man für den Teufels-Städter sowieso nicht ohne Schelten ruhen kann. Müssen wir, wir(!) armen Winzer uns nicht ständig beschimpfen lassen als Diebe und auch Ehebrecher, selbst die Kinder sollen´s büßen, und so geht´s ja von morgens bis abends, wenn wir in die Stadt hinein gehen, wenn wir Hacken, Senken, Brechen, Lesen Decken und Aufziehn.-Jetzt wollen wir das Geschimpfe (Geschmähe, Beleidigung) vergessen und uns auf die Erde setzen und am lieben Brandwein, Bruder Langsam (Märten = Mischmasch, Trödelei usw., mögliche Bedeutung siehe oben unter “laue Märten”), fein ergötzen. Das geht auf die Gesundheit von Vater Bacchus und seiner Frau, der sei ein Schelm, der nicht säuft bis wir alt sind und grau.”)
In diesem Text wird auf all jene Vor- und Anwürfe der Liederlichkeiten, Untugenden und Unmoral der damaligen Winzer zum Schaden ihrer Bergherren angespielt, die Johann Paul Knohll den Rebleuten vorwirft. “So nimmt es nicht wunder”, Weinhold commented the root of this hesitation to aristocratic circles that this poem on the "stupid, boorish, eating and drunken peasants" from the country aims.
That can occur to John Paul Knohll just in his ungracious dislocation of the Hoflößnitz after Schulpforta 1672 in one as a "bully game named form of an allegorical stage play shows that his appearance and finish in the five years of operation in the Hoflönitz but a few social stress marks in court life and leave yielded some concern even with the noble vineyard owners and wine lovers had.
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