Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dawid Wróblewski Piekary śląskie

You stay there and do it now!

Weil sie einen Film - nein, nicht gedreht hatten, sondern dabei waren, ihn zu drehen, wurden die beiden iranischen Filmemacher Jafar Panahi und Mohammad Rasoulof zu sechs Jahren Haft, zwanzig Jahren Berufsverbot sowie zwanzig Jahren Reise- und Interviewverbot verurteilt.

Wenn du dir die obige Information nochmal durchliest und dann einige Minuten drüber meditierst, wirst du für die Karriere, vielleicht sogar für das Leben der Richter fürchten, die dieses Urteil gesprochen haben. Gröbere Beschimpfungen der Islamischen Republik Iran liest man selten.
Du glaubst nicht, daß das Urteil is an insult? Then let me explain.

for an offense [1] someone is sentenced to prison and leaving the territory of Iran. Leaving the territory, as the prison, a penalty. What we want to say the Iranian judge that?
you want to tell us: The Islamic Republic of Iran is so god-damn, dirty shitty country that live in it-must-appear as the appropriate, severe punishment for law breakers. Take the Islamic Republic of Iran to be a great blessing for anyone who is this Luxury can afford. But criminals have as punishment for their crimes continue to live with us. [2]

[1] , I will now deal with the "offense" is not itself, which others have already done.
[2] Apparently there's now some smart Meier crawled from a hole on it and makes me aware that such travel bans too - had been carried in the GDR - hihi. The hook is simply that the exit ban was a signal to the people in the GDR: You stay here, we need you! People who have just been a nuisance in the GDR were not sentenced as a punishment for another stay there, they were pushed in the opposite at the next suitable opportunity across the border.


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