Sunday, February 20, 2011

Can Relapes The Dengue?

Winged cats

of the phenomenon of the winged cat, there are already 138 sightings, as well as 30 documented cases / skins. The explanations range from a genetically induced skin damage and skin deformation due to a lack of collagen, "Feline Cutaneous Asthenia" called.

I thank Ben Void, who drew my attention to the last case and recommend to the reader Ben's excellent blog: http://benvoid . /
I also thank Frl.Kroenen, which I reported some time ago by this phenomenon.


follow Here are two cases in the recent past:

cat with wings: Turks in panic

ISTANBUL - In Turkey, a "winged cat" was spotted. Now the people in all its forms.


The cat was in the past few days in the city of Tunceli, eastern Turkey photographed several times . She has covered the sides with fur, wing-like growths. Erkennbar sind etwa handtellergrosse «Flügel», die unmittelbar hinter den Schultern des Tieres ansetzten.

Die lokalen Medien berichten, dass das seltsame Tier den Menschen in Tunceli grosse Angst eingejagt hat. Inzwischen sei die Katze verschwunden. Haben panische Bürger sie umgebracht?

Trotzdem will das städtische Veterinäramt versuchen, die Katze untersuchen, wie es heute mitteilte. «Wir sehen so etwas zum ersten Mal», sagte ein Sprecher. (SDA)

Vom 09.05.2008


Sex inspired cat

In the Chinese city of Xiangyang, a woman went to the media, claiming her cat had grown after sex with several cats in heat wings.

"In the beginning there were only two small bumps on the back. But these are grown very quickly and after a month, my cat wing, "it says in the Chinese newspaper Huashang News." Now he looks like a stone angel ", explains the retirees.

what looks like wings is, according to speculation by biologists, however, nothing but a genetic defect. As the new limbs contain small bones, it could be an extra pair of legs, which has delayed and made only rudimentary.

The owner of the animal is the fixed conviction that the wings began to sprout for sex attacks. The cat was then visiting several preliminary cats that difficult to enforce in its insatiable hunger for sex the cat ...

From 26/05/2007


A detailed review on the subject, and the mythological references on this, can be found here: C3% BCgelte_katzen_62872807.html


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