is the son of Julius Wilhelm Albert Sydow, a Lutheran pastor, and Marie Becker.
His older brother Paul was Hans Albert (March 29, 1892). Her older sister was Eva-Maria (November 25, 1892)
His three younger brothers were Albert Eugen Ulrich (* July 30, 1896 Dec. +14 1914), Joachim Friedrich Wilhelm (* July 20, 1899) and Wolfgang Amadeus Gernot Benjamin (* June 9, 1911). Hans, Eva-Maria, Eberhard, Ulrich and Joachim nasceram em Schönwerder. Só Wolfgang nasceu em Zicher.
Eberhard estudou no Gymnasium zum Grauen Kloster em Berlim, onde também estudou sua bisneta Nikoline. Fez o ensino médio em Küstrin.
De 1914 a 1918 foi voluntário na I Guerra Mundial.
Diplomou-se Gartenmeister (técnico em paisagismo).
Desenvolveu suas atividades em várias cidades da Alemanha e do Brasilos: Werder an der Havel, Krummendorf (Rostock), Panambi (chamada Neu-Württenberg até 1954), Ijuí, e Porto Alegre. Sobre Panambi, veja interessante pesquisa em www.upf.br/ppgh/download/Rosane%20Marcia%20Neumann.prn.pdf
Casou-se com the librarian Hildegard Schultz, with whom he had three sons and a daughter, Ulrich Eberhard, Mechthild, Gunther
He died in 1975, on December 21, in Porto Alegre, in the street 382 Amerigo Vespucci residence of the parish pastoral Martin Luther.
1910, 1912
1914 Eberhard Sydow actively participated in the great changes taking place on the world stage. The Industrial Revolution, the impoverishment of workers, the emergence of democratic forces against the monarchy, the proletarian forces represented by communism, the conservative reaction through movement and the nationalist and imperialist great disappointment with the loss of strength of Emperor William (Wilhelm II) who consequently resigned his powers in 1918.
William had positions sympathetic to workers, placing himself as a defender of the workers against the millionaires and discussing the co powerful prime minister in Bismarck since 1890:
[. ..] , weil die Arbeiter Untertanen sin meine, für die ich zu Sorgen habe! Und wenn die nicht nachgeben millionare, werde ich meine wenn ihre Truppe zurückziehen und erst Villen werden sie in Flammen sdtehen schon klein beigeben . "Translation: for being my junior workers for whom I maintain! And if the wealthy do not give in, turn back my troops, and when their villages are in flames, they will give in meekly.
Eberhard served in World War I as sergeant Anti-aircraft Battalion Batt S. Flack K. 106. The German empire would take its place in the sun "Platz an der Sonne ". Europe was dominated by France, Britain and Russia. It was in the battles of the eastern front, near Warsaw, who lost his younger brother Ulrich at the exact moment I thought to protect him.
When on September 20, 1914 the brothers Hans, Eberhard and Ulrich went to war, his mother Marie asked that protect Eberhard gave little brother. Military service was compulsory only for 18 years. The three were volunteers with Hans age 22, with 19 Eberhard, Ulrich and with only 17 years old.
1914: Albert Eugen Ulrich Sydow volunteer homeland ( Kriegsfreiwilliger ) was born on July 30, 1896 and was killed on 14 December 1914 próximo à Varsóvia.
O voluntarismo não contava com o retorno de alguma vantagem no futuro. Era puro patriotismo e fidelidade ao imperador, também pregada pela propaganda de guerra.
Eberhard e Ulrich integravam o Regimento da Infantaria Real Prussiana nº 57 chamado Königlich Preußisches Infanterie-Regiment Herzog Ferdinand von Braunschweig .
Em Dezembro de 1914, próximo a Varsóvia, Ulrich Sydow foi mandado para a trincheira. No dia 14 de Dezembro Bêka foi para o Front no lugar de Ulrich para protegê-lo. No caminho de volta do Front para o acampamento recebeu the news that his brother had been hit severely Ulrich. Arriving at the camp saw that his brother was killed by a stray bullet. Beka Uli involved in a canvas, it fell into the pit which had been opened and prayed an Our Father. The German Army's advance across Germany left euphoric. The Christmas spirit has increased even more enthusiasm. As Beka would break the news of his brother killed their parents in the parsonage? He sent the news to a ranger very good friend of his father, with the request to share it just after Christmas Eve. On Christmas night the ranger seemed to go joyfully to worship, although he had already received the news of her dead son ... When the next day was visitar a casa pastoral, a mãe disse ao abrir a porta:
- Ulrich está morto.
Ela já "sabia" (embora tivesse três filhos na guerra). Relato de SYDOW, Gunther. Von meinem Vater (Eberhad Sydow) São Leopoldo, Edição do autor, 2007.
1916: 57 da Divisão Infantaria, Batalhão 815th No front Ocidental, Eberhard participou da Batalha horrivel mais da história e da I Guerra Mundial, em que foram mais de 317 000 mil soldados Mortos. Foi nessa Batalha across ficou the expression of the famous French general Robert Nivelle, a subordinate of Marshal Petain "will not" Ils ne passeront pas , phrase, symbol of French resistance against the invading German army.
1917, December 25: Eberhard Sydow integrates anti-aircraft Battalion 106 (SK Flack Batt 106)
Técnio in landscaping: Landschaftsgartenmeister
1919, July 27, singing with friends at a youth camp
Wulfhild, niece of Eberhard, describes his uncle as outsider or black sheep "for having disobeyed no code of honor or morality of the time, but because no complete high school, opting for a course technico gardening. Why not pursue an academic background, his mother Marie was disappointed and his brothers considered "outstanding" not satisfactory ". He himself suffered such discrimination by family, considering the shame of the family, so at least once told my father Wolfgang. The biggest conflict existed between his brother and Eberhard older (and bossy) Hans. Wolfgang as a child born much later, was out of this fraternal conflict. Although we must consider that not even Hans Joachim finished the college degree, even practiced the profession pursued.
Here the original text of Wulfhild: Etwa Nicht, weil er sich nach dem ungebührlich damaligen Ehren-Verhalten oder Moralkodex hatte, weil Sondern He did not leave school with the school ended and then studied, but probably left school early and learned to work as a practical gardener. Because he sought no academic training, most especially his mother Mary was disappointed, and his siblings looked at him and thought they were something better and Eberhard "knocked out of the way" and not "give satisfaction". He himself, as far as I know all his life suffered from this neglect and discrimination within the family and meant that he was for his sister an "embarrassment" - something my father once told anyway Wolfgang. Particularly intense was the conflict between well-Eberhard sen. und seinem ältesten (ziemlich arroganten) Bruder Hans. Mein Vater war als reichlich Spätgeborener Wolfgang (1911) zu klein, one in diesem überhaupt eine Rolle Geschwisterkonflikt zu spielen. Dabei muss man bedenken, dass weder der noch der Bruder Bruder Hans Jochen (Joachim) ihr Studium abgeschlossen haben bzw. Studien-je ihren Beruf ausübten.
Wulfhild And continues:
"Sister Eva-Maria did not even come to visit a school, but received the teachings that his father, Pastor Albert Sydow, considered most important; Ulrich and his brother fell in the first days of First World War. Tell yourself that your grandfather Eberhard buried his younger brother with his own hands before the city of Warsaw (the capital of Poland). He experienced the death of his brother. And probably individuals so his eldest son also named Ulrich. Yes, and your great-grandmother Marie, so obsessed with academic titles, received no training, and their education is unclear (probably also received lessons from his father's pastor). His favorite son was my father Wolfgang certainly not your grandfather Eberhard "writes Wulfhild .
Die Schwester Eva-Maria hat nie eine Schule besucht überhaupt, wurde von ihrem Vater Sondern, dem Pfarrer Albert Sydow, unterrichtet, was der für wichtig and was worth learning, and the brother Ulrich is the conclusion of the baccalaureate quite young (18 years old) in the first days of the 1st World War fallen. By the way, your grandfather Eberhard (senior), his younger brother on the spot (near Warsaw) buried in manuscript. He has experienced the death of his brother. Presumably, his eldest son's name is therefore Ulrich. Yes, and your great-grandmother Maria Sydow, who was so obsessed with academic titles has, of course, receive no training, and education is also in the nebulous (presumably probably lessons from her father pastors). Your favorite son was sure my father Wolfgang (sen not your grandfather Eberhard.).
"The son Wolfgang best corresponded to their claims to make their children a branch of his own life (not lived), he studied, did his graduation and even practiced his profession. Even a day before the wedding of my parents ( 1939) "continues Wulfhild," she accused her daughter-
'You're making me lose my only son who still remained. I will never forgive her for it you could not have expected to marry after I die ? "
Very kind of a mother before marriage.
Sohn Wolfgang entsprach am besten ehrgeizigen ihren Vorstellungen, aus ihren giving children a branch of its own (not lived) life: he had studied a PhD and even then exercised his profession. Only a day before the wedding of my parents (1939) she has her daughter Irmgard (my mother) said very reproachful and wailing: "They like to take away my son, the last one, which I still remain I forgive you never could.! they do not wait for the wedding until after my death? " Very charming from a mother just before the wedding.
Uma brincadeira à margin: Marie quando eu já tinha Sydow faleceu 13 anos de idade, e minha mãe já havia Saido da idade de ter filhos. O sepultamento de Maria foi oficiado por teu pai Eberhard II, então pastor recém formado. Ele não a conheceu viva em sua estada na Alemanha. Ele morreu poucos dias antes do primeiro encontro. Mas Wolfgang não foi o filho predileto desde o início. Ao contrário: naquela época ele era considerado um descarrilamento na idade de uma senhora de 41 anos. Até porque provavelmente espelhava claramente que ainda havia alegrias sexuais na casa pastoral de Zicher. Vade Satanás!!! Ela também rejeitava Wolfgang e declarou a seus dois filhos mais velhos Hans e Eva-Maria, que ela se sentia velha demais para criar um filho. Que esta tarefa deveria ser assumida pelos dois filhos mais velhos. E assim foi por três anos e meio até que Ulrich tombou na guerra. Só então ela aceitou seu filho mais novo, mas como substituto de Ulrich, e dai nasceu uma de amor quase ridículo tão intenso.
Just kidding by the way: Maria Sydow died, I was already 13 years old and my mother from the child-bearing age out. Mary's funeral was young by the way your father Eberhard. as a young pastor. He has his grandmother during the stay in Germany no longer met alive. She died a few days before the first Begegnung.Aber Wolfgang was not initially the favorite son of Mary Sydow - on the contrary, he was for them a painful derailment in the "high" age of 41 years how you felt at that time. Presumably, probably because It clearly reflected that since the rectory Zicher even sexual pleasure was. Fie, Deibert! She leaned Wolfgang also from regular and announced her two oldest children, John and Eva-Maria, that she was for a child's education now feel too old. This work may now please take the two oldest siblings. That was probably 3 1 / 2 years so until such time as her son Ulrich was at war. Only then did she accepted her youngest child - almost as Ulrich spare - and it was eventually an almost ridiculous infatuation - on both sides.
Eu penso queEberhard lutou toda a vida de seu pai pelo reconhecimento, pastor Albert Sydow. Probably why it grew that beard and cultivated the same reverence to the emperor that his father cultivated - perhaps even to make sense of having enlisted as a volunteer for the war. For this World War I really was no "walk" or "dainty". Who knows where he fought fronts? It is always advisable to reread 'Nothing new under the sun' of Rermarque to recall the craziness that occurred.
Ich denke, Dein Großvater Eberhard sen. hat auch durch Anerkennung zeitlebens an seinen Vater, den Pfarrer Albert Sydow, gerungen. Liess sich deshalb Vermutlich er den Gleichen wie sein Vater Bart wachsen und den Betrieb Gleichen Kaiserkult wie sein Vater - vielleicht überhaupt einen Sinn darin an zu sehen, dass er sich 1914 als Kriegsfreiwilliger gemeldet hatte. Denn dieser 1. Weltkrieg war wirklich kein leichter "Spaziergang" und kein "Zuckerlecken. Wer weiß, an Welcher Front gekämpft er hat. Da ist es immer nützlich, mal wieder Remarques Im Westen nichts Neues "zu lesen, sich ins Gedächtnis zu a Rufener, welch ein Wahnsinn stattgefunden the hat.
Eberhard I think he wanted to resemble his father as much as possible, at least outwardly and belief. For his father adored with all his strength to the Emperor Wilhelm II, to the point of refusing to take the oath to the Republic, as an employee tivera público que antes Prestar à Monarquía. Nisto Albert foi bem conséquent, egocêntrico e Teimoso: manteve a fidelidade a 'seu' caiser até a morte.
I think sen Eberhard. his father was so similar as it could be possible - at least outwardly and in the convictions. Sydow as his father Albert was a fervent admirer of Kaiser Wilhelm II, he went after his abdication and the declaration of the republic so far that he refused to swear the oath as a minister of the Republic, he has already vowed earlier to the monarchy had. Since Albert was quite consistent, stubborn and obstinate. "His" Emperor, he remained loyal to the grave.
Eberhard If your grandfather left Germany for the Nazis escape to my knowledge. I think I heard it was the lack of job prospects combined with growing inflation that did your parents leave the country. The only family he had some perspective to that effect and exerted some resistance against Hitler was probably Eva-Maria, the sister of your grandfather. She belonged to the Confessing Church, which pronuciava clearly against the Nazis and so was persecuted by that regime. Ironically his brother Wolfgang (my father) just learned from participation in the Confessing Church at her funeral. He was totally dumbfounded, speechless, almost terrified. Os irmãos eram Hans Wolfgang e Membros Thurs partido, e também a bisavó Marie participava Thurs movimento partido de senhoras Thurs, de bem com seu primeiro e último Acordo filho
sen Whether your grandfather Eberhard. Germany has left because of the Nazis, is beyond my knowledge. I think I have heard that it was the rampant unemployment and poor job prospects in connection with the inflation in Germany, which your grandparents could leave the country. The only provided in this part of the family Sydow, who had the savvy and something like "resistance" against Hitler, was probably Eva-Maria (sister of your grandfather). She was one of the "Confessing Church ", which spoke out clearly against the Nazis and has been followed so well by that regime. Ironically, has her brother Wolfgang (my father) of this membership in the" learn Confessing Church, "until Eva-Maria's funeral. He was totally amazed speechless, indeed, almost shocked. brother Hans and Wolfgang, however, were indeed members of the party. And great-grandmother Maria Sydow worked tightly with the National Socialist Women and was the Nazi regime certainly turned positive, quite the heart consistent with her oldest and youngest son.
A Fenda entre per e contra os nazistas atravessava a família bem ao meio Sydow, enquanto Ninguém Sabia exatamente a posição another. Pastor Albert was above suspicion qualuert. Remained loyal to his emperor to death, and that's why Hitler was unacceptable. not because of any conviction against the inhuman regime. To resemble the most of his father, it is possible that your grandfather Eberhard has also resigned himself to this posture monarchist??
Der Riss zwischen Befürwortung und der Nazis Ablehnung Also ging mitten durch die Familie-Sydow, wobei jeder einmal noch nicht vom anderen genau wusste, wie er ADTCH (siehe Eva-Maria). Pfarrer Albert war über jeden verdachte erhaben. Er blieb ja seinem bis ins Grab Kaiser treu, und deshalb nur für ihn war Hitler inakzeptabel, not out of conviction against the inhuman regime. Sen is also the possibly fit your grandfather Eberhard. in imitation of his father, Albert, and to him be as similar as possible? I rather suspect. Escreve Wulfhild em Outubro de 2008, foto abaixo. Thank you, Wulfhild!
"Casados passaremos fome de maneira mais divertida" pensavam Eberhard e Hildegard antes de casarem em 1923.
Eis o mesmo texo, na língua alemã:
"Verheiratet hungert es sich schöner" dachten sich Eberhard und Hildegard als sie 1923 heirateten. Aber auch here in Brazil in 1939, Eberhard and his family have been through hunger and want. Because of the nationalist policies of the dictator Getúlio Vargas (Estado Novo 1937-1945) there was a smear campaign against German. Eberhard was taken as many other German prisoners, German documents and literature were destroyed, he was in prison, said the women and children were murdered. In prison, he maintains the hilt just thought he repeated again and again: "Thank God, Ulrich has remained in the pharmacy Ijuí Schenck as an apprentice so he escaped the raid and the family murder.". His wife and his children Eberhard Hildegard, Mechthild and Gunther were only a few days of Ijuí vice travels to Porto Alegre Eberhard because at the nursery at Walter Winge had found work. Shortly after wandering Eberhard was arrested. Hildegard wondered aloud: "We have nothing to eat." Gunther tried to comfort her, "We live yet." Anonymous neighbors helped with grapes and vegetables they could be close to the fence. As Gunther, his father as a young Brazilians Eberhard made the first prison visit, this did not believe his eyes! And really, the guards must convince him that there is really his son standing before him! As Eberhard saw the first picture of his mother after the war, he was again shocked. Marie was ermagert and her sun always lovely, joyful, and sometimes even Stoltze face was present from Sorrow and suffering durchfurchtet (sounds kitschy, kan I find someone better words?). They sent aid packages to destinations throughout Europe. "
1924, Werder, making plans, creating animals
not remember if it was my father who said the Opa Sydow would have left Germany by the Communists had killed his pet dog in retaliation to the fact that he, at the request of the National Socialists, had given a beating. Below is my attempt to translate the commentary on this story Wulfhild:
In 1933 Hitler took power, and the same year your grandparents emigrated to Brazil. It difícil imaginar que nos primórdios do regime nacional-socialista teu avô tivesse sido induzido a dar uma surra nos comunistas, ainda mais num fim-de-mundo como Krummendorf em Rostock. Via de regra os nazista resolviam suas brigas sem ajuda estranha, por serem eles próprios batedores apaixonados. Que nesta época os comunistas sempre fossem culpados por tudo que acontecia de ruim faz parte do clichê, do lugar comum de quem tinha uma postura consrvadora. Assim também a morte do cachorro de estimação foi imputada aos comunistas. Acho que esta história toda pertence ao universo dos contos de fada, mas ela é bonitinha e soa bem.
O texto original de Wulfhild, na língua Alemã:
1933 was the rise of Hitler, and the same year are your grandparents emigrated to Brazil. I find it hard to imagine that was forced at this early stage of the Nazi regime's your grandfather by Nazis to beat up a Communist - especially in such a small one-horse town like Krumm village near Rostock. In general, the Nazis their fights completed without outside help because they were themselves passionate club. And that, in principle at this time are the communists were to blame for all evil, is part of the popular stereotype, if they were themselves conservative. So was the Communists and the dead dog in the Schuhe geschoben. Ich denke, diese Geschichte gehört mehr ganz-oder der Sagen Märchenwelt an, aber sie ist und klingt auch erzählt hübsch irgendwie stimmiges.
When we oohada in a nationalist political propaganda between 1900 and 1930 and imagine that together with the socio-economic pressure, nearly one can only imagine these two outlets or go to war, or to the colonies (Brazil, South Africa , Australia, etc...) How Oops Sydow knew the horrors of war, the best way out for him er the way to Brazil
Wenn man sich ill die politische Propaganda von 1900-1930 und sich dazu den anschaut sozial-wirtschftlichen Print imagine, one can hardly imagine a different reaction, either in battle or in the colonies (Brazil, Africa, Australia, etc.). Since our grandfather Sydow (Eberhard) already knew the horrors of World War I, was for him the best way to Brazil.
No Brasil, em Ijuí, praça principal da cidade desenhou a
Albert Julius Wilhelm Sydow, on October 10, 1936, with 74 years of age (* 13 January 1862 +14 December 1940), and his son Eberhard Sydow, on August 26, 1975, with 80 years of age.
Schöenwerder was in Prussia, which still existed in 1900, was big and strong
Sydow 1907 The family and friends gathered in Schönwerder: Eva-Maria, Gretel Lenz, Frau Pastor Sydow, Jochen Sydow, A. Pastor Sydow, see Willibald F Groreich, Hildegard Schultz, Arthur, Bruno Schultz, Eberhard Sydow, ","
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