Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Warhammer Game Armies

1910 - 1933

1923 anúncio de noivado no Uckermärkischer Kurier (Correio de Uckermark)

Eberhard e Hilde diziam: Melhor morrer de fome juntos do que sozinhos " Es ist besser zusammen zu verhungern als getrennt " And so

married on October 19, 1923.

Hildegard loved to tell that as a wedding gift received from Uncle Onkel Paul Berner Becker, brother of Marie (OPBBdA = der Arme, "the poor", the owner of a hotel in Berlin)
a cart with manure.

Onkel Paul said "Eberhard, you are my downfall"
He responded to his nephew. "Rather than being your urine"

SY-DOW: Sie vorne, hinten doof

SY-DOW: Sie wie Sie, wie Sie und auch Doof

Hildegard Schulz Eberhard
Staatl. Gepro. Landschaftsgärtnermeister (Landscape with federal law)
Verlobte (grooms)
Mecklb Rostock (Mecklenburg)
1907 a un Schönwerder lernten wir kennen (we met in 1907 in Schönwerder)

was common at that time pastors welcome children and young people from urban areas to learn about rural life. Hildegard twelve years with his brothers Bruno and Gertrud, was hosted at the parsonage family Sydow as Sommerfrischler (vacationer on dude ranch). In the second summer Eberhard definitely fell in love for Hilde.

The relationship between families exceeded the framework of the resort-hotel-farm. Hildegard came to participate as a mounted witch broom with red light (electric) in the staging of the operetta de Humperdinck Hänsel und Gretel (Joãozinho e Maria)

Gunther relata que no dia 9 de outubro de 1908, véspera do aniversário de Hilde, Eberhard madrugou sentado na janela para ser o primeiro a dar o feliz aniversário a sua amada.

1923, maio

1924, 18.7 Cartão postal para a família Buntrock com foto da casa.
"Meus queridos Buntröcke
Saudamos com risos, lágrimas e risos suas confirmação, cancelamento e reconfirmação. (Freuden und Kummertränen begrüsst ...)" Wolfgang wants to make them a surprise visit. That is why only a slight hint that this will not be before Sunday "... Wolfgang überfallen Will euch ..." Daher nur dass es den zarten Wink nicht vor Sonntag einschliesslig ist "wir Anne could any day. Hanni täglich kommen kann heute noch ... Denkte ihr an den Tegernsee. Remember today Teger Lake.
1926, May 31: Ulrich and Hildegard
1926, May 31: Ulrich and Hildegard
1925: Hildegard and Eberhard around with goats, donkeys and chickens
1923, May: Hilgegard and Eberhard Werder
1919, July 27: Eberhard singing with friend

Double-click on any image to see enlargement

1933: H Ildegarde, Ulrich Eberhard Eberhard II and ready to go.

The image of Mechthild of qual só se ve pés e pernas, foi corroída pelas traças
Eberhard e sua mãe Marie


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