Sunday, February 6, 2011

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If animals an approaching catastrophe feel

Showy Animal behavior
researchers puzzle over earthquake warning by toads

animals sense an impending disaster - the place at least close to several reports. Mice warned the 1976 an earthquake in Italy, 2004 elephants fled before the tsunami in Asia. Days before the devastating earthquake in China, hundreds of thousands of toads acted conspicuous. What do they feel?

Karlsruhe - This time the warnings were apparently overlooked: Days before the devastating earthquake in southwest China were hundreds of thousands of toads hopping out of the ground and crawled through the city of Mianyang. The animals behaved so as unusual as those snakes, the beginning of February 1975 at die nordostchinesische Stadt Haicheng herum vorzeitig aus dem Winterschlaf erwachten, um einem Beben zu entfliehen, das die Stadt wenige Tage später in Trümmer legte. Damals hatten Seismologen das Verhalten der Tiere richtig gedeutet, entsprechende Messungen vorgenommen und die Stadt rechtzeitig räumen lassen.

Dass sich Tiere Stunden und Tage vor einem Erdbeben seltsam verhalten und Fluchtreaktionen zeigen, ist seit der Antike mehrfach dokumentiert. Der griechische Naturforscher Plinius der Ältere, der beim Ausbruch des Vesuvs im Jahr 79 starb, berichtete darüber ebenso wie Bauern in der italienischen Region Friaul, wo am 6. Mai 1976 Mäuse aus dem Boden krochen und Stalltiere panisch wurden, bevor ein Erdbeben am Abend knapp tausend Human lives. Scientists worldwide are trying

the phenomenon of animal intuition to explore for years. Helmut Tributsch, professor of physical chemistry at the Free University of Berlin, has even written a book about it which picks up in the title "If snakes wake up" the happy life of the city of Haicheng. The scientist comes to statistical analysis of numerous wildlife viewing to the conclusion that making particular cave dwellers such as mice, rats, snakes and bats around 20 hours before a quake of magnitude 6.5 off due to behavior changes attention.

But what birds, led horses, elephants and fish, play before a strong earthquake crazy, is not clarified. One hypothesis states that arise due to the strong pressure and friction in the rock electrical currents that in turn degrade the existing water in fine rock cracks. The resulting positively charged particles would be ingested by the animals as aerosols on the air and caused them in the distribution of the fear inducing neurotransmitter serotonin. That prior to earthquakes charges in the atmosphere is, can trigger lightning, and geo-researchers had already observed.

But animals can smell earthquake might not only feel but also in time. With the tsunami, which at Christmas 2004 in 40 Kilometer Tiefe vor der indonesischen Küste den verheerenden Tsunami auslöste, flüchteten Elefanten und andere Tiere in Sri Lanka ins Landesinnere, lange bevor die ersten Flutwellen die Küste erreichten. Von Elefanten weiß man, dass sie über ihre empfindlichen Fußsohlen Infraschall, also tiefste Schwingungen über große Entfernungen wahrnehmen können. Sie könnten damit die Erschütterungen des Seebebens gespürt haben, da sich Infraschall im Gestein sehr viel schneller ausbreitet als im Wasser.

Andere Tiere wie Schlangen und einige Käferarten besitzen dagegen Infrarotsensoren und registrieren damit bereits minimale Temperaturänderungen, wenn in Erdbebenzonen um Vulkane aufsteigende Lava heats the ground. And many birds remarkable variations of the geomagnetic field as they are associated with earthquakes. And because many birds unlike humans can see in the ultraviolet range, they could possibly carry gases that escape from an earthquake off the ground.

Why the toad migration in Mianyang is not now perceived as a warning is unclear. Perhaps the authorities, the striking behavior of the animals was not just reported. Just as in July 1976 when the city of Tangshan shook the earth. At that time died in the earthquake of 7.8 magnitude is estimated that about 650,000 people. Warnings about the strange behavior of animals those responsible were not then simply forwarded Tributsch writes in his book.

Jürgen Oeder, AFP
Source:, 1518,553571,00 html


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