Sunday, February 27, 2011

Holly Willoughby Rose Birthday Cake

professional mermaid

source: ;

The Australian model Hannah Fraser has focused on special orders specialized - it is the world's first mermaid model. Since her childhood she had the typical fish-tail tinkered itself and thus learned to swim. Years later, this should be playing for their Profession and make it known worldwide.


http:/ / / HannahMermaid

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Boggy Bayou Climber Stands

excerpt from my archive - Guttenberg

[1] The accuracy's sake: The drawing is from Nikolas Maroulakis, she was from in Germany in the IP (newspaper DKP) 3 2. 1977 caption published at the time: "Juan Carlos of Spain opened the door to democracy.

Monday, February 21, 2011

34 Weeks Pregnant With Twins And Farting

freedom and reason of a cattle thief

Maybe I'm just reading too few or the wrong media, but ...

What strikes me about the discussion on the doctoral thesis of Mr. Guttenberg , a fact which is to me so far not noticed in the discussion is:
has no man - as far as I can see, as I said - steered so far the attention of the public to the very important detail, that Guttenberg his doctoral work in a (prestigious ) has published scientific publishing can be. is good, something not difficult, according to my information Duncker & Humblot nach Überweisung von 5000 EUR bereit, in den Deal einzusteigen und eine Doktorarbeit zu veröffentlichen. Allgemein üblich ist dergleichen aber nicht, schließlich sind 5000 EUR kein Pappenstiel.

Und an eben diesem Punkt wird die Sache interessant: Wenn ich schon mit einem Ghostwriter (oder auch nur Zuarbeiter) zusammenarbeite oder wenn ich schon schlampig bin oder wenn ich auch nur weiß, daß die selbst erstellte Arbeit so ganz das Gelbe vom Ei nicht ist, dann reiche ich die wenigen Pflichtexemplare ein, nenne mich hinkünftig Doktor und lasse ansonsten das Ganze auf sich beruhen.
Guttenberg aber bestand darauf, sein Werk der interessierten Fachöffentlichkeit vorzulegen, er drängte sich danach, daß sein, äh... Werk in jeder Uni-Bibliothek herumsteht...
Wäre die Abhandlung nicht bei Duncker & Humblot erschienen, hätte sich kein Mensch dafür interessiert, Prof. Fischer-Lescano wäre nie gebeten worden, eine Rezension der Dissertation zu schreiben.

Jeder ganz normale Viehdieb weiß - dazu reicht seine ganz normale Bauernschläue - daß er die gestohlene Kuh nicht für die Zuchtviehprämierung des Bauernverbandes nominieren darf.

Ob ein Verteidigungsminister, der in puncto Intelligenz von jedem Viehdieb in den Schatten gestellt wird, der richtige Mann für diesen Job ist?

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Can Relapes The Dengue?

Winged cats

of the phenomenon of the winged cat, there are already 138 sightings, as well as 30 documented cases / skins. The explanations range from a genetically induced skin damage and skin deformation due to a lack of collagen, "Feline Cutaneous Asthenia" called.

I thank Ben Void, who drew my attention to the last case and recommend to the reader Ben's excellent blog: http://benvoid . /
I also thank Frl.Kroenen, which I reported some time ago by this phenomenon.


follow Here are two cases in the recent past:

cat with wings: Turks in panic

ISTANBUL - In Turkey, a "winged cat" was spotted. Now the people in all its forms.


The cat was in the past few days in the city of Tunceli, eastern Turkey photographed several times . She has covered the sides with fur, wing-like growths. Erkennbar sind etwa handtellergrosse «Flügel», die unmittelbar hinter den Schultern des Tieres ansetzten.

Die lokalen Medien berichten, dass das seltsame Tier den Menschen in Tunceli grosse Angst eingejagt hat. Inzwischen sei die Katze verschwunden. Haben panische Bürger sie umgebracht?

Trotzdem will das städtische Veterinäramt versuchen, die Katze untersuchen, wie es heute mitteilte. «Wir sehen so etwas zum ersten Mal», sagte ein Sprecher. (SDA)

Vom 09.05.2008


Sex inspired cat

In the Chinese city of Xiangyang, a woman went to the media, claiming her cat had grown after sex with several cats in heat wings.

"In the beginning there were only two small bumps on the back. But these are grown very quickly and after a month, my cat wing, "it says in the Chinese newspaper Huashang News." Now he looks like a stone angel ", explains the retirees.

what looks like wings is, according to speculation by biologists, however, nothing but a genetic defect. As the new limbs contain small bones, it could be an extra pair of legs, which has delayed and made only rudimentary.

The owner of the animal is the fixed conviction that the wings began to sprout for sex attacks. The cat was then visiting several preliminary cats that difficult to enforce in its insatiable hunger for sex the cat ...

From 26/05/2007


A detailed review on the subject, and the mythological references on this, can be found here: C3% BCgelte_katzen_62872807.html

Cancer Peritoneal Survival Rate

cat affected with two faces


In Spain, a cat with two faces was born. The little cat came in Badajoz in Extremadura on the world. The birth of the female cat occurred yesterday. The owner is feeding the kitten with milk now, as the mother, an eight year old cat named Rosa, suckle the cub will not. From the unusual kittens there are already some pictures.

, 28.04.2007


Archery Practice Ontario

cat dog gives birth to

Georgien – Wissenschaftliche Sensation oder doch Schwindel: Eine georgische Katze soll angeblich ein “Hundebaby” zur Welt gebracht haben.

Der Besitzer des Tieres wie auch das gesamte georgische Dorf ist davon überzeugt, dass die Katze einen Hund entbunden hat.

Der Katzenbesitzer meinte, sein Haustier hätte tagelang in den Wehen gelegen. Als er am nächsten Tag Nachschau hielt, fand er ein neugeborenes “Hundebaby” neben ihr.

Das “Hundebaby” hätte Pfoten und Ohren wie eine Katze und wird auch nun von dieser gesäugt und aufgezogen. Die Dorfbewohner sprechen von einem Wunder – eine wissenschaftliche Überprüfung steht allerdings noch aus …

vom 28. Juli 2010


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dawid Wróblewski Piekary śląskie

You stay there and do it now!

Weil sie einen Film - nein, nicht gedreht hatten, sondern dabei waren, ihn zu drehen, wurden die beiden iranischen Filmemacher Jafar Panahi und Mohammad Rasoulof zu sechs Jahren Haft, zwanzig Jahren Berufsverbot sowie zwanzig Jahren Reise- und Interviewverbot verurteilt.

Wenn du dir die obige Information nochmal durchliest und dann einige Minuten drüber meditierst, wirst du für die Karriere, vielleicht sogar für das Leben der Richter fürchten, die dieses Urteil gesprochen haben. Gröbere Beschimpfungen der Islamischen Republik Iran liest man selten.
Du glaubst nicht, daß das Urteil is an insult? Then let me explain.

for an offense [1] someone is sentenced to prison and leaving the territory of Iran. Leaving the territory, as the prison, a penalty. What we want to say the Iranian judge that?
you want to tell us: The Islamic Republic of Iran is so god-damn, dirty shitty country that live in it-must-appear as the appropriate, severe punishment for law breakers. Take the Islamic Republic of Iran to be a great blessing for anyone who is this Luxury can afford. But criminals have as punishment for their crimes continue to live with us. [2]

[1] , I will now deal with the "offense" is not itself, which others have already done.
[2] Apparently there's now some smart Meier crawled from a hole on it and makes me aware that such travel bans too - had been carried in the GDR - hihi. The hook is simply that the exit ban was a signal to the people in the GDR: You stay here, we need you! People who have just been a nuisance in the GDR were not sentenced as a punishment for another stay there, they were pushed in the opposite at the next suitable opportunity across the border.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I Mastrubate With Mysister

furry culture

Furry (engl. pelzartig, mit Pelz besetzt oder mit Pelz bekleidet) ist der Sammelbegriff für eine internationale Interessen-Gruppierung, die an anthropomorphen Tieren in Schrift, Bild und Ton interessiert ist. Dies reicht vom typischen Werwolf bis hin zu tierischen Cartoon- und Comicfiguren. Die meisten Mitglieder der Gruppierung stammen aus den USA, Japan, Großbritannien und Deutschland.

Das Wort furry is needed in the use of language both as a noun and an adjective. Fans refer to themselves as furries or furs furry fans.

known examples

The most common definition of furry includes well-known cartoon characters such as Roger Rabbit, Bugs Bunny and Mickey Mouse, who distinguish themselves by their anthropomorphic appearance and behavior. Comic-like exaggeration and humorous elements generally fall outside the concept of him but are not invalidated.

Other examples of anthropomorphic characters in modern media are the animals of Redwall, Usagi Yojimbo, Omaha the Cat Dancer, Fritz the Cat, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (although turtles kein Fell haben) und die Charaktere der in Furry-Kreisen beliebten, mittlerweile abgesetzten US-amerikanischen Fernsehserie Father of the Pride. Hierbei handelt es sich um Wesen, die realistischer dargestellt werden als Comicfiguren. Auch beliebt bei Furries ist der Anime-Film Bagi, in dem die Hauptdarstellerin eine genetisch veränderte Berglöwin ist, die menschlichen Verstand und eindeutig anthropomorphe Züge hat.

Auch Charaktere mit tierischem Körper und einem menschlichen Verstand sowie Fabelwesen wie Drachen und Greifen werden gemeinhin als furry bezeichnet. Somit schließt der Begriff furry auch alle klassischen Fabeln mit ein. Auch Echsen und Dinosaurier wie in Jurassic Park oder Godzilla haben Anhänger unter den Furries. Meist are being referred to as dandruff Scalies. has

attitudes and interests

A significant part of Furry-interested, like the Star Trek fan base, the furry being elevated to a philosophy of life, of course often an animal in man, following spiritual / shamanistic values or lovers of erotic depictions of anthropomorphic beings. Many media reports sexual themes to be addressed, while furries argue that this play a minor role. In most of such reports often fursuit themed sexual acts are by design limited.

Within the group, one speaks of the Furry Fandom, a fan base for anthropomorphic works of all kinds. This holds because of the often great distance from one another mainly using the internet. Larger meetings are called conventions, such as the annual Eurofurence. This move by far not all fans, but achieve in Europe hundreds (Eurofurence 13 (2007) with more than 600 visitors), the United States thousands of visitors (Anthrocon 2009 with 3776 visits).

In the scene has a "Furry Code" established, which is basically like the Geekcode established. The code is a sequence of characters, each of which has a certain strictly defined meaning. Share with the Furry Code Fans on their attitudes and interests.

in Art Furry

Many furries its colorful fantasy world also give artistic expression in all its forms.

The main interest of most furries here is graphic works that are found in such online archives such as Yerf, Fur Affinity, deviantART, Sheezy Art, SoFurry or VCL (Vixen Controlled Library).

There are thousands of more or less professional artists who distribute their images for free on the Internet or print and sell. Many independent Furry Webcomics revolve around issues or include appropriate anthropomorphic characters, such as "Sabrina Online" by American Artist Eric W. Schwartz 'VG Cats' Scott Ramsoomair.

Furthermore, there is a strong culture of story-writing, with the area of light rather extends to entire fan fiction novels with literary depth. The proliferation of such stories continued until the 1990s, still mainly through fanzines, nowadays mainly via the Internet. An example of an attempt of a German fanzines outside of the Internet is "Fur Fiction, an anthology of short stories, published by Helge Lange published edition Solar-X. They based this standard on the topic, published in 1985 East German book "From the Diary of an ant (Scientific-fantastic Tiergeschichten)" (Hrsg. u. mit einem Vorwort von Michael Szameit, Verlag Neues Leben, Berlin 1985)

Das Thema des aufrecht gehenden Tieres hat darüber hinaus auch zum Anfertigen von Kostümen mit anthropomorphem Aussehen geführt; in der Szene als Fursuit bezeichnet. Einige Erschaffer solcher Fursuits setzen ihre Fähigkeiten auch kommerziell ein und produzieren für Firmen und Vereine, in denen sie etwa als Maskottchen eingesetzt werden.

In der Vergangenheit waren Furries mehrfach an Filmen oder Computerspielen beteiligt, was in jüngster Zeit eine gewisse Fortsetzung in der 3D-Animation gefunden hat. Ein Beispiel für den Einfluss der Subkultur Furry ist das 1994 erschienene Erben der Erde oder der 3D Animationsfilm Kaze - Ghost Warrior by Timothy Albee.

development of the German Furry fandom Furry

The phenomenon began in the United States and Germany reached a large scale in the mid-1990s. Unlike the U.S., in Germany there is no clear fanzine culture.

in December 1994 in a Usenet posting was first mentioned in the Furry Convention "Eurofurence. She found for the first time in June 1995 in Kaiser-Wilhelm-Koog and then had 19 participants. The event takes place annually since then at different places in Europe and has become the largest European Furry Con. In 2001, the first time by over 200 people, 2007, it 585 and 2010 already 973 people.

in April 1998 launched the first mini Mephit Con (MMC) as a small meeting in an apartment in Rüsselsheim. It takes place annually ever since with ever-increasing number of participants (most recently about 200 people). In 1999, moved to the Falcon youth center in Seeheim, from 2002 to 2005 at the Loreley. Since 2006 the MMC instead of the Freusburg.

In December 2002, showed the Tracks ARTE broadcast a report about the American furry fandom. That there are furries in Germany, was not mentioned in the report. The broadcast on 15 March 2008 showed German Furs on a French festival.

In May 2005, under the ARD program Polylux first shown a television report about the German Furry fandom.

Currently, the size of the German Furry fandom to 3000-4000 members (not many in the fandom) is estimated.


The anthropomorphic animal costumes are the best of the public perceived - as visually striking - part of the furry subculture. These vary from simple masks, false tails, ears, etc., to elaborate costumes and animatronics (eg moving parts). The word "fursuit" means fur-coat-dress suit or translated. Nevertheless, make fursuiter are only a small minority of the furry subculture, an online survey zufolge etwa 15%.

Fursuits werden überwiegend als Einzelstück individuell geplant und gebaut (meist vom Träger selbst), da industriell hergestellte Kostüme den individuellen Ansprüchen nicht gerecht werden. Die Ausstattung variiert je nach geplantem Einsatzgebiet, etwa was Robustheit, Funktionen und Sichtfeld angeht.

Das Tragen der Fursuits wird im deutschsprachigen Raum häufig als Performance-Kunst verstanden. Abseits von Furry-Conventions wie der Eurofurence treten Fursuiter auch im öffentlichen Raum in Erscheinung; sei es als Teil von Paraden oder Umzügen, oder auch in speziellen Aktionen („Suitwalks“).

Spirituelle Hintergründe (der Fursuiter möchte its attachment to a specific species or alter-ego to express), role playing (LARP) or just a fascination for the technical challenge can also be an opportunity to build a fursuit and carry. The professional respect of furries fursuit to - such as mascots or theme parks - in Europe is rather insignificant.


See also:


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Can You Take Rephresh While Pregnant

helmet and ban

On the front page of the weekly magazine "Friday" is currently a picture showing a protesting Egyptians

Hm, I say and ask myself whether or not a mixing bowl used as a helmet during a demonstration in Germany would not be punishable. In Germany, free and responsible citizens finally has the duty of the head and body of the police stick to unrestricted thrashing perform, in that the club can freely develop his personality.
Or am I again, as in most cases, the wrong information?

Pink-tinged Mucus Lasting For 3 Days

capitalism, easy to grasp: Slavery de Luxe

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ragdoll Birthday Cake

from my neck Archive - capitalism, easy to grasp: the sources of wealth

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What Food Will Give My Dog Gas

from my neck Archive - capitalism, easy to grasp: Apple donor and apple taker

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hp Laserjet 1500 Windows 7 Driver

If animals an approaching catastrophe feel

Showy Animal behavior
researchers puzzle over earthquake warning by toads

animals sense an impending disaster - the place at least close to several reports. Mice warned the 1976 an earthquake in Italy, 2004 elephants fled before the tsunami in Asia. Days before the devastating earthquake in China, hundreds of thousands of toads acted conspicuous. What do they feel?

Karlsruhe - This time the warnings were apparently overlooked: Days before the devastating earthquake in southwest China were hundreds of thousands of toads hopping out of the ground and crawled through the city of Mianyang. The animals behaved so as unusual as those snakes, the beginning of February 1975 at die nordostchinesische Stadt Haicheng herum vorzeitig aus dem Winterschlaf erwachten, um einem Beben zu entfliehen, das die Stadt wenige Tage später in Trümmer legte. Damals hatten Seismologen das Verhalten der Tiere richtig gedeutet, entsprechende Messungen vorgenommen und die Stadt rechtzeitig räumen lassen.

Dass sich Tiere Stunden und Tage vor einem Erdbeben seltsam verhalten und Fluchtreaktionen zeigen, ist seit der Antike mehrfach dokumentiert. Der griechische Naturforscher Plinius der Ältere, der beim Ausbruch des Vesuvs im Jahr 79 starb, berichtete darüber ebenso wie Bauern in der italienischen Region Friaul, wo am 6. Mai 1976 Mäuse aus dem Boden krochen und Stalltiere panisch wurden, bevor ein Erdbeben am Abend knapp tausend Human lives. Scientists worldwide are trying

the phenomenon of animal intuition to explore for years. Helmut Tributsch, professor of physical chemistry at the Free University of Berlin, has even written a book about it which picks up in the title "If snakes wake up" the happy life of the city of Haicheng. The scientist comes to statistical analysis of numerous wildlife viewing to the conclusion that making particular cave dwellers such as mice, rats, snakes and bats around 20 hours before a quake of magnitude 6.5 off due to behavior changes attention.

But what birds, led horses, elephants and fish, play before a strong earthquake crazy, is not clarified. One hypothesis states that arise due to the strong pressure and friction in the rock electrical currents that in turn degrade the existing water in fine rock cracks. The resulting positively charged particles would be ingested by the animals as aerosols on the air and caused them in the distribution of the fear inducing neurotransmitter serotonin. That prior to earthquakes charges in the atmosphere is, can trigger lightning, and geo-researchers had already observed.

But animals can smell earthquake might not only feel but also in time. With the tsunami, which at Christmas 2004 in 40 Kilometer Tiefe vor der indonesischen Küste den verheerenden Tsunami auslöste, flüchteten Elefanten und andere Tiere in Sri Lanka ins Landesinnere, lange bevor die ersten Flutwellen die Küste erreichten. Von Elefanten weiß man, dass sie über ihre empfindlichen Fußsohlen Infraschall, also tiefste Schwingungen über große Entfernungen wahrnehmen können. Sie könnten damit die Erschütterungen des Seebebens gespürt haben, da sich Infraschall im Gestein sehr viel schneller ausbreitet als im Wasser.

Andere Tiere wie Schlangen und einige Käferarten besitzen dagegen Infrarotsensoren und registrieren damit bereits minimale Temperaturänderungen, wenn in Erdbebenzonen um Vulkane aufsteigende Lava heats the ground. And many birds remarkable variations of the geomagnetic field as they are associated with earthquakes. And because many birds unlike humans can see in the ultraviolet range, they could possibly carry gases that escape from an earthquake off the ground.

Why the toad migration in Mianyang is not now perceived as a warning is unclear. Perhaps the authorities, the striking behavior of the animals was not just reported. Just as in July 1976 when the city of Tangshan shook the earth. At that time died in the earthquake of 7.8 magnitude is estimated that about 650,000 people. Warnings about the strange behavior of animals those responsible were not then simply forwarded Tributsch writes in his book.

Jürgen Oeder, AFP
Source:, 1518,553571,00 html

Friday, February 4, 2011

Women Being Molested On Trains

from my neck Archive - Self-consciousness

Solche Politiker gibt es heute nicht mehr.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Eye Shadow Primer Best 2010

from my neck Archive - relationship problems

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How To Do Home Enema Without Equipment

from my neck Archive -

Current Order Of Ftse 250

rumor from my neck Archive - The pitfalls of healthy nutrition