RWE 0 Kölle II 2
RWE startete in den ersten zehn Minuten gut ins Spiel ins Spiel und zeigte einige gute Offensivaktionen, wobei klare Torchancen leider ausblieben. Köln II hatte mit dem Anfangsdruck der Essener zunächst Probleme, weil der Ball jeweils nur kurz in den eigenen Reihen blieb, direkt der erste Konter brachte dann aber das 0:1, ein schneller Antritt über rechts ein genaues Zuspiel im richtigen Moment, so einfach fallen im Fußball manchmal Tore.
Es bestätigte sich danach die unter RWE-Fans bekannte Faustregel, wonach Hoffnungen enttäuscht, But fears are confirmed. Any self-confidence had vanished in the RWE players, Cologne II had little trouble to stop the attack Essen efforts. Said Dirk Heinzmann had the best chance of the first half when, after a filing by Sascha Molders the ball from 18 meters flat pass was off target. Also yesterday suffered the play of the Red and White again crossed the lame wings, Robert Mainka two spectacular each in the back of his teammates, on the right hacks Bartosz Bronischewski a cross behind the safety net, the second behind the far post to Toraus. Half time 1 remained unclear in the position of Markus Kurth, who was to play well at half-right, the right Wing was orphaned and often, as above, Bronischewski is not known as a flank God. A tactical feint, which unfortunately did not make any sense.
was given the support of the fans in the aftermath of the 0-1 well, the RWE fans up under second goal of the Cologne Reserve your support. Again was enough for the people of Cologne a quick counterattack, scoring Kialka the ball would still have to put on an equally bright stationary players. What followed were shouting insults towards his own teammates and team manager Thomas Strunz. Who in the stands under these conditions at that time have had the faith to a RWE for at least minimal positive output, also believe in the Loch Ness monster falls asleep. If there were a premature TKO in football, the score to 0-2 would be a suitable time for an early end of the game was.
Only in the last 15 minutes there was still some RWE torchancenähnlichen actions when substitute Stachnik put the ball past the far post, some edge runs of the late Dennis Buehrer enhancing brought some danger for Gästetor.
Sun brought the final whistle, the third home defeat RWE in a row and at the same time as the end of the era Strunz. The RWE
some fans after the game even went as far to the embarrassment of the visiting team with applause and a wave zu verabschieden, rundete einen weiteren ganz traurigen RWE-Abend trefflich ab. In praktisch allen Bereichen auf und neben dem Rasen liefert der Club momentan ein Bild des Jammers ab.
Zahlenmäßig betrachtet brachte die Ära des Teamchefs Thomas Strunz in 8 Heimpflichtspielen 4 Siege und 4 Niederlagen, auch die Auswärtsbilanz ist komplett ausgeglichen. Für einen Aufstiegskandidaten ist die bisherige Saisonbilanz von 2-1-4 nach 7 Spielen allerdings völlig grauenhaft.
Wäre Thomas Strunz spätestens nach dem 1:1 beim Tabellenletzten Bonn zurückgetreten um den Posten für einen nachfolgenden Trainer freizumachen, wäre eine Weiterbeschäftigung als Manager sicherlich noch möglich gewesen. Nach dem gestrigen Spiel this possibility was not, therefore, the complete separation inevitable.
an obvious advantage, the separation of Thomas Strunz, in any case, in the future will be eternal by the recitation of a maximum of moderately funny speech coach fire spared. Anyone who still "empty bottle" and about "what allow Struuuuuuunz" laughs, is also happy about Dinner For One New Year's Eve.
Whether and how and how long it goes on now at RWE, wants to know as RWE fan sometimes not really.
/ M /
RWE startete in den ersten zehn Minuten gut ins Spiel ins Spiel und zeigte einige gute Offensivaktionen, wobei klare Torchancen leider ausblieben. Köln II hatte mit dem Anfangsdruck der Essener zunächst Probleme, weil der Ball jeweils nur kurz in den eigenen Reihen blieb, direkt der erste Konter brachte dann aber das 0:1, ein schneller Antritt über rechts ein genaues Zuspiel im richtigen Moment, so einfach fallen im Fußball manchmal Tore.
Es bestätigte sich danach die unter RWE-Fans bekannte Faustregel, wonach Hoffnungen enttäuscht, But fears are confirmed. Any self-confidence had vanished in the RWE players, Cologne II had little trouble to stop the attack Essen efforts. Said Dirk Heinzmann had the best chance of the first half when, after a filing by Sascha Molders the ball from 18 meters flat pass was off target. Also yesterday suffered the play of the Red and White again crossed the lame wings, Robert Mainka two spectacular each in the back of his teammates, on the right hacks Bartosz Bronischewski a cross behind the safety net, the second behind the far post to Toraus. Half time 1 remained unclear in the position of Markus Kurth, who was to play well at half-right, the right Wing was orphaned and often, as above, Bronischewski is not known as a flank God. A tactical feint, which unfortunately did not make any sense.
was given the support of the fans in the aftermath of the 0-1 well, the RWE fans up under second goal of the Cologne Reserve your support. Again was enough for the people of Cologne a quick counterattack, scoring Kialka the ball would still have to put on an equally bright stationary players. What followed were shouting insults towards his own teammates and team manager Thomas Strunz. Who in the stands under these conditions at that time have had the faith to a RWE for at least minimal positive output, also believe in the Loch Ness monster falls asleep. If there were a premature TKO in football, the score to 0-2 would be a suitable time for an early end of the game was.
Only in the last 15 minutes there was still some RWE torchancenähnlichen actions when substitute Stachnik put the ball past the far post, some edge runs of the late Dennis Buehrer enhancing brought some danger for Gästetor.
Sun brought the final whistle, the third home defeat RWE in a row and at the same time as the end of the era Strunz. The RWE
some fans after the game even went as far to the embarrassment of the visiting team with applause and a wave zu verabschieden, rundete einen weiteren ganz traurigen RWE-Abend trefflich ab. In praktisch allen Bereichen auf und neben dem Rasen liefert der Club momentan ein Bild des Jammers ab.
Zahlenmäßig betrachtet brachte die Ära des Teamchefs Thomas Strunz in 8 Heimpflichtspielen 4 Siege und 4 Niederlagen, auch die Auswärtsbilanz ist komplett ausgeglichen. Für einen Aufstiegskandidaten ist die bisherige Saisonbilanz von 2-1-4 nach 7 Spielen allerdings völlig grauenhaft.
Wäre Thomas Strunz spätestens nach dem 1:1 beim Tabellenletzten Bonn zurückgetreten um den Posten für einen nachfolgenden Trainer freizumachen, wäre eine Weiterbeschäftigung als Manager sicherlich noch möglich gewesen. Nach dem gestrigen Spiel this possibility was not, therefore, the complete separation inevitable.
an obvious advantage, the separation of Thomas Strunz, in any case, in the future will be eternal by the recitation of a maximum of moderately funny speech coach fire spared. Anyone who still "empty bottle" and about "what allow Struuuuuuunz" laughs, is also happy about Dinner For One New Year's Eve.
Whether and how and how long it goes on now at RWE, wants to know as RWE fan sometimes not really.
/ M /
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