RWE two Elversberg 0
Sports downturn, financial collapse, demolition of stadium construction, only negative subjects circled Rot-Weiss Essen in recent weeks. This will change, probably not as fast, but after all, RWE succeeded on Friday after a 2-0 win against appealing performance Elversberg, which team, club and also the time the team over the entire game cheering Fanumfeld submitted a sign of life. The patient is still far above the mountain, the state further critical, but as the signals that point to an afterlife.
the militant committed Essenes came, of course, benefited from the early headed goal from Markus Kurth. A high cross from Zinke headed Kurth of 6 meters, a. Cheered on by his goal until his replacement Kurth was a particularly aggressive and had good performance this time also a tactically discernible space on the field that was the last home match against Cologne II or otherwise. Improved up to its early replacement due to injury at last Robert Mainka, fittingly, it was the substitute for him, Patrick Schnier, which started the 2-0 Sascha Molders. Molders had the ball wide to drain from the chest and sank the ball from 18 meters in the mesh, a great goal. Elversberg played throughout the game, probably due to the early deficit quite impressive forward, but could in the sixteen with them only very rare and sought salvation be so in long-range shots, but were mitigated by Andre Maczkowiak safe, they were on goal. A striking feature of Elversberg Haluk Türkeri, who remained without scoring chance in the game but showed agility, which he last year in the jersey of RWE unfortunately never put on the day. RWE is a half-time 2 some decent counter approaches the fast outer Lemke and Schnier out to play without a really clear chance and plädderte the game to a close and the RWE fans left with the rare feeling of a home victory finally back home happy.
All in all, a first step on the road to recovery, the more games in the next einige weitere folgen müssen.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
I Want To See Indian Boobs

RWE 0 Kölle II 2
RWE startete in den ersten zehn Minuten gut ins Spiel ins Spiel und zeigte einige gute Offensivaktionen, wobei klare Torchancen leider ausblieben. Köln II hatte mit dem Anfangsdruck der Essener zunächst Probleme, weil der Ball jeweils nur kurz in den eigenen Reihen blieb, direkt der erste Konter brachte dann aber das 0:1, ein schneller Antritt über rechts ein genaues Zuspiel im richtigen Moment, so einfach fallen im Fußball manchmal Tore.
Es bestätigte sich danach die unter RWE-Fans bekannte Faustregel, wonach Hoffnungen enttäuscht, But fears are confirmed. Any self-confidence had vanished in the RWE players, Cologne II had little trouble to stop the attack Essen efforts. Said Dirk Heinzmann had the best chance of the first half when, after a filing by Sascha Molders the ball from 18 meters flat pass was off target. Also yesterday suffered the play of the Red and White again crossed the lame wings, Robert Mainka two spectacular each in the back of his teammates, on the right hacks Bartosz Bronischewski a cross behind the safety net, the second behind the far post to Toraus. Half time 1 remained unclear in the position of Markus Kurth, who was to play well at half-right, the right Wing was orphaned and often, as above, Bronischewski is not known as a flank God. A tactical feint, which unfortunately did not make any sense.
was given the support of the fans in the aftermath of the 0-1 well, the RWE fans up under second goal of the Cologne Reserve your support. Again was enough for the people of Cologne a quick counterattack, scoring Kialka the ball would still have to put on an equally bright stationary players. What followed were shouting insults towards his own teammates and team manager Thomas Strunz. Who in the stands under these conditions at that time have had the faith to a RWE for at least minimal positive output, also believe in the Loch Ness monster falls asleep. If there were a premature TKO in football, the score to 0-2 would be a suitable time for an early end of the game was.
Only in the last 15 minutes there was still some RWE torchancenähnlichen actions when substitute Stachnik put the ball past the far post, some edge runs of the late Dennis Buehrer enhancing brought some danger for Gästetor.
Sun brought the final whistle, the third home defeat RWE in a row and at the same time as the end of the era Strunz. The RWE
some fans after the game even went as far to the embarrassment of the visiting team with applause and a wave zu verabschieden, rundete einen weiteren ganz traurigen RWE-Abend trefflich ab. In praktisch allen Bereichen auf und neben dem Rasen liefert der Club momentan ein Bild des Jammers ab.
Zahlenmäßig betrachtet brachte die Ära des Teamchefs Thomas Strunz in 8 Heimpflichtspielen 4 Siege und 4 Niederlagen, auch die Auswärtsbilanz ist komplett ausgeglichen. Für einen Aufstiegskandidaten ist die bisherige Saisonbilanz von 2-1-4 nach 7 Spielen allerdings völlig grauenhaft.
Wäre Thomas Strunz spätestens nach dem 1:1 beim Tabellenletzten Bonn zurückgetreten um den Posten für einen nachfolgenden Trainer freizumachen, wäre eine Weiterbeschäftigung als Manager sicherlich noch möglich gewesen. Nach dem gestrigen Spiel this possibility was not, therefore, the complete separation inevitable.
an obvious advantage, the separation of Thomas Strunz, in any case, in the future will be eternal by the recitation of a maximum of moderately funny speech coach fire spared. Anyone who still "empty bottle" and about "what allow Struuuuuuunz" laughs, is also happy about Dinner For One New Year's Eve.
Whether and how and how long it goes on now at RWE, wants to know as RWE fan sometimes not really.
/ M /
RWE startete in den ersten zehn Minuten gut ins Spiel ins Spiel und zeigte einige gute Offensivaktionen, wobei klare Torchancen leider ausblieben. Köln II hatte mit dem Anfangsdruck der Essener zunächst Probleme, weil der Ball jeweils nur kurz in den eigenen Reihen blieb, direkt der erste Konter brachte dann aber das 0:1, ein schneller Antritt über rechts ein genaues Zuspiel im richtigen Moment, so einfach fallen im Fußball manchmal Tore.
Es bestätigte sich danach die unter RWE-Fans bekannte Faustregel, wonach Hoffnungen enttäuscht, But fears are confirmed. Any self-confidence had vanished in the RWE players, Cologne II had little trouble to stop the attack Essen efforts. Said Dirk Heinzmann had the best chance of the first half when, after a filing by Sascha Molders the ball from 18 meters flat pass was off target. Also yesterday suffered the play of the Red and White again crossed the lame wings, Robert Mainka two spectacular each in the back of his teammates, on the right hacks Bartosz Bronischewski a cross behind the safety net, the second behind the far post to Toraus. Half time 1 remained unclear in the position of Markus Kurth, who was to play well at half-right, the right Wing was orphaned and often, as above, Bronischewski is not known as a flank God. A tactical feint, which unfortunately did not make any sense.
was given the support of the fans in the aftermath of the 0-1 well, the RWE fans up under second goal of the Cologne Reserve your support. Again was enough for the people of Cologne a quick counterattack, scoring Kialka the ball would still have to put on an equally bright stationary players. What followed were shouting insults towards his own teammates and team manager Thomas Strunz. Who in the stands under these conditions at that time have had the faith to a RWE for at least minimal positive output, also believe in the Loch Ness monster falls asleep. If there were a premature TKO in football, the score to 0-2 would be a suitable time for an early end of the game was.
Only in the last 15 minutes there was still some RWE torchancenähnlichen actions when substitute Stachnik put the ball past the far post, some edge runs of the late Dennis Buehrer enhancing brought some danger for Gästetor.
Sun brought the final whistle, the third home defeat RWE in a row and at the same time as the end of the era Strunz. The RWE
some fans after the game even went as far to the embarrassment of the visiting team with applause and a wave zu verabschieden, rundete einen weiteren ganz traurigen RWE-Abend trefflich ab. In praktisch allen Bereichen auf und neben dem Rasen liefert der Club momentan ein Bild des Jammers ab.
Zahlenmäßig betrachtet brachte die Ära des Teamchefs Thomas Strunz in 8 Heimpflichtspielen 4 Siege und 4 Niederlagen, auch die Auswärtsbilanz ist komplett ausgeglichen. Für einen Aufstiegskandidaten ist die bisherige Saisonbilanz von 2-1-4 nach 7 Spielen allerdings völlig grauenhaft.
Wäre Thomas Strunz spätestens nach dem 1:1 beim Tabellenletzten Bonn zurückgetreten um den Posten für einen nachfolgenden Trainer freizumachen, wäre eine Weiterbeschäftigung als Manager sicherlich noch möglich gewesen. Nach dem gestrigen Spiel this possibility was not, therefore, the complete separation inevitable.
an obvious advantage, the separation of Thomas Strunz, in any case, in the future will be eternal by the recitation of a maximum of moderately funny speech coach fire spared. Anyone who still "empty bottle" and about "what allow Struuuuuuunz" laughs, is also happy about Dinner For One New Year's Eve.
Whether and how and how long it goes on now at RWE, wants to know as RWE fan sometimes not really.
/ M /
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Driver Ati Radeon R96
RWE Fortuna Ddorf 0 II 1
First of all, yesterday I was not in the stadium because the late shift. Shortly before nine a look at the teletext, still 0-0 as the game goes well, a lot of chances but do not want the ball over the line ... ..? Or rather again the search for the 100, oh what, 1000% quality scoring chance, which is then but please use good, and gives the victory against the reserve of Fortuna Ddorf, the battle of attrition , the tired games, uh
-fit of the enemy where there are more children but no and Goals practically fall only when the ball is virtually no can not go into the goal (A heavy sentence, fürwahr).
Es im Falle von RWE aber immer noch gerne tut.( Der Ball, der blöde)
Und so wird dann wieder lamentiert, och Manno, drei klare Chancen kein Tor, so ein Pech.
Zuhause angekommen, war aus dem erhofften späten Siegtor mal wieder ein spätes, Niederlagenbringendes Gegentor geworden. 0:1 gegen Ddorf II, die dritte Niederlage im fünften Saisonspiel, die zweite Heimniederlage in Folge, die zweite Heimniederlage in Folge gegen einen Aufsteiger. Der Plan vom kontrollierten Spiel nach vorne mal wieder auf dem Weg in die Tonne, Punkte weg, Ärger groß.
Seit dem Abstieg aus der 2. Bundesliga hat RWE praktisch keine Möglichkeit ausgelassen, themselves and especially the still remarkably numerous disclose to the games coming followers to ridicule.
Here, we present a list of sporting embarrassments that mark out, probably not only my view, absolute low points in at low points, not just poor history of RW Essen wins
* RWO on the port road with 4-1 win also the return game, and thus for the first time in more than 40 years, both season games against RWE.
* home defeat against Energie Cottbus II, the former table Lenz last of the Regionalliga Nord. Against the pros of RWE Energie Cottbus in 5 games still do not suffer defeat.
* The descent from the third division is in a home game against an already relegated team of VFB Lübeck, which takes up because of an early withdrawal of licenses with some mixture of youth and reserve players and a few remaining Regional players realized, after range previously had fights again and packed with a home win would have the most important quality for league third
* RWE loses the first time a home game against the reserve of the area rivals Borussia Dortmund
* RWE loses the first time a game against the reserve of the arch-rivals Schalke 04, it follows the disastrous rest of the season also a loss to the reserve of the area neighbors VFL Bochum
* RWE loses at home, the Lower Rhine Cup final against the then sixth division side VfB Speldorf, to my knowledge the first defeat against a Mülheimer team in a competitive match
* RWE loses again against the reserve of the arch-rivals Schalke controls, but about 8,000 spectators to the new attendance record in the league in fourth Hurrah.
* Promoted Saarbrücken comes with the recommendation of 2 and 1:9 defeats starting gates into the Georgian-Melches Stadium and won 2-1 - According to team manager Thomas Strunz undeserved, RWE had at least three (3) 100% chances. Or there are 3 (three) even 1000% ?
*Gegen die Reserve von Fortuna Düsseldorf, einem weiteren Rivalen, kassiert RWE direkt die nächste Heimpleite. Die letzte Niederlage gegen die I. von Ddorf liegt mittlerweile 8 Jahre zurück.
Was kann jetzt noch kommen, eine Heimniederlage gegen Schalke II, ein Abstieg in Liga 5 ? Die Auswahl an verbleibenden , noch zu erreichenden Tiefpunkten, sie wird immer geringer. Aber mich beschleicht die Befürchtung, RWE wird auch diese angesprochenen Tiefpunkte noch erreichen.
Seit Jahren wird in Essener der jeweilige Gegner starkgeredet, Druckphasen auf das gegnerische Tor fallen selbst in Heimspielen völlig aus und sind einem Fußball gewichen, wants to be considered, but is merely unimaginative. 90 minutes with the hand brake and beware of countering undundund , I can not hear it. And not see it anymore.
is the same time the club has become a haven for novice trainers. Heiko Bonan - Michael Kulm -. Thomas Strunz , in each case little or none (coach experience in the higher class (which is 4.Liga still higher class) Football
But with RW eat, can watch it sometimes, how to make great ideas from theory into practice.
on the bench is always the eternal coach Ralf Aussem, who once was somehow Fortuna Cologne coach well, nobody knows it as accurate, does not matter, nice guy stop. And assistant coach Numero two, Uwe Erkenbrecher was a long time ago was a long time successful times for a short time in Lübeck. The episode of cult coach Ernst Middendorp was so short and embarrassing, they will be listed here so only very briefly and lowercase.
is still time, but it is short. In food must now trading at. Sets a coach on the bench who does not talk much any opponent, not the oh-so-important possession babbling, the chances of 100% is out there playing, if necessary in the final minutes . Goals in the final minutes covered with RWE on the wrong side anyway, so I reconciled.
I would like to see a team that is identifiable at least in home games from the start pressure and, above all, just tried to take advantage of times a suspect may not have been wholly owned scoring opportunity. Sometimes gates fall and quite simply, you just have to try sometimes.
watch soccer, which can sometimes be fun. Also in
play of their own clubs.
What to RWE for worse, I can live with it more to see my team lose 0:3 at 15:3 shots on goal, as a 90-minute battle of attrition attend, at the end but then if you please, a brief RWE victory stand, because we leave nothing behind zu .
Denn irgendwann lässt man dann hinten doch was zu und man trauert der verplemperten vorherigen Spielzeit nach , wo man es versäumt hat, durch Druck den ach so starken Gegnern zu Fehlern zu zwingen.
Ein hier phrasierter Spielverlauf, den ich von RWE –Spielen nun wirklich zur Genüge kenne.
Und der in den letzten Jahren das exakte Gegenteil von Erfolg gebracht hat.
RWE Fortuna Ddorf 0 II 1
First of all, yesterday I was not in the stadium because the late shift. Shortly before nine a look at the teletext, still 0-0 as the game goes well, a lot of chances but do not want the ball over the line ... ..? Or rather again the search for the 100, oh what, 1000% quality scoring chance, which is then but please use good, and gives the victory against the reserve of Fortuna Ddorf, the battle of attrition , the tired games, uh
-fit of the enemy where there are more children but no and Goals practically fall only when the ball is virtually no can not go into the goal (A heavy sentence, fürwahr).
Es im Falle von RWE aber immer noch gerne tut.( Der Ball, der blöde)
Und so wird dann wieder lamentiert, och Manno, drei klare Chancen kein Tor, so ein Pech.
Zuhause angekommen, war aus dem erhofften späten Siegtor mal wieder ein spätes, Niederlagenbringendes Gegentor geworden. 0:1 gegen Ddorf II, die dritte Niederlage im fünften Saisonspiel, die zweite Heimniederlage in Folge, die zweite Heimniederlage in Folge gegen einen Aufsteiger. Der Plan vom kontrollierten Spiel nach vorne mal wieder auf dem Weg in die Tonne, Punkte weg, Ärger groß.
Seit dem Abstieg aus der 2. Bundesliga hat RWE praktisch keine Möglichkeit ausgelassen, themselves and especially the still remarkably numerous disclose to the games coming followers to ridicule.
Here, we present a list of sporting embarrassments that mark out, probably not only my view, absolute low points in at low points, not just poor history of RW Essen wins
* RWO on the port road with 4-1 win also the return game, and thus for the first time in more than 40 years, both season games against RWE.
* home defeat against Energie Cottbus II, the former table Lenz last of the Regionalliga Nord. Against the pros of RWE Energie Cottbus in 5 games still do not suffer defeat.
* The descent from the third division is in a home game against an already relegated team of VFB Lübeck, which takes up because of an early withdrawal of licenses with some mixture of youth and reserve players and a few remaining Regional players realized, after range previously had fights again and packed with a home win would have the most important quality for league third
* RWE loses the first time a home game against the reserve of the area rivals Borussia Dortmund
* RWE loses the first time a game against the reserve of the arch-rivals Schalke 04, it follows the disastrous rest of the season also a loss to the reserve of the area neighbors VFL Bochum
* RWE loses at home, the Lower Rhine Cup final against the then sixth division side VfB Speldorf, to my knowledge the first defeat against a Mülheimer team in a competitive match
* RWE loses again against the reserve of the arch-rivals Schalke controls, but about 8,000 spectators to the new attendance record in the league in fourth Hurrah.
* Promoted Saarbrücken comes with the recommendation of 2 and 1:9 defeats starting gates into the Georgian-Melches Stadium and won 2-1 - According to team manager Thomas Strunz undeserved, RWE had at least three (3) 100% chances. Or there are 3 (three) even 1000% ?
*Gegen die Reserve von Fortuna Düsseldorf, einem weiteren Rivalen, kassiert RWE direkt die nächste Heimpleite. Die letzte Niederlage gegen die I. von Ddorf liegt mittlerweile 8 Jahre zurück.
Was kann jetzt noch kommen, eine Heimniederlage gegen Schalke II, ein Abstieg in Liga 5 ? Die Auswahl an verbleibenden , noch zu erreichenden Tiefpunkten, sie wird immer geringer. Aber mich beschleicht die Befürchtung, RWE wird auch diese angesprochenen Tiefpunkte noch erreichen.
Seit Jahren wird in Essener der jeweilige Gegner starkgeredet, Druckphasen auf das gegnerische Tor fallen selbst in Heimspielen völlig aus und sind einem Fußball gewichen, wants to be considered, but is merely unimaginative. 90 minutes with the hand brake and beware of countering undundund , I can not hear it. And not see it anymore.
is the same time the club has become a haven for novice trainers. Heiko Bonan - Michael Kulm -. Thomas Strunz , in each case little or none (coach experience in the higher class (which is 4.Liga still higher class) Football
But with RW eat, can watch it sometimes, how to make great ideas from theory into practice.
on the bench is always the eternal coach Ralf Aussem, who once was somehow Fortuna Cologne coach well, nobody knows it as accurate, does not matter, nice guy stop. And assistant coach Numero two, Uwe Erkenbrecher was a long time ago was a long time successful times for a short time in Lübeck. The episode of cult coach Ernst Middendorp was so short and embarrassing, they will be listed here so only very briefly and lowercase.
is still time, but it is short. In food must now trading at. Sets a coach on the bench who does not talk much any opponent, not the oh-so-important possession babbling, the chances of 100% is out there playing, if necessary in the final minutes . Goals in the final minutes covered with RWE on the wrong side anyway, so I reconciled.
I would like to see a team that is identifiable at least in home games from the start pressure and, above all, just tried to take advantage of times a suspect may not have been wholly owned scoring opportunity. Sometimes gates fall and quite simply, you just have to try sometimes.
watch soccer, which can sometimes be fun. Also in
play of their own clubs.
What to RWE for worse, I can live with it more to see my team lose 0:3 at 15:3 shots on goal, as a 90-minute battle of attrition attend, at the end but then if you please, a brief RWE victory stand, because we leave nothing behind zu .
Denn irgendwann lässt man dann hinten doch was zu und man trauert der verplemperten vorherigen Spielzeit nach , wo man es versäumt hat, durch Druck den ach so starken Gegnern zu Fehlern zu zwingen.
Ein hier phrasierter Spielverlauf, den ich von RWE –Spielen nun wirklich zur Genüge kenne.
Und der in den letzten Jahren das exakte Gegenteil von Erfolg gebracht hat.
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