Sunday, March 6, 2011

Why Is Polystyrene Called Thermocol

Egon Friedell on plagiarism and plagiarists

"What now ... As to the question of plagiarism, the cry of the intellectual theft of one of the most superfluous operations is of the world. Any plagiarism that is directed by itself on him rests the curse of all stolen property to a joyless Possession makes, be it mental or physical nature. It meets the thief with an uncertainty and bias, which points out to him a hundred yards. ... We can only share our own thoughts really moving, because only that our institutions are . An idea that is not ours, but another hand we can not, they will drop us like a horse, the foreign riders, it is like a jewel case, that Vexierschloß man nicht kennt, wie ein Paß, der fremde Länder öffnet, aber nur dem, dessen Bild und Namenszug er trägt. Man lasse daher die Menschen an geistigem Eigentum nur ruhig zusammenstehlen, was sie erwischen können, denn niemand anders wird den Schaden davon haben als sie selbst, die ihre schöne Zeit an etwas völlig Hoffnungsloses vergeudet haben. "

Egon Friedell: "Kulturgeschichte der Neuzeit"


Ganz schön altmodisch, was dieser Friedell da schreibt, wa? Vor allem der Satz " Es erfüllt den Dieb mit einer Unsicherheit und Befangenheit, die man ihm auf hundert Schritte anmerkt. ... "

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Eminent 3 Digit Padlock Instructions

As the man the dog language

In the following article to me and the constant chatter of socialized man comes to mind. Peaceful people rarely have a lot of friends.

more than just wow, wow
2/28/2000 Burkhardt Roeper

researchers decipher the language of popular pet. Only the breeding brought the dogs to bark

Little Red Riding Hood should have better pay attention to the facial expressions of the evil wolf. Instead, they asked about the size of the mouth and eyes of their supposed grandmother. Certainly the little girl would have the intentions of the hungry beast caught in time. For Wolves agree to the finest Art Even a slight wrinkling of the forehead or puckering of the nose can be telling. They bark only to warn an enemy.

behave quite differently their domesticated descendants - the dogs. The evolution of the predator to Wolf Canis lupus familiaris format, the house dog, did not lead only to a significant improvement in image - from the dreaded monster and little girl's fear of man's best friend. Unlike wolves and dogs dachshund give their mood manifested mainly barking.

Source: 1024-768.jpg

a decisive role in this development is probably the man. "Obviously, our ancestors started ages ago a breeding to as loud and often get dogs barking," said the American psychologist and dog expert Stanley Coren in his new book "How To Speak Dog" (freely translated: As I speak dog language?).

Advantageous genes. Assist this, the genetic information of the pet. In long-term studies, these American psychologist John Scott and John Fuller, that the urge to bark quite obvious that one or more dominant genes is anchored. All dogs who have this genetic trait in itself, bark often and willingly. The properties transferred them to all offspring, which makes a specific breed barking.

"Our studies suggest that the domestication has played a crucial role," adds Dorit Feddersen-Petersen of the University of Kiel. For many years, the veterinarian examined the behavior of canids Bell. Their results confirm that in 1971 the Bavarian Canidenforscher Erik Zimen developed thesis: Barking dogs are the result of the domestication of wolves thousands of years ago.

However Zimens thesis is still controversial. Many researchers see the Dog barking no communicative function. The dog sounds should only reflect the state of arousal of the animals. Frequent barking would therefore be above all a sign of stress. An alternative explanation for the dogs now communicate with each other, the critics, however.

to a mutual understanding based on external signals, such as practicing the wolves, modern dog breeds are now no longer able. A compressed mouth, drooping or an always draped in sorrowful end to make a facial expression based on communication almost impossible.

If only the bark, many dog owners would like the sounds of their animals can understand. "The human ear is cast for dogs but so insensitive that there is not even agree on the basic sounds of dogs, "Stanley Coren dampens hope. British or Americans hear from the statements of the four-legged "bow, bow" "woof, woof," or "arf, arf." For the Dutch dog barking sounds like "waf, waf, for the French to" woa, woa "and for the Germans to" wow, wow. "

With a trained ear, as it has dog expert Feddersen-Petersen, can still distinguish some sounds:

make the first one to two weeks, puppies noticeable with the so-called infantile barking. Use the young dogs in particular, to move the mother to suckle. Most of the sound will disappear after a month.

game barking sounds very melodic and sonorous. The sounds are variable and pronounced differently, accompanied by lusty bouncing, rolling and throwing down.

game similar to game called barking barking. It is a little louder and to recognize the attitude well: the front body is low on the ground.

In fighting games, the rougher bark not melodic, but very noisy. The animals are very excited. Often follows a warning Knurrfauchen.

threat and warning barks are still lower than the sounds in the fight game. So do the dogs their ranking or defend their territory. What is striking is the rigid posture of the dog.

Not all races use the whole course, Bell's repertoire. You are obviously not all equally gifted. To use such as American Staffordshire Terrier a few, largely stereotyped sounds, while the Small Munsterlander has developed a very rich vocabulary.

Although Dorit Feddersen-Petersen studied for decades, the language of dogs, they also dominated the vocabulary not yet. While understanding the canids in general quite well with the Kiel dog expert. But in a four-legged friends are Feddersen-Petersen transgressed once quite properly in the clay. The visibly angry dog to bite. It was dachshund Luca, her pet dog.

"barking wolves only when they want to warn enemies" DORIT Feddersen-Petersen, UNI KIEL


dog researcher Stanley says Coren, what does a dog with his barking:

Persistent barking: "Is there anyone ? . I need company "

one-or two short barks at a medium pitch". Hello "This is the typical greeting sound.

Single sharp short bark ". Stop it" is often heard in the mother dog, who blames her puppies
A series of short Kläfflaute: "It hurts me." Reaction to fear and pain
