lecture by Lloyd Pye, the wily
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Luggage Store Mississauga
Today's game in the reserve from Alemannia Aachen brings a reunion with a man whose name is like no other, with the decline of RWE been linked: Ralf Aussem. committed
By Heiko Bonan as an assistant coach Ralf Aussem was three terrible years from summer 2007 to summer 2010, the personalized screen for all that had gone bad, RWE and only in the last nine months, when he and Erkenbrecher the lurching RWE-Kahn at least in terms of points brought back on track, could strike the common fan, which he himself was probably not that wrong, as one previously believed.
Where we are extremely reluctant to most games last season, remembers the home games against MGladbach II, Trier and Mainz II are among the boring most games I've ever seen (and that was against Trier even won), after all, but led the conservative coaching duo the honest last year's Regional force relatively quickly out of the relegation zone in the upper middle-man's-land the table and a district sports forum users noticed during practice that Ralf Aussem much better sides suggested, as the regional league player who earned good money last year for poor service.
Aussem was first noticed only by his baggy jeans but had particularly bad luck, personally Heiko Bonan to assistant coach to be chosen, namely the Heiko Bonan, RWE was allowed to accompany almost nine months on the outside line and stood by and watched in amazement as his team put together by him, the system with the half-and quarter-strikers did not understand it. It was somehow significant to the Bonan much later was dismissed not Aussem the reins handed over, but Michael Kulm, the former coach of the RWE-reserve. The time would have done almost the third league quality.
Fast, then came Lübeck and maybe, maybe probable, may determine the betting mafia. Will we ever know whether some of the RWE-Eleven players were involved financially, which blew the game against already relegated long as fixed Lübeck was? Aussem was assistant coach at Kulm, Middendorp, Strunz and somehow under / beside Erkenbrecher, the one in this duo perceived always as the first coach, probably, but simply because that is looking Ralf Aussem well basically not the bright light of publicity. What would it actually is a positive characteristic.
said Ralf Aussem went to the bankruptcy after three years and the descent from the third in the Fünftklassigkeit and you can still really do not allow opinion, whether its share of the decline is rather large and would have probably needed even more Aussemartige officials in order not to let the boat sink completely.
It's all over, the soup of the day before. Currently makes the retreads, RWE tapered so much joy for ages welcome awaits you back on home games and sees this not as a duty. Even a not so improbable defeat at Aachen II would not reduce the excitement for the game against Cleve. Looking forward to a home game against league 5 in Kleve, the best proof of the Fanzufriedenheit has little to do with the league membership.
/ M /
Today's game in the reserve from Alemannia Aachen brings a reunion with a man whose name is like no other, with the decline of RWE been linked: Ralf Aussem. committed
By Heiko Bonan as an assistant coach Ralf Aussem was three terrible years from summer 2007 to summer 2010, the personalized screen for all that had gone bad, RWE and only in the last nine months, when he and Erkenbrecher the lurching RWE-Kahn at least in terms of points brought back on track, could strike the common fan, which he himself was probably not that wrong, as one previously believed.
Where we are extremely reluctant to most games last season, remembers the home games against MGladbach II, Trier and Mainz II are among the boring most games I've ever seen (and that was against Trier even won), after all, but led the conservative coaching duo the honest last year's Regional force relatively quickly out of the relegation zone in the upper middle-man's-land the table and a district sports forum users noticed during practice that Ralf Aussem much better sides suggested, as the regional league player who earned good money last year for poor service.
Aussem was first noticed only by his baggy jeans but had particularly bad luck, personally Heiko Bonan to assistant coach to be chosen, namely the Heiko Bonan, RWE was allowed to accompany almost nine months on the outside line and stood by and watched in amazement as his team put together by him, the system with the half-and quarter-strikers did not understand it. It was somehow significant to the Bonan much later was dismissed not Aussem the reins handed over, but Michael Kulm, the former coach of the RWE-reserve. The time would have done almost the third league quality.
Fast, then came Lübeck and maybe, maybe probable, may determine the betting mafia. Will we ever know whether some of the RWE-Eleven players were involved financially, which blew the game against already relegated long as fixed Lübeck was? Aussem was assistant coach at Kulm, Middendorp, Strunz and somehow under / beside Erkenbrecher, the one in this duo perceived always as the first coach, probably, but simply because that is looking Ralf Aussem well basically not the bright light of publicity. What would it actually is a positive characteristic.
said Ralf Aussem went to the bankruptcy after three years and the descent from the third in the Fünftklassigkeit and you can still really do not allow opinion, whether its share of the decline is rather large and would have probably needed even more Aussemartige officials in order not to let the boat sink completely.
It's all over, the soup of the day before. Currently makes the retreads, RWE tapered so much joy for ages welcome awaits you back on home games and sees this not as a duty. Even a not so improbable defeat at Aachen II would not reduce the excitement for the game against Cleve. Looking forward to a home game against league 5 in Kleve, the best proof of the Fanzufriedenheit has little to do with the league membership.
/ M /
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Harley Davidson Buell S1
Comet goldfish
Bildquelle: http://www.onlineweblibrary.com/news/goldfish.jpg
Bildquelle: http://www.onlineweblibrary.com/news/goldfish.jpg
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Letter Of Work Done Volunteering
Minnesota Iceman: The mysterious deaths in the ice
Artikel von Cris Kummer:
Vor einigen Jahren hatte ich die Gelegenheit, mich im Archiv des verstorbenen belgischen Kryptozoologen Bernard Heuvelmans umzusehen. Es befindet sich im zoologischen Museum in Lausanne. Kern von Heuvelmans Vermächtnis sind die zahlreichen Schuber, welche Aufzeichnungen zu den unterschiedlichsten zoologischen Legenden enthalten. Heuvelmans widmete gleich mehrere Schuber dem so genannten „Minnesota Iceman“, einem Ausstellungsstück, das in den 60er- und 70er-Jahren an Jahrmärkten in ganz Amerika zur Schau gestellt wurde. Heuvelmans glaubte er, es handle is a Neanderthal man, who was shot during the Vietnam War and smuggled into the United States. Skeptics contradicted him and claimed that it was a just a plastic doll. Neither side was able to prove their version, as the supposed corpse eventually disappeared. The Rästel to the Iceman is still unresolved and will probably remain unsolved. Thanks to the notes I was able to reconstruct the history of the strange exhibit. This is a shortened version of my article in the magazine mysteries of the 2008 (Issue 25) appeared. Click
For the full article here:
Source: http://api.ning.com/files/rp0hIHDSiSFFWdFz9CBwGt * oqykmglRxLQI6KQhnx9VdsJQWha2ucQXgEmRtUz77tBQtu7TIxzAngthXBssQ5QaR2F3vrHcg/minnesotaiceman.jpg
http://postbulletin.typepad.com/ .a/6a00d83451cc8269e201348680fc41970c-250wi
Source: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhBJuwud7UE3ioJvE7jjuWG3uKue-H4kq7Qr4Zk2EARZRUrmBeOHra7idTy07TFNgK3pPdoKJpjDbygxH4rVRsMwPw9XiSmRkiqLtS8ezcWsUPA_Jk-E7ClxPsNQZCzNclNSKaOEAxiF8fU/s1600/PICT5689.JPG
See Also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minnesota_Iceman
Artikel von Cris Kummer:
Vor einigen Jahren hatte ich die Gelegenheit, mich im Archiv des verstorbenen belgischen Kryptozoologen Bernard Heuvelmans umzusehen. Es befindet sich im zoologischen Museum in Lausanne. Kern von Heuvelmans Vermächtnis sind die zahlreichen Schuber, welche Aufzeichnungen zu den unterschiedlichsten zoologischen Legenden enthalten. Heuvelmans widmete gleich mehrere Schuber dem so genannten „Minnesota Iceman“, einem Ausstellungsstück, das in den 60er- und 70er-Jahren an Jahrmärkten in ganz Amerika zur Schau gestellt wurde. Heuvelmans glaubte er, es handle is a Neanderthal man, who was shot during the Vietnam War and smuggled into the United States. Skeptics contradicted him and claimed that it was a just a plastic doll. Neither side was able to prove their version, as the supposed corpse eventually disappeared. The Rästel to the Iceman is still unresolved and will probably remain unsolved. Thanks to the notes I was able to reconstruct the history of the strange exhibit. This is a shortened version of my article in the magazine mysteries of the 2008 (Issue 25) appeared. Click
For the full article here:
Source: http://api.ning.com/files/rp0hIHDSiSFFWdFz9CBwGt * oqykmglRxLQI6KQhnx9VdsJQWha2ucQXgEmRtUz77tBQtu7TIxzAngthXBssQ5QaR2F3vrHcg/minnesotaiceman.jpg
http://postbulletin.typepad.com/ .a/6a00d83451cc8269e201348680fc41970c-250wi
Source: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhBJuwud7UE3ioJvE7jjuWG3uKue-H4kq7Qr4Zk2EARZRUrmBeOHra7idTy07TFNgK3pPdoKJpjDbygxH4rVRsMwPw9XiSmRkiqLtS8ezcWsUPA_Jk-E7ClxPsNQZCzNclNSKaOEAxiF8fU/s1600/PICT5689.JPG
See Also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minnesota_Iceman
Monday, November 1, 2010
Pokemon Battle Revolution Ds Rom
intelligence without a brain?
understood as the ancient Egyptians the heart as the seat of the soul, consciousness and feelings, this view has recently given way to medical knowledge. Today it is recognized that the brain is the center of the body. There is the seat of emotions and the control center for the entire body.
Source: http://img186.imageshack.us/i/nobrainwo9.jpg/
Even the slightest injury to the brain complex organ can have fatal consequences. But it's always like this?
Every now and then dive in medical publications und Büchern Berichte über Menschen auf, die Erstaunen in der Fachwelt der Medizin auslösen.
So sorgte 1980 Professor Dr. John Lorber, ein britischer Neurologe der Universität von Sheffield, auf einer Konferenz für großes aber nur kurzes Aufsehen. Der Arzt berichtete von Kindern, bei denen man den sogenannten Wasserkopf (Hydrozephalus) diagnostizierte.
So schildert Dr. Lorber beispielsweise in einem Aufsatz für das Magazin Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, dass zwei Kinder ohne Großhirnrinde (der Sitz des menschlichen Geistes) bis zu ihrem (frühen) Tode vollkommen normal aufwuchsen. Die ansonsten verheerende Fehlbildung schien die Entwicklung der Kinder nicht zu beeinflussen.
as sensational is a man to call the Dr. examined Lorber. Although the man had a slightly larger than average head, but an enormous mathematical intelligence. His IQ has been measured repeatedly with 126 and his school grades were excellent. But the study by Dr. Lorber revealed that the man had no brain. Only a thin layer about one millimeter of brain cells was found in his skull, all the rest was water. How could a man survive? The medicine was puzzled.
The most famous case of such anomalies of the brain is that of the boys Andrew Vandal, on 12 Born July 1984. During early development in the womb was at the root des Gehirns eine Zyste und verhinderte so die Entwicklung des Gehirn. Im Schädel von Andrew befand sich lediglich Zerebrospinalflüssigkeit aber kein Gehirn.
Trotz dieser Missbildung wurde der Junge geboren und von Kaye Vandal aus Wallingfort, Connecticut, USA, adoptiert. Entgegen aller ärztlichen Vorhersagen überlebte der Junge! Er kann zwar nicht sprechen und sich nur auf dem Rücken bewegen, aber er zeigt Reaktionen auf Reize, kann lachen, lächeln und zeigt eine mentale Entwicklung.
Ganz erstaunlich ist auch ein Kind gewesen, das 1935 im St. Vincents Krankenhaus in New York geboren wurde. Es lebte zwar nur 27 Tage, aber in dieser Zeit war das Baby vollkommen normal. Es unterschied sich in keiner Hinsicht von other infants, except in that the child had no brain at all. In addition to these and very similar examples are currently a number of other cases. But also many stories about people who lost in a terrible accident large parts of their brain without taking pity are remarkable.
In the summer of 1848 it came to such an accident. Phineas P. Gage, New England, was then employed as a foreman in the construction of the railway. When he wanted to press with an iron bar explosives for a new rail line, the mixture exploded suddenly. The approximately one meter long iron rod shot through the cheek bones, his brain and took the skull again.
A few minutes later, Gage was able to talk again and his colleagues needed him on the way to the doctor only lightly supported. For two months now he had to stay in bed, and it always came back to infection of the wound, the other parts of the brain destroyed. However, Gage again recovered almost completely. He declined, however, a passion for collecting all sorts of useless objects, and could not make decisions about future things.
For great interest in the media in a few years ago the case of the 27-year-old Alison Kennedy. On a train to Guildford in southern England it rammed a young man, a 13-centimeter-long knife blade from the back of the skull. The knife durchdrang das gesamte Gehirn bis knapp hinter das rechte Auge.
Trotz dieser unheimlichen Verletzung blieb Kennedy bei Bewusstsein, konnte den Schaffner zur Hilfe holen und war auch beim Eintreffen der Ambulanz noch ansprechbar. Folgeschäden trug sie erstaunlicherweise nicht davon.
Quelle: http://nachrichten.freenet.de/wissenschaft/paranormal/ein-leben-ohne-gehirn_726126_533376.html
Siehe auch: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Lorber
understood as the ancient Egyptians the heart as the seat of the soul, consciousness and feelings, this view has recently given way to medical knowledge. Today it is recognized that the brain is the center of the body. There is the seat of emotions and the control center for the entire body.
Even the slightest injury to the brain complex organ can have fatal consequences. But it's always like this?
Every now and then dive in medical publications und Büchern Berichte über Menschen auf, die Erstaunen in der Fachwelt der Medizin auslösen.
So sorgte 1980 Professor Dr. John Lorber, ein britischer Neurologe der Universität von Sheffield, auf einer Konferenz für großes aber nur kurzes Aufsehen. Der Arzt berichtete von Kindern, bei denen man den sogenannten Wasserkopf (Hydrozephalus) diagnostizierte.
So schildert Dr. Lorber beispielsweise in einem Aufsatz für das Magazin Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, dass zwei Kinder ohne Großhirnrinde (der Sitz des menschlichen Geistes) bis zu ihrem (frühen) Tode vollkommen normal aufwuchsen. Die ansonsten verheerende Fehlbildung schien die Entwicklung der Kinder nicht zu beeinflussen.
as sensational is a man to call the Dr. examined Lorber. Although the man had a slightly larger than average head, but an enormous mathematical intelligence. His IQ has been measured repeatedly with 126 and his school grades were excellent. But the study by Dr. Lorber revealed that the man had no brain. Only a thin layer about one millimeter of brain cells was found in his skull, all the rest was water. How could a man survive? The medicine was puzzled.
The most famous case of such anomalies of the brain is that of the boys Andrew Vandal, on 12 Born July 1984. During early development in the womb was at the root des Gehirns eine Zyste und verhinderte so die Entwicklung des Gehirn. Im Schädel von Andrew befand sich lediglich Zerebrospinalflüssigkeit aber kein Gehirn.
Trotz dieser Missbildung wurde der Junge geboren und von Kaye Vandal aus Wallingfort, Connecticut, USA, adoptiert. Entgegen aller ärztlichen Vorhersagen überlebte der Junge! Er kann zwar nicht sprechen und sich nur auf dem Rücken bewegen, aber er zeigt Reaktionen auf Reize, kann lachen, lächeln und zeigt eine mentale Entwicklung.
Ganz erstaunlich ist auch ein Kind gewesen, das 1935 im St. Vincents Krankenhaus in New York geboren wurde. Es lebte zwar nur 27 Tage, aber in dieser Zeit war das Baby vollkommen normal. Es unterschied sich in keiner Hinsicht von other infants, except in that the child had no brain at all. In addition to these and very similar examples are currently a number of other cases. But also many stories about people who lost in a terrible accident large parts of their brain without taking pity are remarkable.
In the summer of 1848 it came to such an accident. Phineas P. Gage, New England, was then employed as a foreman in the construction of the railway. When he wanted to press with an iron bar explosives for a new rail line, the mixture exploded suddenly. The approximately one meter long iron rod shot through the cheek bones, his brain and took the skull again.
A few minutes later, Gage was able to talk again and his colleagues needed him on the way to the doctor only lightly supported. For two months now he had to stay in bed, and it always came back to infection of the wound, the other parts of the brain destroyed. However, Gage again recovered almost completely. He declined, however, a passion for collecting all sorts of useless objects, and could not make decisions about future things.
For great interest in the media in a few years ago the case of the 27-year-old Alison Kennedy. On a train to Guildford in southern England it rammed a young man, a 13-centimeter-long knife blade from the back of the skull. The knife durchdrang das gesamte Gehirn bis knapp hinter das rechte Auge.
Trotz dieser unheimlichen Verletzung blieb Kennedy bei Bewusstsein, konnte den Schaffner zur Hilfe holen und war auch beim Eintreffen der Ambulanz noch ansprechbar. Folgeschäden trug sie erstaunlicherweise nicht davon.
Quelle: http://nachrichten.freenet.de/wissenschaft/paranormal/ein-leben-ohne-gehirn_726126_533376.html
Siehe auch: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Lorber
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