A mãe do meu pai, Eberhard Sydow II, escreveu uma história de vida que ela chamou de Curriculum Vitae de 36 páginas, que vou tentando traduzir aos poucos
Curriculum Vitae
Eberhard Sydow
Lebensgeschichte 1928 - 1940
Eberhard Sydow
Eberhard Sydow
Lebensgeschichte 1928 - 1940
Eberhard Sydow
Hildegard Sydow
Diesen Bericht über Deine Kindheit und frühe Jünglingszeit verfasst Deine Mutter nicht etwa Deinem Biographen zu Gefallen – es ist ja auch fraglich, ob Du einem haben wirst, - es soll hierdurch the memory was hurried. You will think enough to own, then all thoughts and problems of their child does not even the most careful mother! Who asks about the meaning of life is to be aware of how he was led - and who, like you, has made his life's work, many to be something, have rightly been the right way, which God in His kingdom is to end, the knowledge and experience to their own experience to use to understand the other - then it is easier to help to make him happy!
an expectation - Zeppelin
your parents were looking forward to her second child - boy or girl they were identical, only the child should neither from 29th February still on 1 April to be born - luckily it was on Sunday, 11 March on the world, a very unusual cold days. The physician, Dr. Ehlers, who was needlessly brought from Gehlsdorf after Krummendorf claimed to have never frozen in the life of such.
neighboring Hans Ross had brought him with his car and was able to 14Uhr30 him back very soon.
- Mr. Sydow, you have something akin to a foot-bag?
- The gentle, doctor, but in the thing, the moths have come, and he sheds very terrible.
- No matter, they just give him away quickly. The two and a half years
Ulli had spent all of Sunday with family and Roos able to tell them
- If a Brüding and has a Mankey.
Sun by 5 clock around his mother and was allowed to Brüding into the room - but he spoke little. To his mother he said:
- Poppösi hurts!
- from Where?
- From the rear sight! From father's speech: "bend over wipe, rear sight," he was, after artillery had remained in this speech for years (!).
Yes on 1 Days was not yet in the new-Brüding necessary as the sympathetic wife left him still with the words "tschüssing, Hanne crap".
A few days later the dear, good grandmother Sydow, the dearest of all the little boys and found "Mätzelchen" called. For his father was, as always, if it-lein or-chen said, too sweet - and so he just said "Matz". Even Jeremiah ball head, "he called it sometimes. - By itself, it had no objection to hot that the boy should Eberhard, but he said to his mother,
- Do not ask 'that I call the child as
- Then we can use it to have some other name given
- All right, he can so hot, but does not require that I call him so.
Uncle Hans Sydow had just his second Son of Ekkehard called - it stayed with us on May 23, Eberhard and there was a house for baptism, performed by grandfather Albert P. Sydow. For this purpose, as had the permission of our pastor, community Tait angle gather. He was at once, but he asked us DM 10, - if only why, because we do not use the church and its ministers, do not pollute the runners who were not altar candles burn shorter?
We had had a walk of 35 minutes, we saved the like - and it was in the large dining room, covered with golden plucking, very solemn and beautiful! Godmother Gertrude Mackel had communicated fragrant lilacs greenhouse-introduced -
The dear little fellow grew, as should he adopted to normal, and yet it was once a great fright he was in the car under a plum tree, very close to the house - and since he was still unnoticed still a very immature little plum dropped into the mouth, where he easily could have suffocated. Fortunately, the mother looked after him and removed the debris.
Another time was the car in the garden path. From the window, the mother noticed that the car rocked a little, the boy had to be awake. Coming closer, she heard him softly mewl - yes! As a big black cat had made themselves comfortable on the pillow and fell asleep! - This seemed to disturb the Mätzelchen yet. His first
He spent Christmas with her grandparents! On 18 December was going on the trip - by train from Rostock to Berlin, then on to Cüstrin Zicher i / Neumark.
said otherwise gebfreudige 1929
His grandmother, the boy understood his 8 months of nothing after all a gift - but that his mother would no longer completely empty, he should not go out too.
And so they bought him in spite of the economical nickel, a substance-rabbit for 40 cents and was pleased as the child held the bird in the hand and spanned a long time. - The boy was crying very rarely, as do children who are well fed and clean. But once cried he, lying in the car, but after a warm Babyart free approach. Thereupon said the 17 year old uncle Wolfgang:
- Tell me, does it necessarily listener?
- No, absolutely not! As Uncle said
pushed the car unceremoniously into the empty room next door. Soon after a very nice party - who was always such a delightful Christmas grandmother Sydow room like? - It was back to Krummendorf - and broke all over Germany because of an unusually cold winter!
There were 11 weeks clinking frost! 3 times a day we had to heat up. Around the stove were the troughs and buckets with the fodder and drinking water, but our main concern was the two boys keep warm. When it finally warming spring sun in April, gave small Mätzelchen had gradually become accustomed to the fresh outdoor air. His white face paint and blue forehead veins of his mother made no small concern. - The cattle had suffered a whole village under the severe frosts, so the chickens had forgotten the place. - But for the 11th March, but had to give a birthday cake. The mother could find in the village needed the 3 eggs, even if that means the highest price they ever hergab for eggs, paid: 1 ¼ dozen marks for this. The birthday boy could not have any cake, and the 3 ½ year old Ulli flu was sick in bed. Aber da gab es ganz unerwarteten Besuch. Onkel Erich Zicks! – zu unserer Freude blieb er ein paar Wochen.
Unser Matz gedieh, tobte vergnügt im Laufstall umher, bis er mit ihm bis an die Wand reiste, die Tapete in Fetzen riss und einmal die kohlenschwarzen Briketts aus dem Ständer holte und sich und den Fußboden gehörig ein-schmierte.
Er lernte früh sprechen – aber spät laufen. Dr. Ehlers sagte: „lassen Sie ihn viel kriechen und keine Angst, er wird in seinem Leben noch genug laufen.“ Die lieben Nachbarn regten sich aber doch genugsam über das späte Laufenlernen auf. Da machte er aber seinem Vater eine Extra Geburtstags-freude: am 26. September 1929 lief der lütte Matz zum ersten Mal alone diagonally across the room! He quickly learned to do it better and better. But once his mother had him take the 10 minutes long way to grocery Buse. Because it was faster, they put him in the blue sports car. Half-way they met the mother of the smith Rohde.
- "Nee, wat een söt Lütten Yung. Un hot süht ook but all quite frank un ut vigorously. Wonan kümmt blot dat, dat lopen loves hot nich "
-"? However, nu ave hei "
-" Is so can non-true "
-" Certainly, hey can "
-". Ms Sydow, worüm leig Be Wed dat first? - Hei is nich "
The mother had to fight down only their pride - then turned she called the boy on the way and:
- Sun, Ebing, now running loose again.
As he also did quite well, was the mother of curious what was going to say probably.
- "No but hebben, wat de do to all children!"
With his blond curls that the comb had twinge unfortunately so much, he looked like a girl, so that his mother and many others it also "Lottie" cried. Thus, in our guest book reads: "Little Lottie was very happy and immediately sprinkled with sand," that was when Aunt Kitty Välchter and the mother of 3 young kitten with him once in the Schos. The father did it the way every time deeply distressed when his boy "Lottie" was created! When he was 2 years old, his godmother Toni Boysen came to us as a domestic subsidiary. He was named Eberhard Ulrich Robert Anthony. When he was asked:
- What's your name, so he often replied:
- Eberhard Antony?.
One day, urged the customer to the village that would come as Zeppelin airship. It has been announced for Sunday afternoon. We were all in great anticipation and again stated:
- This afternoon comes the Zeppelin. - As small-Ebing is excited for a long time before dinner to his mother and cries
- He's coming.
- Yes, yes, this afternoon he comes. - But the child cried out,
- he comes, he comes ja, – und zeigte nach draußen. Ungläubig trat die Mutter mit ihm ins Freie und suchte in der Richtung, in die der Junge zeigte, und wahrhaftig! Noch schmal wie eine Zigarre konnte auch sie das Luftschiff von der nahen Ostsee herkommend, in der Ferne entdecken. Da wurden die Nachbarn benachrichtigt – keiner wollte es erst glauben – aber dann sah man es immer deutlicher, - dann hörte man es, und dann behaupteten viele es sei ganz niedrig über ihrem Hause hinweg geflogen! Aber zu aller erst entdeckt im ganzen Dorf hatte es der kleine süße Ebing! –
2 Von Oranienburg nach Neu-Württemberg
Etwa um die Zeit jagte er seiner Mutter einen Schreck ein. Sie dachte das Kind sei with the nice girls Arma Kuberna, this is supposed to me and since they had to remember that the boy was gone. There were three ways in which he could have run away: the worst was in the forest, which is a steep bank had to Warmow. Arma and the mother ran different ways to search the small outliers, the heart full of fear. Here comes the little boy ran out of the forest, a colorful paper has a chocolate bar in his hand and it will show the happy mother
- since a Mukuh - that it had moved the dangerous road to run back. Once again he had had a guardian angel.
When he was 3 years old, he was with his mother on Oranienburg-Eden go to Friedenau, Zicher, and Aunt Tutti rumsey after Albertinenaue.
was delayed for a few days it Sydow grandmother built a nice, low birthday table. Cake, two burning candles and toys, among others. a swan auz celluloid, about 2 large fists. Took the child enjoys the animal and held the candle flame-esin immediately schlig a bright fire on - grabbed Uncle Wolfgang to take heart and threw a burning object through the window into the garden. This was done when the boy was not yet 5 minutes in Zicher rectory.
came in May ie Aunt Toni into the house as a domestic subsidiary with content in order to buy them dowry. She was engaged to the theologian Bruno Bendokat.
He came for a few days "to visit, as he became ill but were in sore throat, 7 weeks of it. He has studied a lot, but once on the day he had time for the two boys. ! Prohibited Stall ": hies Then he was splayed in the door and try the children had to penetrate into the stable - that was always a great laugh! On 28
September adopted, he sliding an end with an entry in the book:
"Tips and Taps, it was so beautiful,
farewell until we meet again!"
Goethe, Faust II
Birthday Aunt Toni both children learned a poem, Eberhard , 3 years 5 months said it on 16 August in the white night-skirt on her bed early on
is now Sunday! Sunday morning,
Tan and Toni's birthday!
Polybackwards Today we worry
offers us all day.
luck! Will bring you the future,
do nothing 'you dim the soul, and reserves
us a little love here, "
Eberhard had difficulties to keep them apart: in the morning today and tomorrow the following day!
You had to have heard as he stressed the word happiness and how the next series that he did not understand very quickly and quietly herunterleierte.
a bad thing, he made himself when he spat in Ullis Tukpe! The big brother was so outraged that the delinquents had to be punished. Aunt Toni, Ulli, the mother and the little sinners gathered in the garden around the abused tulip.
- Do you really spit in this beautiful tulip?
- Yes
- Must I now even spit on the head? - There came a very miserable
- No!
There was this one slap, and the tulips owner was justified.
A great joy for the boys was the almost daily visit to the Jung-steel Helmers Alfons Kolpcke.
- Alfönschen - Aldönschen - teased the little Eberhard him.
- Lockenbubi - he was called for by Kolpckes, and because he liked with them in the canoe - it was called "Ströper" - drove, she called him "Paddelbubi. On 24 December Alfönschen man appeared as Christmas, there was the little guy to listen in rough as all sorts:
- You Pott Kieker. You, you bad boy, who always rips his socks, why do you not eat Semmelklöse? -
etc. Unfortunately, the boy suffered several years of pseudo-croup. This disease affects more boys than girls, mainly occurs at 2 years and lost age of 6. Sometimes it was scary to severe seizures! Suddenly there was shortness of breath, and one relaxes the whole body appeared. Eberhard dan ran on his mother's lap, and asked:
- Su-su do .- Remained then a few minutes quite motionless - jumped to his feet and cried, running away;
- Nu ghet better - and playing happily as if nothing had happened.
In August, the mother went to Ulli and Eberghard to 'Bopa's "birthday to Friedenau. The two children of Aunt Tutti rumsey had come with her mother, to which might be Uncle Bruno Ernst-Jurgen. Aunt Grete had provided for these grandchildren 5 equal-asters Sträuschen they Bopa successively presented - all beamed around the Bet, and the dear grandfather said tonight:
- This was the best day of my life!
At Pentecost were both boys scarlet fever - luckily only lightly or without consequences. Our house daughter Edith Bethje remained at home because of risk of infection. MD Ehlers came daily. He always wanted to see the backs of the sick children. The doctor came into the room, Eberhard immediately jumped in his crib grating high-and cried
- strip naked rock?
- You with your naked rock - laughed the doctor.
inherited one of Hans Eberhard Büchsel, son of the theology professor Friedrich Büchsel a red suit of warm fabric. In He was wearing a navy blue in the cold jacket. If Stüben our village-with-residents, sir, saw him so he always called him "Frenchy" too. One day, the said gentleman with his son and brought to us "for the Frenchman," a wooden rocking horse, his Walter had become too small. It was not yet in place, standing between our garden gate door, as the recipient exclaimed
- Rocinante
ran on the field, ate the thick
and burst! Where did the boy had
this nonsense, even knew the word Rocinante, remained a mystery to us. But not only Stüben Lord, all the neighbors had the droll boys like. People tell Mrs. Lahr husband was with her when Eberhard derguten in office, he pointed to a picture that represents the couple Lahrmann:
- Aunt Lohrmann, there you are - and this is your man!
Ulli and Eberhard had once played with older children on the banks of the Warnow, and little was of a low wall fell into the water, only 5 minutes away from home, there passed a whole host him home dripping wet. The main idea of the mother was him as soon as possible to put on dry - and there was no scolding the boy laughed at the adventure as if no danger of it was! He'd get out, if there were scolding or reproof, and he just kind of realized that it mom here not at all too seriously, was dsann he dared a quick smile and was glad of his victory.
Sept. 1930
When he was just 2 ½ years old, he wanted to ausagen a poem. Ulli, who was just 5 years old, brought his new bike lamp and got to about 12 rhyming lines. Eberhard should hand over the corresponding carbide un say:
- did Father love with you,
gift 'to you here carbide
He had just learned it quickly. As Ulli had now recited sen little verse flowing, the small began:
- father did love with you,
gift 'to you here
carbide carbide, carbide, carbide
The 9 words seemed well enough.
a butterfly he called funny Finke Ling to Oldenbürger Enckebencke he said, and Rostock was Rossoch! When the song came up: "O Dona Clara, I saw you dancing," he was able to introduce a Dona nothing and therefore sang "O foolish Clara.
Our garden had lots of fruit: sting and currants, pears, and strawberries, and many, many apples. Now in the autumn of giant pumpkin was slaughtered.
- I watch again - said father - he's crying - as the cut by half drops were running down. Mother asked
- What is this liquid eigentlich?
- Das sind ätherische Öle
Als die Kinder im März in Friedenau bei den Großeltern Schultz waren, bei Bopa und Emi, da stellt sich Klein Eberhard vor seinen Onkel hin und doziert:
- Onkel Bruno, wenn man einen Kürbis durchschneidet, schwitzt er ätherische Öle.
Als er das Bild einer Schlange sah, erklärte er:
- Das ist eine Boa constrictor – auch nur aufgeschnappte Weisheit. Onkel Bruno war entsetzt, was den Kindern „eingetrichtert“ würde! In Friedenau bekamen beide Jungen leider Keuchhusten. Um das Schwesterchen nicht anzustecken, mussten sie lange über die geplante Zeit bleiben. Schließlich wurde doch die heimkehr gewagt. Als Klein Eberhard dann zu Hause den 1. leichten Hustenanfall bekam, guckte er die Mutter an und sagte:
- Ja Mutti, so ist nun Keuch-husten.
Einen Tag kam der Junge auf die Idee, auf unserem Felde, etwa 30 m vom Hause, in einem Haufen eben abgeruteten Erbsenstrohs zu schlafen!
- Ganz allein hier in der dunklen Nacht? – Er sagte zu allem uner-schütterlich:
- Ja.
Erst als wir ihm in Aussicht stellten, daß dann wohl der grosse Hund von Bauer Westendorf kommen würde, um ihn zu beschnuppern, bekam er bedenken.
Im Mai wurde es recht heiss. Da decided to cut the mother, "Lockenbubi" but let the hair. He had done good and got a pick of fine hair. On the way home from the barber we met good friends and saw the boys did not, not quite real. But once he had to go even as a girl.
In August Koepcke Silver wedding he came as a most charming Little Red Riding Hood with a basket full of eggs and butter, both things that the bride was silver in high-priced times most welcome.
During Kafeetrinkens broke a storm that came from three sides and would not end for hours, that was in the close high-level apartment in Rostock is not without risk. At night, by 1 clock was The whole family Sydow on the Heimjweg after Krummendorf, Melissa Klein in the car. When it happened in the house of Dr. Gehlsdorf Mulert, the little Eberhard exclaimed happily:
- Dentists Dulert lives here.
The need was all over the country great, and it was not particularly de French spoken much good as said Eberhard one day with conviction:
- In heaven, the French can do us nothing, as protected us of God - his guardian angel was also with him when on 25 September in Mr. Kindt's Inn Garden, a boy who was swinging there, the child with his heel hit very hard in Diew forehead, bleeding profusely, he was taken home.
beginning of the year began, the idea of emigrating to Brazil to pay. The future for the German youth looked gray after the Treaty of Versailles - almost black.
Germany was allowed to keep an army of 10,000 men, but as many or more bailiffs [1] found their good bread for pledges throughout the empire.
- past, we went on foot, by bike dan we came, now we get in the car and go home often at a house. The
Krummendorf property was sold, and in June was taken leave! Most neighbors did our parting sorry - for the last lunch we were invited in 3 families. At first it was for a few days to the Grandparents after Lehnitz Sydow, then Friedenau. Especially painful felt "Bopa" separation.
- I hope it finds you well in Brazil, it is worth the sacrifices. Mechthild
Because the mother's health had taken the child to Children's Hospital One Cell to Aunt Gertrude Mackel. Now the child had to be picked up. The mother went with Eberhard Klein, maintain his godmother to say good-bye could. A whole lot of fun made him a warm bath in the white tub. When it last Anschied came to the station, it felt that he was the good Aunt Gertrude's heart was very heavy.
- Let go well, go, leave it - he called her recht innig zu – un wenn ich wiederkomme, besuche ich Dich.
Am 7. Juli 1933 ging es in Hamburg auf die Monte Olivia, Tante Grete war auch mitgekommen. Abends um 10 Uhr mussten alle Besucher von Bord. Die 3 Kinder wurden zu Bett gebracht, Ulli und Eberhard in einer Kabiune, aber die Frossen löste das Schiff erts morgens ½ 2. Mit 1000 Gedanken und Hoffnungen standen die Eltern am Deck, bis wir Cuxhafen erreicht hatten. Es gab eine ungewöhnlich glatte Überfahrt, die ganze Zeit mit Rückenwind. Leider erkrankten beide Jungen, angeblich an Para-Thyphus – sie mussten mit 40° Fieber ins Schiffslazarett. Vorher aber konnte wenigsten Eberhard die Äquatortaufe mitmachen. Er bekam den Namen Stint, doch hatte er grosse Fear of black men who brought the child into water tanks. Esd were only made black German sailors, but when their arms to the Negro boy-stretched, he was crying and refused to participate.
The fever he had obviously been lying in bed, but most of the time he was involved somehow. Above his bed was a second, but empty bed, that he stuck with the many colorful menu cards which he gave to the Daily lunch. The ship's doctor was amazed and said something like he was at such a high temperature occurred not easy.
The sympathetic nurse who drove for many years to ship meant when the typhus investigation negative was that it was probably only Hitzestauung in children:
- Give them to drink hot days much cooler.
When the equatorial heat were stopped, due to boys back deck. In Santos, they were allowed ashore for a short time and looked in amazement at the loading sacks of coffee. Then, when passengers were booted out, waved to those left behind. Eberhard got his mother to the upper deck and climbed on a wooden bench. Then, when the Monte Olivia hummte the departing one farewell, the boy was almost in shock from the bench! On 31 July left the family early to ½ 8 clock the beautiful ship and was in the pouring rain from a barge, the noch de Hamburg-Süd-Flagge wehen hatte, an den Landesteg von Rio Grande gebracht. Vater hatte mit der Zollabfertigung zu tun, die sehr gnädig ablief, die übrige Familie fuhr in einem Taxi, in dem sie wegen zerbrochener Fensterscheibe nass wurdfe, für 6 Tage ins Hotel Krüger, wo siwe zum 1. Mal die guten schwarzen Bohnen zu essen bekam. Am 5. Agust ging es über Cassequi, wo es allzu scharf gewürztes Mittagessen gab, nach Santa Maria, um dort, im „Hotel Hamburgo“ zu übernachten, zum ersten mal unter einem Moskitonetz. Am nächsten Tagen ging es weiter nach Belizário, wo das Auto, das Post bringt und holt, auch Passagiere mitnimmt. In rasender Fahrt ging es nach Neu-Württemberg. Der Schofför, Martini, hatte vorher zu seinem Beifarer gesagt:
- Woll’n den Neu-Deutschen doch mal zeigen, was fahren heisst – und er zeigte es!!.
(Seite 1 bis 30 von 63)
Bei de Einfahrt in Neu-Württemberg, am Sonnabend, den 6. August 1933 leuteten grade alle 3 Glocken den Sonntag ein. Quartier wurde bei Julius Becker und Frau genommen, die ihre Pensionsgäste auf jede Weise gut aufnahmen.
Im August wurde dann die für 16 Contos gekaufte Kolonie bezogen, die gemeinsam mit Herrn Wilh. Paetow erworben wurde . Sie lag an der Fiusa und war im ganzen kein schlechter Kauf, nur wurde es auf die Dauer unmöglich mit Herrn Paetow auszukommen. Im November trennte you and the family moved down to the town square, Lindner'sche first in the house. As a helpful neighbor to family ordered Julius Adam had shown that cultivated with 3 sons and 2 daughters neighboring colony. Of the colony was Ulli geitten the 3 km to school every day - now he had a way to walk 7 minutes. With the traditional Christmas party on 25 December heard the school year - and at the beginning of the new Eberhard insisted even go to school.
The very intelligent young teacher, Werner Honscha, he is from Silesia, said that one should make the attempt with the studious child. And so, Eberhard was the age of 5 and 10 ½ months on 30 January [1934] for the first time in school - and the enthusiasm stopped! Unfortunately, almost the whole family suffered from fleas and Eberhard country under the so-called "climate wounds, particularly in the waist area. On his birthday Sunday, he was unfortunately so ill that he could not go to Sunday school, but since the children came with his wife Erika Rev. Strothmann into the house and sang the birthday child "because I am Jesus little lamb ..." This was a great joy! He had given the parents the desired Haba bicycle - with Kemibert lump bought for 8 milreis - every now and then he got up from bed and tried it on the spacious hall on the first Stock des Hauses. Später hat er das Fahren so gut gelernt, daß er oft an Carreiras teilnahm. Nur beim Zuschauen konnte einem Angst und Bange werden, wenn die beiden Brüder einen steilen Berg hinunter sausten.
Zu Ostern war es mit den Klimawunden der Mutter beonders schlimm. Ehepaar P. Strothmann kam zu besuch und holte trotz des 1. Feiertages de Arzt Dr. August Lieberknecht, der sofort absolute Bettruhe verordnete. Wie sollte jetzt der arme Vater den Haushalt besorgen, die Familie verpflegen und die kranke Frau betreuen? Doch wieder kam Hilfe in der Not. Abends noch kam Herr und Frau Dr. Gustav Kuhlmann angeritten und holten beide Jungen zu sich in die Mühle. Wochenlang durften sie dort bleiben. Es war eine herrliche Zeit. Frau Doktor nannte den Call it small - and they had lots of fun at his droll Art
it go around all sorts of anecdotes about him and his sayings, which were kept secret from the parents. Once asked the 6 year old:
- Doctor, what you actually earn?
From this period dates the knowledge "to cover all animals, not just the people!"
he had an hour earlier, he waited for Ulli, until its lessons also were ended. He once saw a gym class of the 3rd Class - because he discovered a flower-kisser, and cried with joy with the little finger on it hinz converging:
- A hummingbird, a Hummingbird - because he had his name away - for years he was called Hummingbird.
A great thing was the annual school and Relief Festival at the Cinema Dr Kuhlmann and commercially available ice was produced and Sydow's puppet play, and there were other distractions. More importantly, Mr Frederick Krahe was always ready, prepare everything so that it was very entertaining for young and old. On 11
June 1934 was the company moved to the property behind the small of Fiusabrücke was - it was shaped towel and was crossed by a highway. It had a small forest, which was crossed by a small stream - a wonderful playground for children. Unfortunately, the mother again confined to bed with fever. Thus, the two sons
came back to Kuhlmann and the father took the krankeb mother alone in the Brazilian stall - without electric. Light, no windows! But from the beginning, the neighbors were helpful and good: Dhein family and Mr. and Mrs. von Düring.
When the boys came back home, she rode the "Hanning", a white Marchador, the German school. These students were the Brazilian school in general, a thorn in the eye. The young of our neighbors Lindolfo way home on the school threw stones to make the horse afraid that would throw off the boys. What to do? Should go in between the father and the evil Boys Spanking okay? It was so decided, but it was the first woman asked Dhein.
- they do not do it! You do not know what it will wirdIch talk to the parents. - You did, and told the people that were the two German boys love - and now the matter was out of the world and a lasting peace established.
- Yes, yes - Eberhard once said - Ms. Dhein is half Minoly - that was the local Subprefäkt.
The birthdays were invited: Dieter Fertsch, Manfred Dippan, Ivo Henry, Kuhlmann's Schmar Elvina Roda, and Mila Hisserich, but the two could not get x, because it had to be punished for little things! And of course were Ursula and Brigitte Strothmann, but Eberhard's real heart treasure was never Besuch.Seit the two accidentally ran around the school corner around in his arms,'s teasing did not end. Eberhard took the very back left, Anne Marie Klein, however full of rage. As Ulla Strothmann her once called out
- Eberhard Sydow can you greet me beautiful - she replied applied:
- He is the black Theresa greeting, but not me.
As Ulli and Eberhard got measles, sent Mr. Mrs. Krahe them colorful pieces of paper. It garlands were stuck - and as soon after the Sunday school was invited to the colorful Kettenvon tree to tree were drawn. The little daughter of Adolf Franke pronounced:
- Sydow can have what cost.
At Easter there were many children in order to bring Easter moss. A giant tree in Potreiro [2] had enough for everyone. Through this Potreiro you had long, and milk to bring to Mrs. Dhein, we had to over the brook balancing on a tree. On the way back to the milk-Get Eberhard was once a thorny branch in the sole of the foot. He lay on the ground and cried miserably. The call could not penetrate to the house - forced inside the mother rushed the injured to still help. The child pleaded
- do not make out the branch!
What should it? Even if the child was carried, dragged to the branch. The core set Taking in his hand, pulled him out of the mother with a jolt - and some of the wounded were thrown into the house, but come at once to bed. Fortunately, the wound healed quickly sher.
A good friend of us was our countryman Karl Mecklenburg Christmann. The boys are the way of almost 1 hour often rode out to them and sat at Laranjen [3] a feed vontade. He often was the case with Sydow's visit - unfortunately he did not like cake. Eberhard would hire fixed:
- Uncle Kist (so called Mechthild him) is a vegetarian of cake!
took great delight to Dr. Eberhard Kuhlmann him to swimming lessons before he was 10 Years old. He has learned to swim and soon earned her swimmers travel certificate [4] (1 / 2 hours without interruption). His ardent desire to enter 10 years ago in Dr. Kuhlmann's Jugenschaft to be allowed was fulfilled, but the joy lasted not long - the end of 1938 came the order to dissolve the rganization. On 18
September 1937 was born the brother Gunther. As a rdm by 5 clock. The good news came, he was the day when Dhein, he was told:
- Eberhard, you have a little brother, it looks all black! Yes! Certainly! - The latter he has believed for a moment.
was in May 1938 der Umzug nach Ijuí beschlossen. Der guten Schule wegen, es unterrichteten die beiden Akademiker Dr. Gustav Kuhlmann und Erich Schild, solten beide Jungen bis Ende des Schuljahrs in Neu-Würtemberg bleiben. Sie kamn zu Arnold Döth und seiner guten Frau in Pension und wurden dort aufs beste gehalten.. Enge kameradschaft verband sie mit den 3 Kindern (siehe Poesiealbum-Verse!) – es wurden allerlei kurzweilige Dinge ausgeheckt.
So wurde einee Laube gebaut, vielmehr ein Laubenhaus. Es hatte Platz für mehrere Personen. Als die Mutter einmal zu Besuch kam, war die Laube blitzsauber gekehrt, und es wurde dort zu Mittag gegessen: ungezählte prächtige Kartoffelpuffer!
Bange machten sie sich gegenseitig with the "Brummeluse. Suffered from homesickness the two, but it was nice if the Caminhao [5] of Heinr. Koch brought by the parents of Ijuí a package or letter. Through a steady rain had to stop cooking his trips from New-Wurttemberg to Ijuí for 3 full weeks. Ulli and Eberhard come out of school, and the latter said:
- Do ask for cooking times! - Ulli:
- It's no use, he could go not at all!
- Oh, I ask again - in response he got from the sun so kind-hearted cook heard:
- Fählt dir'sch? - It was much collected Anger behind the words.
At the request of North America were closed in Brazil, among other tough measures, all German schools in Dec. 1938th The boys came back to Ijuí. Eberhard was huge looking forward to the new apartment, but since it was equipped with the same furniture, he found them so similar that he said disappointed
- That's almost the same!
First, the united family lived next to Adolf Brancker Restaurant, across from Glitz, close to the train station. The children had the locomotive "66" done - it was heated with wood. Evening was again refills and the chimney covered - then kept the embers often until the next morning.
In January 1939 went Ulli and Eberhard for some time after Ijuí Lha 19, to help with the Rev. Walter Scholtz Ernearbeit - but on 2 February Ulli began as an apprentice in the Farmácia Schenck to [6] .
Eberhard came in March in the Ijuí Synodalschulevon. There he was briefed on the merits of Mary and Laneure Malchen Laeur [7] , which was to be born as a Brazilian Diretora. "A sweet, round face was." With wife Laneures Ranking we were not completely satisfied. For dusting were good points and just for a good essay or a math work. And there has smoked it! Hoese aunt wanted to convey, but we could be in such method nor ambition for a good class room have?
them produce as that of a patriotic fire on 1 September was introduced, made with all students of Ijuí, and held on the day of honor guard at the symbolic fire that all the Semana da Patria [8] was maintained throughout. For the first time it was on 31 Aug / 1st Sept lit at midnight on the Praça. It was, as almost always in the Semana da Patria, very cold - and it was raining. The children had to take anyway by 23 clock. Eberhard told after that they wondered at that first meeting night did what and how much of each other anhätten it all - to supernatants of course the school uniform. Point 24 was hoisted the flag. The Prefäkt Ernildo Buehrer tried with a wick [9] to ignite the fire, but failed 3 times the match. Under cover of Prefeitura [10] succeeded at last! There were always 4 students or 4 students watch - at night all military conditions. Even the reichsdeustschew Eberhard with, made a Vormittagr at the behest of Prefäkten even 2 times because the replacement did not appear, (it was just lunch!) - After a brief interlude on the Chácara [11] of Clerysante Leite one was in the house the basket-maker pulled protest, which was shared with family Bruno Dombrowski. Again, it went to vertrüglich and comfortable. In addition to building the post office was temporarily housed, worked in the D and D ª ª Corinna Ema. Behind the house was a sloping garden, where a mud-slide was built.
But Eberhard had another plan: he built a small house, big enough that he could stand upright in it. Meanwhile, Dr. Rausch (Hungarian) become our neighbor, and who had Roentgen Radio Pictures in the Lixo thrown [12] . Eberhard she washed clean and set it as a window into his stall. Ulli him then, and standing beside his castle gecnipst written behind the photograph: "The desert Maurer and his work." was celebrated
In February very big carnival, and Eberhard had spent much time and skill to dress up in colorful and paint and to decorate with Pappherzchen. Late in the afternoon, he went on his way to the clubhouse. His mother did the fallen to come a little later, to see, but how she found her happy fellow? Loud and desperate tears and the one foot trampling on the other. Big, bad guys had it with perfume Lança injected [13] - between the legs! And that hurt! The mother said:
- Come home at once - not that she could see his need not cry, but such a funny presentation and then! This challenged the ridicule of the spectators! He also came immediately - but the disappointment was very big!
as washing using Miss Mama Leopoldina Dannenberg came to us - it was "Poldchen ', and a good soul. She had a little mashed figure had remained small, had short arms and legs, but powerful hips. When they feed once saw Eberhard Melcher, she warned:
- Ebi, do not eat as many bananas geb'n big ass.
Another popular phenomenon in Ijuí was the "Congo Velho", an ancient Negro, intelligent and always friendly. As the father was 45 years old, "said Eberhard, a German-Portuguese poetry and was also attracted 2ländisch: sailor blouse, straw hat, barefoot. He Chardonnay Barrique cufflinks in the form of bomba and cuia [14] .
O pai faz anos of today 'Por isso
rejoice' to see all folks
Quarenta e cinco, as much as he is old
Drum grita her "viva" that it sounds forte
We bought presentes, não muitos, mas bons
Since Gresham, Luchäse, Geiss de e de Nos Schenck
demos dir hoje zum ew’gen Gedenk [15]
Das hatte man in Compagnie zurechtgereimt, - allein machte der 11 ½ jähr. Eberhard seiner Mutter folgendes Gedicht:
Freu Dich, Mutti, freu Dich –
Sag’ zu allen „ja“
In der Welt so herrlich
Denn der Herr ist nah
Laß’ es Dir nicht grauen
In der grossen Erd’
Zum Herrn musst Du schauen
Damit Dein Werk was werd’.
So liebevollen Rat konnte man schon gebrauchen, denn in Europa hatte der 2. Weltkrieg begonnen.
Mit grosser Liebe Eberhard knew to pay. So he brought his mother with love and joy is a pudding mold, which represented a Milhokolben [16] , taken from the Polish, it was called the Cucurusa form. With its handful of nickels, he took part in search Ullrich gift, a very useful Kafeemühle. (1935) Full remembered him to be the wife of cable needle. He sold it to classmates of his German toys and came with 3 milreis to Mrs. Rev. Strothmann:
- I wanted my mother the Relief needle buy
- Yes, Eberhard, the costs but 4 milreis
- I got only 3,000, -
- Well, then I can go 1,000, - to put - said Woman pastor. The needle bore the inscription "Evangelical women aid of Rio Grande do Sul. be 1930 "and had in 1942 been replaced by another who had no German inscription, but the old needle lifts her mother still in her jewelry box.
1940 the father went to Porto Alegre, because it offered a port city but other income opportunities than in the interior. However, as not equal to a flat could be obtained, the rest of the family remained in Ijuí.
to DC earlier this year called Rev. Walter Scholz Lha 19 (Ajuricaba) Eberhard as aid, - Rev. Scholz was stuck with displaced flu to bed and needed someone who beim Futtern der vielen Rasseschweine half. Da hieß es Milho-Kolben abziehen. Einmal kam die Mutterunerwartet zu Besuch, da traf sie ihren Sohn im Schuppen mit scheinbar völlig weissen Haaren. Es lag aber nur Milhostaub darauf. Verk¨rzt hatte er sich die langweilige Arbeit, indem er Lider umgekehrt und gänzlich rückwärts singen konnte. Der Kranke wurde sehr leicht ungeduldig – es war eine schwere Zeit. Eberhard gestand, daß der Wandspruch ihn oft getröstet hätte: „Seid fröhlich in Hoffnung, geguldig in Trübsal, haltet an am Gebet“ – es wurde 1941 sein Konfirmationsspruch. Und eines Tages schickte der 11 jährige einen Brief nach Hause, in dem geschrieben stand: „Ich möchte become a priest. My decision is final. Please, it still says no, but Aunt Olga Weckerle and Hate. "Hate aunt said he was still a bit too young to take a such decision. But Mrs. Weckerle exclaimed
- Oh yeah! That's right - and when I am old, then he writes me letters edifying! In October Ijuí
celebrated its 50th anniversary, it was generously prepared a versatile exhibition - it was even allowed to speak German on the large grounds and in the giant hall. Visitors began arriving in large numbers. Eberhard also wrote from Linha 19: "Many, many cars drive by here for exhibition, but for I is not a cookie! "
Then he was one day but came as a surprise, unfortunately horribly hobbling. At one aüsserst sensitive spot in the middle of the foot, he had a ring of sand flea nests. Accompanied by many tears, a nest was taken out after the other, so the boy could occur at least. The exhibition drove a bus, a whole new thing for Ijuí. Eberhard received the necessary two milreis for a round-trip, but he came running back, so the foot had improved. He was very enthusiastic from the show - she liked in well above expectations.
When the new school year began, Eberhard returned home - and because the boy took Rev. Godfrey Scheele for his very lively Gerhard (?). In return, Eberhard Latin. Holiday, there were only very sparingly, and then taught Eberhard it so that he could hear Hans Fritsche, gave the German daily war report. Woman Rev. Scheele, heavy diabetic and her second Child expectant, behaved in the utmost reserve to their "home son" - for days they spoke only the bare necessities with him. come too late because it was a homecoming Saturday differences. Eberhard came crying back by 10 clock "they will not let me clean." Father was in Porto Alegre, the mother discussed the matter with Ulli, and was of the opinion: "Enough!" - There was then the next day still a sensible debate with Rev. Scheele, but the mother stayed with her decision.
- But as the boy is so talented, I want him to pass Latin lessons.
- This is considered very noble of you to pastor, but we do not assume.
approved Fortunately father in the next letter of the decisions taken. Fortunately, they stayed - to the amazement of many - in proportion to the pastor.
The confirmation was scheduled for a Sunday of Advent, but could not make it so free Vate. As offered Rev. Scheele, Eberhard alone on 28 December einzusegnen, un able to get the father to Ijuí. It was a solemn, unclouded day.
On 11 January was due now moved to Porto Alegre - instead of Tristeza. Because Rosa Wegener - Gonçalves, married to the father she inherited the house.
came out as a declaration of war between Germany and Brazil, and on 30 January, father arrested as an alleged spy and picked up in a taxi. 10 days he spent under the roof of the central police and was then at midnight in the Casa da Correção [17] placed.
It was a difficult time for all of us, yet again streckte Gott seine hilfreiche Hand aus. Ein grosser Druck wurde Vater von der Seele genommen, als nach 3 Wochen Frau und Sohn ins Zuchthaus zu Besuch für eine volle Stunde kamen und sogar deutsch sprechen durften. Eberhard verhielt sich so tapfer, daß sein Vater um vieles getröstet den Rest der Gefangenschaft besser ertragen konnte. Trotz hilfreicher Nachbarn musste natürlich sehr gespart werden, aber das war doch eine besonders liebevolle Leistung, daß Eberhard den Weg von P. Raspes zu Fuß nach Hause machte. Er brachte von dort Eier und ein Weissbrot mit, und damals hatten Raspes noch nicht selbst gespürt, was es heisst, in Händen der Polizei zu sein [18] . Eberhard gestand daß das Schlimmste am Wege die Av. Getúlio Vargas had been, it is more than 1 ½ miles long, - but full of joy he gave to his mother back the saved 700 rice. As e on 6 March with a package of pie wife Else Matz came home - he had Jorge Weckerle mitgefeiert birthday - was the father returned home and free.
After he had a little geunden deal, he began again to work in gardens, and Eberhard agreed to the proposal to help him. As it was said: ran in hard work! But it was not without its benefits for body and mind. Even with social insights it enriched the year.
A particularly nice work mate was (his Capataz! [19] ) Arlindo. He was ashamed not tell that one of his Großm Data Sheets still wore the ring through the nose. He himself had visited the school and read books occasionally. He told the legend of the Trojan horse. Eberhard knew some supplement! Arlindo da very surprised and said
- There are so many books och! But the fact that we have both just read the same book!
One of the nicest Kundenbeanntschaften Edith Wolf was - and a bar of chocolate also plays a role! - In the Garden of Alfredo Bemvinda Glitz and he had also ran hard - "Stars" pick out from the Grama - and for 1 milreis he has washed them and the car. In Ipanema at Ibanez him his leather trunks with pasta was stolen from us Mother's Clock! As
then came Christmas approaching, brought a package from Hans Günther Naumann Strothmann from São Leopoldo. As discussed was that Eberhard would like to study theology, but it was not financially possible to put Mr. Naumann in São Leopoldo for him, P. Strothmann made a sort Fiador [20] , and you could Eberhard in March 1943 the Proseminar belong. After a short time he was transferred to a higher class. Every 1st Sunday of the month he was allowed to come home - often times he brought friends.
In the holidays he vediente sometimes with Cruzeiro Coping saw, which obeyed him better than the pencil. For Hannele Schenck he sawed colorful wreaths as coloring pages for calendar - for Jung's dollhouse furniture. 2 days before Christmas, he bought a pair of sunglasses. When the mother said,
- Sun buys something man is not really just before the festival itself - I almost had you a worried - because he immediately replied:
- Well, I know that I am not 16 for Cr. At Christmas get - how great was his astonishment when a leather case came under the Christmas table out! This case has been through some travel to and from Sao Leopoldo, and proved to be very necessary. But on a long journey he has "his Lord "unaccompanied: the drive to Santa Cruz by bicycle. The colleague, Eberhard Frank and Richard Mayer had gone by train, so did the bike ride due overexertion not participated. Certainly, the driver has met on the way good people, but it was a bad thing, in which the heart was very strained. As cheerful reminder then participation has remained at the ball, the one when Mr. Schulz "join in, the other had to be told that he was a" would cabeça de zebu " [21] .
Some times it was also the love Strothmann to CAI, where Eberhard came to the realization
- If it could have been so fitted with age, I think I would have fell for Aunt Erika, too! - Then Pastor:
- Eberhard Yes, I am because you lost? - Eberhard had a talent to express themselves sometimes comical. So there was a stamp: "100 years of legal courses" and another: "200 years of coffee tree as a new release it should be shown, he said;
- I know already: 100 years of legal coffee tree.
In his speech, he was on the whole clear and without trim - his writing style, yes, he often wrote "in tongues", and you had to guess, the father said, "hieroglyphics." For Lizzie Dhein Hchzeit
should recite the 8-year-old poem, which he be present: Chardonnay Barrique wooden spoon.
- Mom, do it please do so with sacred religious marriage, I do not like to say.
He was then quite right, as he was allowed to push away the basket with the spoons and to said: "For Deubel with the whole mess." When he was younger, he called to his cheeky little sister once
- The audacity I refuse to tolerate, let me! - It was between the two often quarreled lively. In later times the mother was much more peaceful aud that it was received between the two. To a question, there was the answer:
- I'm finally a Christian, and it's better if we are well tolerated.
hung In general, the four siblings each other very, to the delight of their parents. That will also help to ensure that Eberhard will be memories of his childhood and youth a joyous.
(page 63)
[1] This Wulfhild Sydow: I suspect that many German inflation in the period of the overdue taxes or pay their debts could not because the inflation galloping at breakneck speed. Nevertheless, in order to get the money, it went to court. When was there held that the claim was right, then a sworn public official, namely the "bailiff", sent to recover the debt. (He took what the court had decided, therefore, the title "bailiff"). Was no money on the debtor available (which was usually the case), then were just substitute valuables taken from the budget, such as jewelry, paintings, furniture, furs, etc. This process is called "attachment", because instead of an expensive " deposit was collected. In these times of "runaway inflation", there was also a very high number of unemployed - with the exception of "bailiff" who had his hands full of work to collect the receivables and therefore were not threatened by unemployment. This little episode is meant, of course, the author of the biography of ironic when she writes that "an army of 10,000 bailiffs" at that Time was.
[2] horses grazing
[3] Laranjen a German pluralization is the portugiesichen "laranja", the heist, orange or orange; à vontade "means" as much as you want. "
[4] start jump and at least 400m swim in a maximum of 25 minutes, of which 300 m in prone and 100 m in the supine position, twice approximately 2 m deep diving on the water surface with bringing up an object, distance diving 10 meters jump of 3 m-board, knowledge of rules and self-rescue swimming
[5] = Caminhao trucks
[6] Since we have three things in one sentence: 1. With Lha 19 is meant höstwarscheinlich Linha 19, the heist, line 19. Previously, the fields were divided into lines, and gave in every line there dan the peasant owners. 2. Ernearbeit = harvesting? 3. = Pharmacy Farmácia in Portuguese.
[7] About this name I'm not sure. Times have to ask someone who understands Hildegard's handwriting better.
[8] = Semana da Patria Fatherland weeks
[9] fuse. In Portuguese = pavio.
[10] = Prefeitura Japanischer town hall. Prefäkt = mayor.
[11] = Chácara Farm, Farm
[12] = Lixo Abfall auf portugiesisch
[13] Lança perfume ist eine Art Spray mit Rauschmitteln, zusammengesetzt aus Ether, Chloroform, Chlorethan und Duftstoffen (Parfüm). Zum ersten mal 1906 im Karneval von Rio de Janeiro, ab 1961 verboten (aber heute noch aus Argentinien oder Paraguai ins Land geschmuggeld)
[14] cuia ist ein Teil eines flaschenförmigen Kürbis das als Becher für einen südamerikanischen indianischen Chimarrão oder Mate (Ilex paraguaiensis), ein Aufussgetränk das durch ein verziertes Metalrohr (bomba) gesaugt wird. Siehe inter dem Wort „Mate“ in
[15] Vater, ser macht Jahre heut,/ deswegen freu’n all folks / 45 as much as he eird old / Drum call ye, "he should Lebeb" that it sounds loud / we buy presents, not many, but good / from Gresham, Luchäse, Geiss and Schenck / we give you today to eternal memorial
[16] Milhokolben = corn = corn = Kukurydza zwyczajna in Austria in Poland
[17] Casa da Correção = prison
[18] The was away from Raspes determined to Sydow longer than 10 km
[19] overseer
[20] = Fiador guarantee
[21] = Cabeça de Zebu bull head